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Morgan George Watkins, Collections towards the history and antiquities of the county of Hereford. In continuation of Duncumb’s history. Hundred of Huntington ... (Hereford: 1898).

[Pages 1-9 not transcribed]

10 COUNTY OF HEREFORD PARISH OF CLIFFORD. CLIFFORD is bounded on the North by Whitney andWinforton, South by Cusop, East by Dorstone and Bredwardine,and on the West by Clyro and Hay. It is separated fromRadnorshire by the Wye. The name of the parish is evidently derived from its situation,its Castle standing on an eminence overlooking a shallow in theriver below. In the reign of Edward the Confessor, Cliford, (asDomesday calls it,)* was unenclosed and uncultivated. Itspossessor at that time was Bruning, who was displaced at theConquest and Clifford was given by the King to William Fitzosbornof Crepon, a relative and one of the Conqueror's companions in theexpedition to this country. This William was the first NormanEarl of Hereford. He erected a strong Castle here on the rightbank of the river, founding it on a rock rising almost perpendicularlyfrom the water to a considerable height.† Some authorities thinkthat he only repaired Clifford Castle, but the account in DomesdayBook appears decisive on the subject. He married Adeline, or,(according to other records), Maud, daughter of Roger de Todeni,sometimes called de Tony, who was of a noble family in Normandy.By her he had issue three sons and three daughters. He was slainin the contest for the Earldom of Flanders, 1070. His eldest son,William, being provided for in Normandy, Ralph de Todeni, thesecond son, held Clifford when Domesday Book was compiled, but itseems probable that Roger, the third son, afterwards acquired it onhis brother becoming a monk in the Abbey of Cormeilles which theirfather had founded. It is thus surveyed in Domesday. TERRA RADULPHI DE TODENI. "Item tenet Castellum de Cliford. Wills comes fecit illud inwasta terra quam tenebat Bruning tempore Regis Edwardi. Ibihabit Radulphus terram ad 3 car; sed non est nisi 1 car. IlludCastellum est de regno Anglie; non subjacet alicui hundr., nequein consuetudine. Gislebertus vice-comes tenet illud ad firmam etburgum et car. De toto reddit 60 solidos._________________________________________________________________ * A modernised form of its Roman name "clivus fortis." † He also built castles at Wigmore and Ewias Harold.
 PARISH OF CLIFFORD 11 In hac castellaria tenet Rogerus terram ad 4 car; et Drogo ad5 car; et Osbertus ad 2 car. Hi habent in dominio 9 car; et 16burgenses et 13 boradios et 5 Walenses et 6 servos et 4 ancillas etmolendin reddentem 3 modios annonae, et 4 bovarii ibi sunt. Intertot: quod habent val: 8 libras et 5 solidos; et isti et quicunquealii habent aliquid ibi de Radulfo tenent. + + + ln eademcastellaria tenet Rogerus de Laci 4 car: terre. Pater ejus tenuit.Wastae fuerunt et sunt." From this account it appears that the Castle and lands were notattached to any Hundred, nor subject to usual customs, but thatthey were held immediately under the crown of England, that theland held by Ralph had formerly consisted of three carucates,(generally understood to contain a hundred acres each), but now wasonly one carucate, that Gislebertus held it to farm together with thetown, (burgum), or village, and that its value was sixty shillings, thatRoger had four, Drogo five, and Osbert two carucates of the landsattached to the Castle, and that they also had in demesne, nine othercarucates, with sixteens burgesses (or inhabitants) under them, 13borderers who resided on the extreme parts of the territory. Theyhad also under them five Welch men, six man-servants, four maids,four cattle keepers, and a mill yielding three gallons of flour. Thesem*n occup8ied three carucates. The value of the whole was eightpounds and five shillings. They held also with other tenants anotherportion of land belonging to the lord, and Roger de Laci had fourcarucates which has father held before him. These four carucateswere waste land and so remained when Domesday survey wascompiled. It has already been noticed that Rogcr the younger brother ofRalph de Todeni seems to have succeeded to the property andCastle here when Ralph became a monk at Cormeilles. This Rogersucceeded his father in the Earldom of Hereford as well as in thepaternal estates; but, joining with the Earl of Norfolk in a conspiracyagainst William Rufus, their enterprise was defeated andtheir possessions confiscated. Clifford was then granted by the Crown to Walter,* son ofRichard Fitz Pontz, who was lineally descended from Richard, Dukeof Normandy. Dugdale states that this Walter married Margaret,______________________________________________________________________ * Collins, Peerage.
12 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.daughter of Ralph de Todeni and obtained the manor by thisalliance. Walter made Clifford Castle his residence and was thefirst to be created Baron Clifford with the inherited Baronies ofDe Vipont, Westmorland and De Vesci. From him the Earlsof Cumberland of that name, who flourished from the reign ofHenry VIII to that of Charles I derive their origin; as also thenoble family of Clifford, which is a collateral branch of the aboveand was created 1672 A.D. He was Custos of the royal Castles inthis County and was on three occasions Sheriff of Herefordshire. By his wife, Margaret, Walter had issue two sons and twodaughters; (1), Walter his heir; (2), Richard de Clifford, Lord ofFrampton in Gloucestershire. His daughters were Rosamond, thecelebrated mistress of Henry II.; and Lucia, who married Hugh,Lord Say, a powerful Baron who possessed and resided at Richard'sCastle in this County. She married secondly Bartholomew one ofthe Mortimer's of Wigmore. Walter the second, the eldest son, succeeded his father in 1221and was one of the powerful Barons in the Marches. He marriedAgnes, daughter and heiress of Roger de Conde', Lord of Covenbyand Glentham in Lincolnshire, and had issue five sons, viz., Walter,Roger, Richard, Simon, and Giles. Walter and Agnes granted nine acres in their Manor ofMiddlewood and also common of pasture in Middlewood and landsin Winforton to Friar Stephen of the Hermitage in the islandof Winforton. This Walter de Clifford was Sheriff of Herefordshirefour times and, dying in 7th Henry III, was succeeded by his eldestson. Walter de Clifford third, on his father's death because possessedof his lands and honours. He married as his second wife, Margaret,daughter of Llewellyn Prince of Wales, and widow of John deBraose. She died 1265 A.D., and was interred in the Priory Churchof Aconbury in this County. By her he had issue a daughter,Idonea, who married William de Longspee, third Earl of Salisbury,descended from Henry II. by Rosamond Clifford, and her greatgrandson,and Maud, who married John Giffard and brought theCastle and property into his possessions. Walter, as an influentialLord Marcher, was frequently employed in resisting the predatoryinvasions of the Welsh. At the coronation of Queen Eleanor hewith other Baron Marchers claimed the right of carrying the canopy
 PARISH OF CLIFFORD. 13which belonged to the Barons of tile Cinque Ports. Taking partin the rebellion of Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, his lands wereconfiscated and himself outlawed, but he regained the King's favour,Clifford Castle with his other lands were restored and for manyyears he enjoyed the confidence of the King. In 1271 the King being informed by letter from Matilda deLongspee that John Giffard of Brymsfield had taken her by force fromher Manor-house * and since kept her under restraint at his Castleof Brymsfield, ordered his immediate attendance at Court to give anexplanation of his conduct. As he denied that he had taken thelady by force and was detaining her contrary to her wishes certaintrustworthy members of the household were instructed to have aninterview with Matilda and obtain her account of the circ*mstances.At this time Giffard suggested a friendly arrangement and paid 300marks as a fine for contracting marriage without license, an amountdeemed sufficient should Matilda neither deny nor repudiate anengagement. After a month's delay, the King was informed thatMatilda was enfeebled by illness, and that she was unable to appearbefore him, and therefore deputed "our beloved and faithful Nicholasde Yattenden and Peter de Chaumprient to ascertain diligently at apersonal interview the truth of the matter as regards the wishes ofMatilda so as to render a satisfactory account, and at a future daywhen Matilda is able to travel to Court, she shall certify the actualcirc*mstances of her complaint."† Whether this contemplated interview took place may be doubted,as the aged monarch died the following year, but that the Ladyaccepted the Lord of Brymsfield as her second husbands is establishedby the fact that, when in the next reign, Giffard was required bywrit of Quo Warranto to prove his right to hold pleas of the Crownand exact free pledge in his Manor of Clifford, and to inclose finesfor breaches of the assize of bread and ale, and the exercise of freewarren in his Manor of Merebach, he pleaded that Merebach wasappurtenant to the Manor of Clifford, which, with its appurtenancesbelonged to Matilda, his late wife, by whom he had issue, by virtuewhereof he held the Manor during life by the courtesy of England,and that, as all the alleged privileges were appurtenant to the Manor,______________________________________________________________________ * "Was ever woman in this humour wooed? Was ever woman in this humour won? "--(Rich. III., i. 2). † Rymer.
14 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.he was unable to prove title unless Margaret, wife of Henry de Lacy,Catherine, wife of Nicholas d'Audley, Alianor and Matilda, sisters ofCatherine to whom the Manor belonged were summoned as codefendants,and that Alianor and Catherine were not of full age.The Attorney General contended that such provisions were soannexed to the Crown that they could not be exercised by a subject,except by special grant, which the defendant did not aver, and heclaimed the verdict for the King. He further insisted that JohnGiffard had imposed fines for such breaches of tile law, and appropriatedthe monies to his own use, an accusation denied by thedefendants, and on the question being submitted to a Jury, theirverdict was given to Giffard. The substantial point in dispute wasadjourned to the Assizes at Shrewsbury, in the same year, whereMatilda appeared and satisfied the Judges Itinerant as to her minority,whereupon the litigation was postponed until she had attained herfull age. Additional particulars are not on record. In A.D. 1297,John Giffard, being summoned with others holding lands inHerefordshire and Salop, of £20 annual value and upwards,admitted his liability to render military service for one Knight'sFee due from his own freeholds, and for two due from the estate ofhis late wife. On the decease of John Giffard in 1299, after foundingGloucester Hall, Oxford, in 1283, there was a Chancery decreeby consent of his heirs for the partition of tile estates of MatildaLongspee among her co-heiresses. The Castle, Manor, and Honourof Clifford, with the hamlets of Middlewood and Brodemere and theirappurtenances, a ferry over the Wye, and tile Manor of Glasbury,were allotted to Margaret, the eldest daughter, and her husband,Henry Lacy, Earl of Lincoln. These were charged with the annuityOf £27 16s. 2d., and the Manor of Glasbury, with its appurtenancesin the same County, with a charge thereon of £10 9s. of annual rent,with all military rights advowsons of Churches and all lands held byher late mother, Matilda, in dowry. The children of her secondmarriage, Katherine wife of Nicholas de Audley, Eleanor wife ofFulke Strange and Matilda Giffard had their respective portionsfrom lands in Salop and Wales. (Inq. p. m. 27 Ed. I, No. 55). On the decease of Margaret her portion was held by the Earl ofSalisbury until his decease in 1311, as parcel of the Earldom. (Inq.p. m. 4 Edw. 2, No. 51). This Earl, one of the most eminent
 PARISH OF CLIFFORD 15persons of his age left an only daughter and heiress, Alice de Lacy,who married, first, Thomas Plantagenet, Earl of Lancaster. Hedied in 1321. Next she married Eubold le Strange (Inq. p. m.9 Edw. 3, No. 42), and thirdly Hugh de Frecnes. She assumedthe titles of Countess of Lincoln and Salisbury, but died withoutissue in 1348. It is asserted by some writers that her two lasthusbands jure uxoris were known as Earls of Lincoln. The following notices carry on the history of the manor:- Walter de Clifford, Junior, was Custos of Royal Castles in theCounty of Hereford and on the Welsh border and held the shrievaltyof the County of Hereford in 1199. He wrote to King Johnenumerating those who remained opposed to the royal power in theCounty of Hereford, and requesting his aid against the Welsh whomeditated another attack on the termination of the truce.* At the decease of the Countess of Lincoln without any knownrelatives, Clifford manor with Glasbury passed to the Crown, and areamong the manors enumerated in an Escheator's enquiry in 1329.In 1331 Nicholas de Cantilupe brought an action against NicholasL'Estrange with regard to the Castle and Manor of Clifford, itsadvowson and that of Glasbury which Alice L'Estrange held forher life. It was agreed that Plaintiff should hold for his life withremainder to Defendant and his heirs. (Fines, Co. Hereford, No. 223). Ralph Spigurnel held when he died in 1373 these manors.(Inq. p. m. 46 Edw. III, Nos. 51 and 68.) In 1382 the Castle and Manor of Clifford are included amongthe estates of Edmund, Earl of March and Philippa his Countess.Later in the reign of Richard II he also held Bredwartdyn, Brodemedowrents, Middlewood, Castleton estate, Bromfield, Wigmore,Lenthall, Lenthall Starks Manor, Burrington, Pembridge Manor,Presthend, Presteign, Malmeshull and La Noke. After the death of Roger Mortimer (22nd King Rich. II,) itappeared he died seized of these lands and manors in the County;the Castle and dominions of Wigmore and Clifford, the Manors ofEarlestone, Orleton, Northwood, Wolfreton, Mawrdyn, Matonsheel-Lacyand Wynfreton, two parts of the Manor of Much Marcle and oflands in Moke Colinton, Bredwardyn and Little Cowarne. Henry IV in 1404 granted to Robert Whiteney, in consequenceof his father and many of his relatives having been killed in the__________________________________________________________________* Calendar of Royal Letters, No. 381, App. ii. to 5th Report of Public Records.
16 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.royal service and his property burnt by the Welsh rebels, the Castleof Clifford and the lordships of Clifford and Glasbury. "So alwaysthat the said Robert has repaired the aforesaid Castle and tarries inthe same in the defence and keeping safe of the Castle and lordshipsaforesaid." (See Transactions of Woolhope Club, 1889, p. 369). 1437. Alicia quae fuit uxor Thomae Barre, Militis, ten. die quoobiit Clifford cas. et maner; Dorstone cast. et maner; Tybertonmaner. She married secondly Richard de la Bere who held by thecourtesy of England. 1513. Richard Cornewall, Esquire of the Body, was appointedSteward of the lordship of Clifford, Glasbury and Winforton in theMarches of Wales and Constable of the Castle of Clifford. RalphHakluyt held the same with him on a salary of £4 11s. In 1590the name of Ralph Hakluyt was ordered to be included in thegeneral pardon from which he had been excepted. In 1547 theManor of Clifford was granted to Lord Clinton. Anthony Bourchier, Esq., did homage for the Manor of Cliffordin 1547. It was demised in 1568 by Bourchier to Richard Trotman;and in 1592 was alienated by John Fortescue to Eustace Whitney.In 1609 Eustace Whitney alienated it to Sir Roger Bodenham andothers in trust, while in 1623 it was again aliened by Sir RobertWhitney to Constance Lucy and Richard Lucy, Esq., as a deed fortheir marriage settlement. Clifford Park belonged to Whitney. In 1686 John D. Colt andMary his wife and Anne Smallman, spinster, sold to Robt. Price,Esquire, of Lincoln's Inn, trees in Clifford Park for £120. The Honour of Clifford contained the Manors of Kilkington,Rochford, Dyndor, Bradford in Leominster, Ford, Hampton,Hamnish, Home, Brimfield, Dewsall. Simon Hyett held lands inKilpeck and Holme Lacy which he demised to John Scudamore, alsoa manor called Whitney in tile Honour of Clifford and six messuages,seven hundred acres of land, forty-three of meadow and eighty ofpasture, forty of wood and forty shillings of rent and four messuagesand lands in Frogashe. Clifford Castle stands on a picturesque eminence deposited bythe Wye which ages before the Plantagenets swept over the sitewhere the ruins are now crumbling to decay. During the excavationsmade for the railway along the base of this hill a "kitchen midden"was disclosed containing many bones all of existing animals. The
 PARISH OF CLIFFORD. 17The Castle grounds are now included in two acres of an irregularform. The site of the Castle consists of inner and outer wards andtheir earthworks. A tower and the ruins of walls some six feetthick, with a string course in excellent preservation and two garderobes, from what remains of the inner ward, which is about ahundred feet square. To the north of this lies the outer court,defended on the west by the river bank and on the other sides byditches, scarps and curtains. In the centre of allis outer ward a,mound of earth full of stones probably points to tile site of a toweror enclosure. South of the inner ward are earthworks of a triangularform, some thirty yards along each side. In all probability theseearthworks were strongly defended by wooden palisades after thefashion of a New Zealand "pah," and may have been used agesbefore the Castle was built beside them. The Chancel of the CastleChapel was standing in 1657, and was situated on the east side ofthe outer ward. The Castle itself was only tenanted occasionally inthe 15th century. It would be impossible in connection with Clifford to forget FairRosamond ("spectatissima"), daughter of Walter de Clifford, andMargaret, daughter of Ralph de Toni, and grand-daughter ofRichard Fitz Pons, ancestor of the Clifford family. Numerousmyths have been told of her by writers who lived after her time, suchas the Maze om which King Henry II kept her at Woodstock, andthe manner in which she died at the hands of the Queen, who foundher way in by means of a silken clue. These stories will be brieflyalluded to and then left to poets and romances. In spite of her highlineage, Rosamond must often have wished "Would I had been some maiden coarse and poor, O me, that I should ever see the light! Those dragon eyes of angered Eleanor Do hunt me, day and night." Hearne denounced this story of the dagger and the bowl as afiction. Wood tells how Fair Rosamond was buried in the Church,at Godstowe, 1177, but was afterwards by order of St. Hugh, Bishopof Lincoln, in 1191, removed from the Chancel to the Chapter Houseof the nuns. Her tomb here bore the famous inscription:-- Hic jacet in tumulo Rosa Mundi non Rosa Munda; Non redolet sed olet quai redolere solet;
18 COUNTY OF HEREFORD. Which Fuller translates:-- "This tomb doth enclose the world's fair Rose so sweet and full of favour, And smell she doth now, but you may guess how, none of the sweetest savour." Originally it had been painted with figures of birds, beasts, andfishes. Her bones are said to have been wrapped in leather andcovered with lead. Her father and mother were buried by her side,and Walter gave many gifts to the nunnery. Among these was, forthe health of his soul and of his wife Margaret and of his daughterRosamond, his mill at Frampton, except his own toll, and Richard,his son, to whom the Manor was left gave the toll due from his ownhouse. Fair Rosamond herself left a cope to Buildwas Abbey withthe legend round its skirt. "Rosamunda Clifford propriis manibusme fecit."* As a national ballad the poetical account of Fair Rosamond fallsshort of the interest of Chevy Chase, but retains the prolixity of thatwell-known composition. The importance however which provinciallyattaches to the memory of Fair Rosamond may excuse its insertion,more especially as it deals with the principal events of her life. It isprinted in Dodsley's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, from fourcopies in black letter, two of which were in the Pepys Llbrary. When as King Henry rulde this land, The Second of that name, Besides the Queene he dearly lovde, A faire and comely dame. Most peerlesse was her beautye found, Her favour and her face; A sweeter creature in this worlde Could never Prince embrace. Her crisped lockes like threads of gold Appeared to each man's sight; Her sparkling eyes, like Orient pearles, Did cast a heavenlye light. The blood within her chrystal cheekes Did such a colour drive, As though the lillie and the rose For mastership did strive.________________________________________________________________________* See Hearne's Collections; I. p. 202 (O.H.S.), II. p. 392 seq. Wood's Life and times I.,341, p. (O.H.S.) and "Rosamond Clifford" in Dictionary of National Biography. See forpedigree of Clifford, Eyton Antiquities of Shropshire, 1857, Vol. V., p. 147, and for FairRosamond, pp. 148, 149-152, 161, 162. She died about 1175-6, (Eyton.) For her portraitsee Robinson's Castles of Herefordshire, p. 26.
 PARISH OF CLIFFORD. 19 Yea Rosamonde, fair Rosamonde, Her name was called so; To whom our Queene, dame Ellinor, Was known a deadlye foe. The King, therefore, for her defence Against the furious Queene, At Woodstocke builded such a bower, The like was never seene. Most curiously that bower was built Of stone and timber strong, An hundred and fifty doors Did to this bower belong. And they so cunningly contrived With turnings round about, That none but with a clue of thread Could enter in or out. And for his love and ladyes sake That was so faire and brighte, The keeping of this bower he gave Unto a valiant Knight. But fortune that doth after frowne Where she before did smile; The Kinges delighte and ladyes joy Full soon she did beguile. For why, the Kinge's ungracious sonne, Whom he did high advance, against his father raised warres the realme of France. But yet before our comely King, The English land forsooke, Of Rosamond, his lady faire His farewelle thus he tooke; "My Rosamond, my only Rose, That pleasest best my eye; The fairest flower in all the worlde To feed my fantasye; The flower of mine affected heart, Whose sweetness doth excell; My Royal Rose, a thousand times I bid thee now farewelle! For I must leave my fairest flower, My sweetest Rose, a space, And cross the sea to famous France Proud rebelles to abase. And yet, my Rose, be sure thou shalt My coming shortly see, And in my heart when hence I am, I'll bear my Rose with mee."
20 COUNTY OF HEREFORD. When Rosamond, that ladye brighte, Did hear the King say soe, The sorrowe of her grieved heart Her outward lookes did showe. And from her clear and chrystal eyes The teares gusht out apace, Which like the silver-pearled dewe Ranne down her comely face. Her lippes, erst like the corall redde, Did wax both wan and pale; And for the sorrow she conceivede Her vital spirits faile; And falling down all in a swoon Before King Henrye's face, Full oft he in his princelye arms Her bodye did embrace. And twentye times, with watery eyes, He kist her tender cheeke, Untill he had revivde againe Her senses milde and meeke. "Why grieves my Rose, my sweetest Rose?" The King did often say; "Because," quothe she, "to bloodye warres My Lord must part awaye. But since your Grace on foreign coastes, Among your foes unkinde, Must goe to hazard life and limbe, Why should I staye behinde? Nay, rather let me, like a page, Your sworde and target beare, That on my breast the blowes may lighte Which would offend you there. Or lett me in your royal tent Prepare your bed at nighte, And with sweet baths refresh your Grace At your returne from fighte. So I your presence may enjoye, No toil I will refuse; But wanting you, my life is death, Nay, death I'd rather chuse." "Content yourself, my dearest love, Thy rest at home shall bee, In England's sweet and pleasant isle, For travell fits not thee. Faire ladyes brooke not bloodye warres, Soft peace their sex delightes, Not rugged campes, but courtlye bowers, Gay feastes, not cruel fightes.
 PARISH OF CLIFFORD. 21 My Rose shall safely here abide, With musicke passe the daye; Whilst I amonge the piercing pikes My foes seeke far awaye. My Rose shall shine in pearle and golde Whilst I'm in armour dighte, Gay galliards here my love shall dance Whilst I my foes goe fighte. And you, Sir Thomas, whom I truste To bee my love's defence, Be carefull of my gallant Rose, When I am parted hence." And therewithall he fetcht a sigh As though his heart would breake, And Rosamonde for very griefe Not one plain word could speake. And at their parting well they mighte In heart be grieved sore; After that daye faire Rosamonde The king did see no more. For when his Grace had past the seas And into France was gone, With envious heart Queene Ellinor To Woodstocke came anone. And forth she calls this trustye knyhte In an unhappy houre; Who with his clue of twined thread Came from this famous bower. And when that they had wounded him, The queene this thread did gette, And went where Ladye Rosamonde Was like an angell sette. And when the Queene with stedfast eye Beheld her beauteous face, She was amazed in her minde At her exceeding grace. "Cast off from thee these robes," she said, "That rich and costlye bee; And drink thou up this deadlye draught, Which I have brought to thee." Then ferventlye upon her knees Sweet Rosamonde did falle, And pardon of the Queene she crav'd For her offences all. "Take pitty on my youthful yeares," Fair Rosamonde did crye, "And let me not with poison stronge Enforced be to dye.
22 COUNTY OF HEREFORD. I will renounce my sinfull life And in some cloister bide, Or else be banisht, if you please, To range the world soe wide. And for the fault which I have done, Though I was forcd theretoe, Preserve my life and punish mee As you think meet to doe." And with these words her lillie handes She wrunge full often there, And downe along her lovelye face Did trickle many a teare. But nothing could this furious Queene Therewith appeased bee; The cup of deadly poison stronge, As shee knelt on her knee, She gave this comelye dame to drinke, Who tooke it in her hand, And from her bended knee arose And on her feet did stande; And casting up her eyes to Heaven She did for mercy calle. And drinking up the poison stronge, Her life she lost withalle; And when that Death through everye limbe Had showde its greatest spite, Her chiefest foes did plaine confesse She was a glorious wight. Her body then they did entombe When life was fled awaye, At Godstowe, near to Oxford towne, As may be seen this daye. Among the Manors of Clifford are the Moor, Newton, Middlewood,Upper Court, Bach, Lower Court, Rackford, and Hardwick.The Dew family are now (1895) Lords of the Manor. TomkynsDew in 1835 appointed a gamekeeper as being Lord of the Manor ofClifford. In 1895 the Whitney Court and Clifford Estate, about2,500 acres was put up to sale but failed to find a purchaser. It washowever in October, 1897, disposed of to James Hope, Esq. Someearthworks, probably pre-historic, on a hill in this parish are knownas Mouse Castle. A hawk-chamber existed over the porch until oflate to be seen at the Moor, and among the groves of the family ofPenoyre is still a Hawkwood and a heronry.*____________________________________________________________________* Webb's Abstract of Bishop de Swinfield's Roll (Camden Soc., 1855, p. 226.)
 PARISH OF CLIFFORD. 23 A warrant of the High Sheriff, dated Hereford, 22nd June,1645, requires Mr. Penoyre and John Higgins to enlist 37 able- bodied men within the Parish of Clifford. A long duck gun is stillpreserved at The Moor, the family seat of the Penoyres, with which,it used to be said by aged persons at the end of last century, that aScot was shot from the walls, as he was sitting outside or on thetrenches, combing his hair. Thomas Penoyre was grievously plun- dered, 8th September, 1648, by the Roundheads. (See Memorials ofthe Civil War. By J. Webb, II, 374, 392, 431, 376). The family of Penoyre or Penoir, originally from Cornwall, wereseated at The Moor in this Parish from the reign of Charles I.John Penoyre, aged 28, of this parish married in 1682 Mary Probert,also of Clifford and 28 years of age. Thomas Penoyre, born 1694,graduated at St. John's, Cambridge, A.B. 1719, was Sheriff of theCounty in 1756, and died sine prole, March, 1783.* He wassucceeded in his estate by his nephew Thomas Stallard, of Leaden- hall Street and of Streatham, who was eldest son of ----- Stallard, ofLower Hill, near Leominster, and Ann, sister of Mr. Penoyre.Mr. Stallard assumed the name and arms of Penoyre, was Sheriff ofthe Couuty in 1791, and died at Streatham, aged 92. His brotherEdmund succeeded but did not long enjoy the estate, dyinglst February, 1824, aet 88. He devisecl The Moor to FrancisRigby Broadbelt, M.D., of Batheaston Villa, son and heir ofF. R. B., late of Spanish Town, Jamaica, M.D., and Anne Gardnerhis wife, daughter and co-heir of Thomas Penoyre of that island,who died a widow aet 76, at Tenby, September, 1827, on conditionthat they and their issue used the names of Stallard-Penoyre afterthat of Broadbelt, for which the Royal License was granted inMarch, 1824. John Penoyre, of Clifford, aet 21, married Anne Parsons, aet 26in 1716. In 1756 Penoyre Watkins, the Under Sheriff of Herefordshirewas attorney for the plaintiff in a case tried at Hereford and threeof the Jury were relatives, by which means the plaintiff obtained theverdict. It was set aside however by the Court. (Cowper's Reports,p. 112). Mrs. Stallard Penoyre's daughter married first, 23rd September,____________________________________________________________________* See Nicholls' Literary Anecdotes for references to Mr. T. Penoyre, "a county squire ofthe eighteenth century."
24 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.1830, at Cheltenham, the Rev. John Leyson, Rector of Llanorgan,co. Brecon, who by Royal License assumed the names and armsof Stallard Penoyre, and died without issue. The widow married, secondly, 8th August, 1846, at HanleyCastle, Rev. William T. Napleton, B.D., Rector of Stoke Canon,Devon, eldest son of Rev. Timothy Napleton, sometime Vicar ofMansel Gammage, who also assumed the name of Penoyre, and died30th November, 1856, without issue. Sarah, daughter of Thomas Penoyre, Esq., died in 1777.Dorothy Penoyre married at Clifford, Roger Prosser, of Hay.Elizabeth Penoyre married Rees Watkins, and their son wasPenoyre Watkins, of Hay, solicitor, grandfather of Col. John LloydWatkins, M.P., for Brecon and Lord Lieutenant of that County. John Stallard, Esq., of Hardwick, died in Hereford aet 78. In 1852, died at Cheltenham, Duppa Jenkins, Esq., of London,nephew of the late Thomas Penoyre, of The Moor, and cousin of thelate Mr. Stallard-Penoyre. In 1866, died at Brighton, aet 63, Thomas James Stallard- Penoyre, of The Moor, without issue, when these estates passedunder the entail to Rev. Francis Raymond, Prebendary of Hereford,R.D., of Stockton, for life with remainder to his daughter, wife ofRev. Slade Baker, M.A., and their heir born in 1861. WhenMrs. Anna Maria Broadbelt Napleton Stallard-Penoyre died1st February, 1874, she left The Moor to her cousin, ThomasJames Brown, who assumed the name of T. J. Stallard-Penoyre.In 1893, 11th April, at Repton Church, co. Derby, Rev. SladeRaymond Baker Stallard-Penoyre, of the Moor, married Alice,daughter of Rev. John Auden, deceased, and has issue. (See thePenoyre pedigree in Robinson's Mansions, &c., p. 68). Newton or Foxbrook, is a subordinate manor in this parish,having Courts Leet and Courts Baron with the view of Frankpledgeannually holden. At the dissolution it belonged to the Priory.The present Lordship of the Manor is vested in the Dew mortgagees.The great tithes were given to the See of Hereford by QueenElizabeth. Middlewood was given, probably by a Devereux, as an endow- ment to a Chantry of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church ofBishopstone or perhaps by one of the Burghope family. It wasalso a manor subordinate to Clifford Castle, and is alluded to in
 PARISH OF CLIFFORD. 25Domesday. It had a small chapel which with its endowments wassold temp. Edward VI. The tithes were given to the See ofHereford, 2 Elizabeth. Silas Taylor saw its Church in 1657 andnoted " the tomb onely of a fryer cut exquisitely in wood."(Robinson's Mansions, &c., p. 67). Upper Court is another inferior manor, Sir David Williams wasits Lord. It was also called Gorsington. Hardwick possesses achurch dedicated to the Holy Trinity, erected and consecrated in1851, to which an ecclesiastical district has been assigned. TheCommunion plate was given by its founder, Mrs. Penoyre, and aflagon by Rev. John Webb. Mrs. Penoyre in 1871 also placed init a chair for the Bishop. Walter Cundy gave lands here to theHermitage at Winforton. Mary Williams, of Albemarles, co. Carmarthen, ThomasWhitney, of Whitney, and John Booth, Esq., of Hereford, gaveby deed in 1608 to Thomas Whitney, of Castleton, the farm ofCastleton, situated in Llanfair-y-cwm, esteemed as one-third ofthe Manor of Clifford for £1,000 and a payment of 2s. for the hermitfor a term of years. This term by mesne assignments becamevested in Mary Williams, and she in consideration of £200 conveyedit in 1666 to Thomas Whitney who agreed to pay all the debts of thesaid Thomas Whitney. In 1691, Robert Duppa and Elisabeth hiswife and Baldwin Duppa, son and heir, were of Castleton whichthey held of Whitney by lease and assigned to William Wardour, ofSt. Margaret's, Westminster. John Duppa, father of Robert, haddemised lands in Whitney to John Arnold to secure a mortgage.Bryan Duppa, D.D., was Bishop of Winchester, and tutor toCharles II and James II. The following is of interest in connection with Clifford duringthe Caroline Civil War. "A Survey of several lands with the Rightsand Appurtenances thereof lying and being within the Parish ofClifford in the County of Hereford late parcell of the possessions ofCharles Stewart, late King of England, made and taken by us whosenames are hereunto subscribed in the month of July, 1650, by virtueof a Commission grounded upon an Act of Parliament for sale of theHonours, Manors and Lands heretofore belonging to the late King,Queen, or Prince under the hands and seals of five or more of theTrustees in the said Act named and appointed. The lands consist of divers parcels of pasture, arable land and sheep pasture which

[Pages 26-41 not transcribed]

42 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.married Elizabeth Griffin of Buckmarsh, aet 21, both of whoseparents were dead in 1661. Six years later Humphrey Baskervilleoccurs as Churchwarden. Edward Withsell and Gregory Pemberwere proclaimed Papists in 1680. Nicholas Arnold was in 1576 seized of Llanthony and estates,which comprised Eardisley, the remainder of which he settled onJohn Arnold, his illegitimate son, by Mary Hore, widow, once wifeof Nicholas Hore, gent., of Wexford, and to the issue of John, withremainder to Katherine, his illegitimate daughter, and her issue,with remainder to Dorothy and Lucy, daughters of Rowland Arnold,Esq., deceased, and their issue, with remainder to Thomas Porterand his heirs. John Arnold + 1605. Sir Thos. Duppa is mentioned as of Eardisley in 9 Charles I.,and in 1666 Richard Duppa held the same lands. The latter waslessee of Castleton Manor under Whitney. Before leaving the Baskervilles, Sir Thomas, a gallant generalof Queen Elizabeth's time, deserves mention. He married Mary,daughter of Sir T. Throgmorton, and was father of HannibalBaskerville, the antiquary, dying in 1597, and being buried in OldSt. Paul's with the following epitaph, which may be given as aspecimen of the taste of the period:- These are the glories of a worthy praise Which, noble Baskerville, here now are read In honour of thy life and latter days, To number them among the blessed dead; A pure regard to thy immortal part, A spotless mind, a body prone to pain, A giving hand and an unvanquished heart; And all these virtues void of all disclaim. And all these virtues yet not so unknown, But Netherlands, Seas, India, Spain and France Can witness that these honours were thine own, Which they reserve, thy merit to advance, That valour should not perish void of fame, For noble deeds but leave a noble name. The Baskervilles end in co-heiresses. One married a Coningsbyof Hampton Court, the other a Kent of Welson. The name of thepatriarch of the family is found inscribed on the Roll at BattleAbbey. For many reigns they were champions to the Kings ofEngland. Camden observes that "they deduce their original froma niece of Gunora, that most celebrated Norman lady, who long agoflourished in this county and its neighbour, Shropshire; and held

[Pages 43-76 not transcribed]

 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 77 PARISH OF WHITNEY.WHITNEY is bounded North by Brilley, South by Clifford, E. byWinforton and West by Brilley and Clifford. It contains richpastures near the river Wye by which it is beautifully intersected.The higher grounds are well wooded, and two bridges, one old andpicturesque, the other modern, belonging to the Midland Railway,cross the river. Two previous bridges were carried away by ice swept down infloods. The present bridge was built about 1820 with wooden piers.It has managed to endure many severe floods. Churchyard writesof the salmon fisheries of the Wye:-- Thing to note-when Salmon fails in Wye There still of course in Usk doth Salmon lye, And seems it strange, as doth through Wales appear In some one stream one Salmon all the year. So fresh, so sweet, so red, no crimp withall As man may say, so, Salmon's here at call. Fuller too says--"The river Wy affords brumal salmons, fatand sound, when they are sick and spent in other places." Whitney is the modernised form of Witenei or Witenau, a Saxonword implying "the clear water stream with boggy islands." Under"Terra Regis" in Domesday it is stated "The King holds Witeniein Elsedune Hundred. Alunard was its owner in the reign of KingEdward, a freeman, able to travel where he pleased. Half a hideis taxable which has been and is waste. The Church itself, St.Guthlac," (monastery) "has Witenie and Herald" (Ear1 Harold)"is the occupier. There are four hides taxable which are and havebeen in a state of waste; they pay now a rental of six shillings." Whitney was taken out of Wales and made part of Herefordshire(Description of Wales. By Sir J. Price.) It was formerly partof Gwent, one of the six provinces of the kingdom of Dinevowr andwas within the district of Ergyng. In 1242 the Sheriff of the County of Hereford commanded agood breach to be made through the woods of Erdeslagh, Brimleghand Wittneye, so that there might be a safe passage between theCity of Hereford and Maud's Castle. (Testa de Nevill.) Thurstin the Fleming, a companion of the Conqueror, rewardedwith the grant of the Wigmore district, married Agnes, only child ofAlured de Merleburgh, who settled the Manor of Pencomb on her as
78 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.a marriage portion, and her husband is credited with having obtainedthe Manor of Whitney. Their son, Eustace, assumed the surnameof de Whitney from this manor. He joined his mother in a grantof the subordinate Manor of Sudenhall (hodie Sidnall in the parishof Pencomb), (Vo1. II., p. 150) to the monks of Gloucester Abbey. Sir Eustace de Whitney occurs as lord of Whitney in 1299which he held of the Crown. He also held a capital messuage with200 acres in the Manor of Huntington, by the service of one footsoldier with a bow and arrows in the time of war at the Castle,during a period of 40 days at his own charge. He was summonedin 1301 to attend the muster in Berwick "equis et armis" to marchagainst the Scotch. * His successor, another Eustace de Whitney, dubbed a Knightin 1306, was M.P. for the County in 1312-13 and certified in theparliamentary writ to be lord of the townships of Pencomb, Cowarne,and Whitney. In A.D. 1339 he had a charter of free-warren inthese Manors and was a Knight of the Shire for his County in theparliaments 1350-1. The arms of Whitney of Whitney are Azure a cross cheeky orand sa.† Sir Robert de Whitney, patron of Pencombe 1353 was selectedin 1368 with 200 Knights and gentlemen to accompany the Duke ofClarence to Milan on the occasion of his marriage.‡ In 1358 John,son of Edward de Pembruge paid a gross fine of 100s. for license toenfeoff Robert de Whitney and Thomas de Hampton in the manorof Boutred (Boughrood) and of Eton in the County of Hereford.Baldwin de Whitney with Richd. de Hurtesley were appointed byRoyal Order to act as his agents during Sir Robert's absence inItaly. Sir Robert was Sheriff of the County in 1377 and one of itsrepresentatives in several parliaments. He was a commissionerwith William de Beauchamp, Captain of Calais, and others innegotiating a Treaty with the Count of Flanders in 1388,§ and__________________________________________________________________ * Compare the following--A.D. 1816 de veniendo ad Regem cum equis et armis proguerra Scotiae. Thomas de Berkeley, Maurice de Berkeley, Fulco Extraneus, JohannesCharlton, Braose de Knowl, Willmus Tuket, Alanus Plakenet, Robertus de Stapleton,Robertus de Grendon, Johes Giffard de Brymesfeld, Clifford, &c., Johes de Patesahll, Pipa, Robertus de Rocheford, Barthol de Badlesmere, Willus de Grandison, Nicholas deAudley, Geoffrey de Saye, Roger Mortimer de Wigmore, John de Cantilupe. † Strong's Heraldry of Herefordshire. ‡ Rymer, p. 447. § French Rolls, 338.
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 79serving with the royal forces in Normandy was appointed to hold theCastle of Cherbourg, which fortress in 1393 he delivered to the Kingof Navarre.* In 1394 he was Marshal of the King's household, but in 1399deserted his royal master and joined the partizans of the Duke ofHereford, Henry IV. While opposing the forces of Owen Glendwrin 1401, he was killed at the battle of Pilleth together with hisuncle and many relatives and retainers. His Castle at Whitney wascaptured and burnt. Sir Robert Whitney the Second had from Henry IV, inconsideration of has father's services, a grant of the Castles, andLordships of Clifford and Glasbury, during the minority of the Earlof March (Pat. Roll. 5, Henry IV, No. 372).† Sir Robt. took anactive part in the triumph of the English Arms in France underHenry V. He attended the King's forces with a company of hisown retainers, and was appointed in 1422 Captain of Vire (Norm. Rolls.8, Henry V, p. 2, No. 12). In that year, too, he was elected M.P.for his County. He married Joan, daughter of Thomas Oldcastle,of Nether Lawton and Birt's Norton, and dying March 1441 withoutissue, was succeeded by his brother Eustace. His younger brotheris mentioned as taking part at Agincourt in 1416, for which and hisother services he obtained a grant of land (Norman Rolls, temp.Henry V.)_____________________________________________________________________ * French Rolls, 17 Rich. II, m. 13. † "The King to all, Greeting.""Know ye that since the father of Robert Whitney, Esqre., and his uncle and a greatpart of his Relatives have been killed in our service at the capture of Edmund Mortimer,and his property has been burnt and destroyed by our rebels of Wales, so that the saidRobert has not any Castle or fortress where he can tarry to resist and punish our aforesaidrebels as we recognise them.--We, of our special Grace have granted to the sd. Robert theCastle of Clifford and Lordships of Clifford and Glasbury, together with all the lands tenements, rents, royalties, and other commodities, whatsoever to the said Castle andLordships in any manner belonging to and also full punishment and execution of all rebelswho are or shall be of or in the said lordships with all forfeitures and escheats of suchrebels, which Castle and Lordships before they were destroyed by the said rebels were of thevalue of 100 marks per ann. ut fertur; the sd. Robert to hold the Castle and Lordships aforesd. with all the said profits and appurtenances from 15th day of October last until thefull age of Edmund, son and heir of the Earl of March last deceased and so from heir toheir, until any one of the heirs may arrive at full age without rendering anything to us or toour heirs at our Exchequer during the minority of the heirs aforesd. The sd. Robert torepair the sd. Castles and tarry in them for their defence. Should the value of the occupancyof the Castle and Lordships exceed 100 marks per ann. the sd. Robert shall answer to usyearly at our exchequer for the surplusage as may be just. Witness the King atWestminster, 14th day of February, 1402."
Handwritten note:p. 79 - note in correction - Inq. post mortem of Thomas Oldcastle'sson Richard names Eustace Whitneyson of Joan or Wentliana as one of theheirs. Eustace was son of Sir Robert Whitney, not brother. I have examined the Inq. p. m. ofRichard Oldcastle my self. August 14, 1942 - Rupert Taylor
80 COUNTY OF HEREFORD. Eustace Whitney is mentioned in a Royal Commission of 1454,and as M.P. for Herefordshire in 1467. The inquest at his deathhas not been found. His wife was Jeanette, daughter of Sir ThomasRussell, and he was succeeded by his eldest son, Sir Thos. Whitney,who represented his County in 1431 and died unmarried. Sir Robt. Whitney, his brother, Sheriff in 1479, married Alicedaughter of Sir Thomas ap Sir Roger Vaughan of Hargest, an eventcelebrated by an effusive epithalamium in Welsh by the local poet,Lewis Glyn Cothi. (Archaelog. Cambren., 1880, 4th S. Vol. xi.,p. 226.) On her decease without issue, he married Constance,daughter of James, Lord Audley, and their second son SirJames married Blanch, fourth daughter and coheir of SimonMilborn, and left at his early decease in 1500, two sons. James hadan estate in Clifford and died without issue, giving substantial legaciesto his two half-brothers. Blanch, Lady Whitney, having married,secondly, Sir William Herbert of Troy House, co. Monmouth,Robert Whitney, the eldest son, succeeding in right of his mother tothe Manor of Icomb, co. Gloucester, became a resident of that estateand his name is included in the Commission of Assize for thatCounty in 1530 and 1537. He is described as K.B. in the royalproclamation for the crowning of Anne Boleyn, an honour which hedeclined. He was appointed on a Commission to suppress a rebellionin Lincolnshire and died in 1541, leaving issue by his wife, Margaret,daughter of Robert Wye of Lypiatt Park, Stroud, seven sons and twodaughters, all under age, in the care of their mother in whosepossession his many estates were left until the sons attainedrespectively their twenty-fourth year. One Samuel Hyett died in1546 holding the Manors of Eaton and Kilpeck and also a Manorcalled Whitney in the honour of Clifford and six messuages, sevenhundred acres of land, four hundred and thirty of meadow and eightyof pasture, four hundred of wood and four of rent, and also fourmessuages and lands in Frogashe. The second son of RobertWhitney, Robert, was his heir. John then became entitled to alease of Great Rollright, co. Oxford, with 400 ewes, 5 oxen, 8 kine and2 horses. Charles obtained a lease of a farm in Great Rissington,and 400 wethers or their market value; George, the lease ofMalgasbury Farm, 300 sheep or their value; William, lease ofChantry lands in Great Rissington and 400 wethers. James alsoreceived £20; Richard £20; Blanch for her marriage £200; Mary
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 81£100. Robert of Icomb's will is dated 23rd May and was proved11th June, 1541. Robert, the eldest son who succeeded to a plentiful inheritance,was on October 2nd, 1553 one of many gentlemen dubbed Knightsthe day after the coronation of Queen Mary, before her in herchamber of presence at Westminster under the Cloth of State by theEarl of Arundel. Sir Robert graduated B.C.L. at Oxford in 1532,and was M.P. for the County of Hereford in 1558, in which year hedied. He married Sybil, daughter of Sir James Baskerville, andwas succeeded by his eldest son in 1567. Sir James Whitney, thrice Sheriff, died unmarried in 1587,directing by his will, (made in May and proved in June, 1587,)that his burial place should be in the Church of Whitney, whereverhis father and ancestors had been interred. He devised the familyestates under a very explicit yet generous entail to his brothers,Eustace and Robert, and their issue male with remainder to hisuncles, George and William Whitney and the Whitneys of Clyroand Clifford. The Chancery proceedings in Elizabeth's reign includeThomas Mill and Mary his wife v. Eustace Whitney, Esq., andWilliam Whitney, gent., for specific performance of a devise of landsunder the will of Sir James Whitney and of the manors of Whitney,Pencomb and Icomb. In 1586 Sir James Whitney and John Garnons made an officialreport to the Council respecting recusants (Dom. S. Papers, Vol. 189). Eustace Whitney, Sheriff of Radnorshire, 1595, died 1608,having married Margaret, daughter and heiress of William Vaughanof Glasbury who predeceased him in 1606, leaving a family of fivechildren.1. Sir Robert, of whom presently.2. Thomas, born 1595, graduated B.A. from Brasenose College, 1609, having matriculated "generosi fil," age 9 in 1605. He is considered to have been the Captain Thomas Whitney who sailed to the coast of Guinea in the expedition under Sir W. Ralegh and to have died, unmarried, after his return in 1621.3. Eleanor, married Sir Henry Williams, of Cabalva.4. Joan, born 1695, married John Wigmore, of Lucton.5. Blanch, married Robert, son of John Duppa of Castleton. Sir Robert Whitney, born 1592, Knighted 1616, Sheriff 1638,
82 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.married Anne, the fourth daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy, of Charlecote,Warwickshire. In 1620 he was an earnest collector of contributionsin this Hundred for the Bohemian Loan. When Sheriff it fell to hisduty to collect the unpopular and arbitrary impost of Ship Money.He was a strenuous supporter of the King during the Civil War anddied m 1653, leaving a numerous family; Robert, born 1615;Richard, of the Inner Temple. He was buried in its Church.Francis and William; Constance died 1628 at the age of 17, and wasburied in the Church of St. Giles, Cripplegate, where a monument isplaced to her memory.* Lady Whitney predeceased Sir Robert,but in what year has not been ascertained. His estate is said to have been worth £1,000 a year, but beforehis death ln 1653 the valuable lands of Pencomb had been sold,and by the decease of his only son without issue, the name becameextinct and the family property was divided among his daughters andco-heirs. In 1669 administration was granted to Eleanor Whitney (aliasWright) and Susannah Whitney (alias Williams) of the goods ofElizabeth Whitney, spinster, who held property in two dioceses. The name of Thomas Whitney, only surviving son, born in1622 was included at the Restoration in the list of HerefordshireRoyalists to be Knights of the contemplated order of the Royal Oak,and the rental of his estates was stated at £2,000 per annum.† Hemarried in 1666, Elizabeth, only child of Col. Wm. Cope, of Icomb,and his wife, the Lady Elizabeth Fane, third daughter of the firstEarl of Westmorland and widow of John Cope, of Hanwell, Co.Oxon.___________________________________________________________________ * The inscription runs:--" S.M. Constance Whitney, eldest daur. "to Sir RobertWhitney, of Whitney, the proper possession of him and of his ancestors in Herefordshire forabove 500 years past. Her mother was the fourth daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy, ofCharlecote, in Warwickshire, by Constance, daughter and heiress of Richard Kingsmill,Surveyor of the Court of Wards. This Lady Lucy her grandmother so bred her since shewas eight years old that she excelled in all noble qualities becoming a Virgin of so sweetproportion of Beauty and Harmony of Parts. She had all sweetness of manners answerable,a delightful sharpness of Wit and offenceless modesty of conversation, a singular respect andpiety towards her Parents but religious even to example. She departed this life mostChristianly at seventeen; dying the grief of all but to her grandmother an unrecoverableloss save in her expectation she shall not stay long after her and the comfort of knowing whoseshe is and where in the Resurrection to meet her." (Markland's London). (See a plate ofthe Monument in The Ancestry of John Whitney. By Henry Melville, A.M., New York, p. 184). † One West a tenant in Whitney could perfectly prescribe to hold the land of ThomasWhitney, lord of Whitney, by Homage Ancestral, "which is where a tenant and his ancestorsheld land of a lord and his ancestors by homage time out of mind." (Blount.)
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 83 In 1690 Robert Price, Esq., conveyed to William Wardour, ofWestminster in consideration of £4,848 a quarter of Whitney Manor,Sheepcot Farm, Manor House, of Whitney, the Rectory, CastletonFarm, water corn-mill, Courts Leet and Baron, view of Frankpledgeand Copyholds in Whitney and Clifford. In 1692, being in failing health and without issue ThomasWhitney decided to set aside the entail of a certain portion of hisestates recognised in his marriage settlement by a deed in which thepreamble recites that "for his love and affection for Elizabeth hiswife and for the bettering and increased her jointure and for barringentail, he consents to levy a fine of the capital mansion house ofWhitney and Whitney Park, the Castle and Manor of Clifford andLlanvair-y-brine and Park of Clifford." By his will he gave hiswidow an annuity on these properties with the Court House forresidence whilst a widow, and the manor of Icomb as her absolutedisposal. Subject to such encumbrance he gave his estates for equaldivision among his four sisters or their representatives. The estate thus sold consisted of Whitney Manor and theproperties above named. The four sisters in whom the estates wereinvested were Lucy, late wife of John Booth, of Le Hom; Susannah,widow of Henry Williams, of Cabalva; Ann, widow of Thomas Rodd;and Eleanor, widow of Dr. Thomas Wright. These in due courseof law conveyed their respective shares to Mr. W. Wardour, whomarried in 1685 the second daughter of Robert Rodd, of Foxley. Robert Rodd, only son of John and Ann Rodd, having threedaughters, his co-heiresses, gave his mother's quarter share to RobertPrice, husband of Lucy, eldest co-heiress, and conveyed his shareto Wm. Wardour of Lincoln's Inn and Westminster, Barrister-at-Law, who by private treaty acquired the shares of the other sisters;viz., Lucy, born 1609, who died in 1673 leaving three daughters bytwo husbands; Susannah, widow of H. Williams, of Cabalva, whoseson, David Williams, M.D., of Hereford, married 1694 his cousinConstance Wright; Eleanor, married Nathaniel Wright, M.D. andhad one child, Constance, wife of David Williams. Mrs. Elizabeth Whitney married secondly Mr. Thomas Geers,Serjeant-at-Law, of the Marsh Estate in Bridge Sollers and had anonly child, Elizabeth, who married in 1698 William Gregory, ofHow Caple and was left a widow in 1702 with a son and daughter(Vo1. III., p. 1.) She married secondly, 1705, Richard Hopton, of
84 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.Canon Frome, M.P., for Herefordshire 1714-22 and died 1747leaving a numerous family. Her mother, Mrs. Geers, had become asecond time a widow in 1700 and died at Canon Frome Court, 1731,at the age of 82. Mr. William Wardour, who thus became owner of the Whitneyinheritance married, as said above, in September, 1685, Anna Sophia,second daughter of Robert Rodd, of Foxley. She died aet 71 in1737 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. He held the patentoffice of Clerk of the Pells in Chancery, a lucrative legal positionenjoyed by his relatives during a long series of years. Whenowner of Whitney Court he made the mansion house his residenceduring the legal vacations, and died in Westminster, 1699, leavinghis landed estate to his elder son, Col. William Wardour, born July,1686, who represented Calne in 1727 and Fowey, 1737-46 inParliament. He died unmarried in 1746 bequeathing the Whitneyestate, (which his father had purchased from Mr. Price), to his onlybrother with legacies to numerous relatives, among others to Mrs.Silet Dew and her son, Tomkyns Dew. Although he rebuiltWhitney Church on his estate, he directed his body to be laid inWestminster Abbey. The following epitaphs from Mr. J. L. Chester's Extracts, &c.,*are interesting in connection with the family of Wardour. "Page 347, 1736-7, Feb. 25th, Anna Sophia Wardour in themiddle aisle. "Daughter and co-heir of Robert Rodd, of Foxley, Co.Hereford, Esq., by Anna Sophia, daughter and heir of Thos. Neale,of Warnford, Hants. She married at St. Bride's, London, 10thSeptember, 1685." "William Wardour, of Whitney Court, Co. Hereford, Esq.,Clerk of Appeals to whose estate she administered 2nd May, 1699.She died according to her monument 17th February, aged 71. Herson, William, administered to her estate 4th March, 1736-7. Thenewspapers of the day say she died at Bath." "Page 370, 1746, July 26th. William Wardour, Esq., in themiddle aisle, son of William Wardour, of Whitney Court, Co.Hereford Esq., by Anna Sophia his wife. He was born the 12th,and baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex, 15th July,1686. He was M.P. for Fowey, and died unmarried 17th July,_________________________________________________________________ * Westminster Abbey Registers; edited by J. L. Chester. Harleian Society Publications,Vol. x., 1875.
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 85according to the Funeral-book, aged 60. His will, dated 28th June,1746, was proved 29th July following by his brother TompkinsWardour, Esq., to whom he left all his estate subject to a fewlegacies to his cousins, viz.: John Wardour of the Excise Office andhis daughter Virtue Wardour, Mrs. Margaret Pitches, Mrs. JaneGilmore, widow, Mrs. Silet Dew, widow, and her son, TompkinsDew and Mrs. Margaret Fleetwood, spinster." Page 382. 1752, February 22nd. The Hon. Colonel TompkinsWardour; died the 13th in the middle aisle. Son of WilliamWardour, of Whitney Court, Co. Hereford, Esq., by Anna Sophiahis wife. The Funeral-book and his monument gives his age as 64.In the Journals of the period he was called, in 1746, Lieut.-Colonelin the Guards, and at his death Colonel of the Regiment of Invalids.His will, as Tompkyns Wardour, of St. George's, Hanover Square,Esq., dated 12th February, 1750-1, was proved 16th March, 1752,by his relict Elizabeth." "Page 409. 1767, June 30th. Elizabeth, widow of theHon. Colonel Tomkyns Wardour in the middle aisle. They weremarried at St. James's, Westminster, 14th April, 1730. In themarriage allegation at the Faculty Office, dated 14th April, she wasdescribed as Elizabeth Jones, of St. George's, Hanover Square,Middlesex, widow. Her maiden name appears to have been Bourne.She died accorded to the Funeral-book 23rd June, aged 79. Herwill dated the 27th February, 1752, with a codicil 21st February,1757, was proved 7th July, 1767, by her sister Mary Bourne,spinster, residuary legatee." This Mary Bourne left Whitney and the Wardour property bywill to Tompkyns Dew, of Lincoln's Inn, and his heirs male, fromwhom it has passed in the usual course of descent. A few more particulars may be added concerning the family ofWhitney. Several important branches flourish in North America.John Whitney, the first of the name to cross the Atlantic, leftLondon in the Spring of 1635 with his wife Elinor, and his sonsJohn, Richard, Nathaniel, Thomas, and Jonathan. From him Mr.H. Melville, the Historian of the family, is descended. "By the marriage of Robert Whitney, about 1470, withConstance, daughter of Baron Audley, and grand-daughter of theEarl of Kent, and of another Robert, about 1540, with Sybil,daughter of Sir James Baskerville, the Whitneys of to-day can claim
86 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.the blood of some of those whose names are most familiar in Englishhistory--the Saxon Kings, Alfred the Great, and Edmund Ironside;the Normans, William the Conqueror, and Henry I.; the Plan-tagenets, Henry II., John, Henry III., and Edward I., to saynothing of the members of the royal houses of Scotland, France, andSpain, with whom these were allied."* "The earliest mention of the name De Wytteneye in any publicrecord so far discovered, is in 1241."† The antiquity of the family of Dew is amusingly attested byShakespeare:--Ancient Pistol.--"Art thou a gentleman? What is thy name? Discuss.French Soldier.--O Seigneur Dieu!Ancient Pistol.--O Seigneur Dewe should be a gentleman. Perpend my words, O Seigneur Dieu, and mark; O Seigneur Dieu thou didst on point of fox, Except, O Seigneur, thou dost give to me Egregious welcome.Boy.-- He prays you to save his life; he is a gentleman of a good house, and for his ransom he will give yon two hundred crowns." (Hen. V., 4. 10.) ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. PATRONS. RECTORS.Senior de Braos (pro hac vice) 1277 Bishop of Hereford (by lapse) 1284 Richard de la Sele.Patron not mentioned - 1328 Adam Lowe.Eustace de Whitney - - 1345 Thomas de Whitney.The same - - 1349 John Rees.Sir Robert de Whitney - 1373 Philip de Almeley.Bishop of Hereford (by lapse) 1393 John Hales. 1417 Reginald Lane.Nobilis Vir, Robertus Whitney, 1428 John Hare. Eques. - - 1429 Richard ap Howell. 1435 Richard Griffiths.Sir Robert Whitney - - 1479 James Eston, vacated.Feoffees‡ of Sir Robt. Whitney 1505 Owen Pole._____________________________________________________________________ * "The Ancestry of John Whitney," ut supra p. 6. † Do. p. 42. * ‡ These Feoffees were Simon Milborne, Walter Baskerville, James Scudamore, JohnBreynton, Simon Herring.
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 87 RECTORS. PATRONS.The King, owing to the mi- }nority of Robert, son of Sir } 1544 James ap Hopton, deprived.Robt. Whitney - } Bishop of Hereford (by lapse) 1555 Roger Lawrence.Sir Robert Whitney - - 1560 Thomas Grosvenor.Eustace Whitney, Esq. - 1574 James Popkin.Sir Robert Whitney - 1607 Matthew Huddleston.Sir Robert Whitney - { 1632 Christopher Harvey.* { 1640 Jonathan Dryden.(Civil War) - { 1654 } Ralph Brideoak. { 1661 }Thomas Whitney, Esq. - 1663 Daniel Wycherley, D.D., Prebendary.Thomas Geers, Esq. - { 1677 Thomas Mallett, M.A. (died). { 1678 Thomas Hitchco*ck, M.A. - - - - 1680 ----- Cope. - - - - 1690 Thomas Whalleson. - - - - 16 - John Prosser.Elizabeth Geers, widow - 1690 Samuel Hall, B.C.L.Tamerlane Hords, Gent.; p.h.v. 1727 John Powell. - - - - 17 - Timothy Geers.Honble Tomkyns Wardour, Esq. - - - 1746 Edward Crank, M.A.Elizabeth Wardour, widow - 1763 Edward Edwards, M.A.Executors of Tompkyns Dew, Esq. - - - 1806 John Thomas Stuart.Tompkyns Dew, Esq. { 1834 Richard Lister Venables, A.M. { 1843 Henry Dew, A.B. Whitney is a Rectory endowed with a rent-charge of £234, witha commodious residence and 17 acres of Glebe. Taxation of Pope Nicholas, circ. 1291, "Eecl'ia de Wytteneye,5: 0: 0 0: 10: TMT." In "a true and perfect Terrier of all the houses, lands, andtenths of the Rectory of Whitney, taken by the Minister and certainInhabitants of Whitney September 29th, in the year of our LordGod 1636," occur the following particulars:--___________________________________________________________________ * One of the Poets of Herefordshire.
88 COUNTY OF HEREFORD. "Imprimis the parsonage house containing of all sorts, littleand great, seaventeen roomes." "It; the barne and other houses containing of all sorts, greatand small, seaven roomes. "It; the garden, orchard, hopyard and fould, containing in allhalve an acre more or lesse." "It; the glebe lands being fouer parcels of pasture containingin all fifteen acres more or less, and being all within one hedgebetween the lands of Sir Robert Whitney, Knight, John Duppa,gentleman, the aforesaid hopyard adjoins the . . . . and thegreen in Whitney towne on the south, the King's highway onthe west, and the lands of the said John Duppa on all otherparts." "It; one parcell of common in Whitney wood by agreementenclosed." Tradition says that William Swinderby, a priest of the Dioceseof Lincoln and a Lollard, together with Walter Brut, came intoHerefordshire and preached at Whitney. In 1391 a citation wasordered by the Bishop of Hereford's writ, July 5th. The sentencewas passed by the Bishop, "pro tribunali sedens," that Swinderbywas heretical and to be avoided of all faithful Christians. The Church was dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, but is nowknown as St. Paul's. The house below the Church is called St.Paul's House, while the well in the glebe field above the Church isknown as St. Peter's Well. The village Feast is kept on the firstSunday in August. The site of Whitney Castle, which, like the Church, was sweptaway by the Wye, is a little below the old Court, marked as "Ruinsin Isaac Taylor's map, 1704. A Church traditionally considered to have been erected on theleft bank of the river by the Monks of St. Guthlac, Hereford, previousto the arrival of the Normans, was swept away, together with theRectory House, in 1735, by a flow of unprecedented violence. Itforced the waters of the Wye into a new Channel, and carried awaythe contents of the Church and Churchyard. The present buildingconsists of a Chancel, Nave, and Tower, and was erected on anothersite by the Patron in 1748. The Norman Font and some portionsof the dilapidated edifice which remained were amalgamated with thenew building.
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 89 The tower contains five bells. In 1892 a large bell was re-hungby the Parish ringers in memory of their relatives. The Chancel was thoroughly restored by the Rector in 1868.It is separated from the Nave by a wall which bears the inscription:--"This Church was built at the sole expense of William WardourA.D. 1748." The first date in the Parish Registers begins at 1591. Thebook itself is in good preservation. The following entry occurs in 1633. "Liberty was granted toEustace Gough of this parish, being sick, for the recovery of hishealth to eat flesh in times prohibited by law, so long as his presentsickness doth continue." One new window in the north wall of the nave is filled withstained glass and inscribed: "In memory of Philip Stevens" + 1889aet 62. A second new and beautiful window, also in the north wall, isfilled with stained glass as a memorial of Miss Frances Dew + 1888aet 70. It represents works of mercy. An iron mortuary has been placed in the Churchyard by Mrs.Laetitia Stephens in memory of her husband, the above named PhilipStephens who cut the stone tracery of these windows. A third new window is inserted near the door on the South,containing figures of St. Peter and St. Paul, thus inscribed: "Thiswindow is dedicated to the glory of God in the Church where theesteemed Rector, Rev. Henry Dew, has ministered for a period of 50years; 1843-1893. W.C.W., W.W.R., H.M., 1893." It is thegift of three of the American representatives of the Whitney family. The following monuments are placed in the Chancel; one ofwhite marble supported on pillars of grey of elaborate workmanshipwith arms, inscribed "Thomas Williams of Cabalva in the County ofRadnor, Esqre., married Elizabeth 3rd daughter of Edward Holfordof Cerleby, Co. Lincoln, Esq., and had issue one only daughterElizabeth." + May, 1698 aet 38. "Here lies his body mingled with the dust, Whose life was holy, humble, good and just."John Spencer Esq. + 1826, aet 66. On the South wall, a white marble shield on a black slab:"Armine Dew, Captn. Royal Artillery, Fifth Son of Tomkyns Dew,Esq. and Margaret Beatrice his wife, killed in action at the glorious
90 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.Battle of the Alma 20th Sept. 1854 aet 27 years. His warfare isaccomplished." North wall a brass: "Reginald Dew 6th Son of Tomkyns Dewand Margaret Beatrice Dew. Born 1833 + in London 1864.According to Thy mercy remember Thou me." Do., another brass: "John Monkhouse during 53 years residentat the Stow in this Parish born 1781 + 1866. The Lord my Godwill enlighten my darkness." Nave, South-east: "Armine Styleman Furlong, eldest dtr. ofLieut.-Col. C. J. Furlong and Armine his wife, (dtr. of the lateTompkyns Dew Esq. of Whitney)." Born at Hunstanton inNorfolk 1820 + at Bath 1880. North wall of Nave, marble tablet: "Anne Powell, the seconddtr, of Rev. Armine Styleman, Rector of Ringstead in Norfolk whowas first married to Tomkyns Dew, Esq., of Whitney Court andafterwards to Thomas Powell, Esq., Lieut.-Col. of H.M. 11th Regt.of Foot, + 1823, aet 62." North-east wall of Nave, marble tablet with wreath: "AliceGeorgiana, wife of Frederick Hogge of Biggleswade, Co. Bedford,Esq., and 7th daughter of Tomkyns and Margaret Beatrice Dew ofWhitney Court; born March 1832 + at Bedford after a few days'illness, 1833." South wall of Chancel: "Edward Le Strange Dew, Barrister atLaw, 3rd Son of Tomkyns and Margaret Beatrice Dew, + of feverat Baldock, Herts; Oct. 3, 1861 aet 39." The East window of the Chancel has two lights filled withstained glass. The scriptural subjects are chosen from theirconnection with the sea. In the dexter light Our Lord isrepresented stilling the tempest, in the sinister Our Lord and St.Peter are walking on the water. The details consist of nauticalemblems. On a brass plate under the window: "To the glory ofGod and the beloved memory of Roderick Dew, Capn. R.N. C.B.,who after many years of distinguished service in various parts of theworld + at Lisbon, March 24, 1869, in command of H.M.S.Northumberland, aet 54." North wall of Chancel, white marble tablet: "Tomkyns Dew ofWhitney Court, Esq., only son of Tomkyns Dew Esq. and Ann hiswife, daughter of Rev. Armine Styleman. Born July 1791. + Feb.1, 1853, leaving a widow and thirteen children to lament their loss.
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 91 In health he labored with unwearied zeal, For Truth, for Justice and the Public Weal; By sickness bound, he humbly kissed the rod, Resigned all cares and turned for Rest to God.also Margaret Beatrice his wife, eldest daughter of Rev. TimothyNapleton, rector of Powderham, Devon. Born 1794 + July 1877." On a flat stone George, son of George and Jane Dyke of Brilley+ 1845 aet 14, and George Dyke late of the City of Hereford + 1856aet 62. (The Dykes lived at the Church House). Externally, south side, Walter Griffith + 1781 aet 23. "Dear Parents, don't lament my fall For Death shall triumph over all, At 23 I felt his Power And soon became a dieing Flower But its a brave exchainge optained When Earth is left and Heaven is gain'd. Was to my parents dutyful and kind Learning was a thing I much did mind." BURIALS. Outside, on the West. | On the South.Alco*ck, Matilda; + 1891, aet 75. | Bishop, Edward; + 1825, aet 87.Beavan, Willm.; + 1857, aet 76. | Bowen, John; + 1852, aet 78.Colley, John; (Orchard Place) + 1889, | Bowen, Martha; + 1799, aet 77. aet 72. | Evans, Catherine; + 1871, aet 46.East, Fanny Elizth.; + 1887, aet 14. | Hancorn, Richd.; 1750, aet 65 (Arms,Hodges, Thos.; + 1867, aet 58. | 3 co*cks).Mann, John; + 1885, aet 72. | Lewis, Richd.; 1805, aet 27.Matthews, Mary; (Rees), + 1874, aet 75. | Lewis, Willm.; 1853, aet 29.Tombs, Thos.; 1884, aet 70. | Mills, John; 1844, aet 49.Wilton, Thos.; + 1882, aet 26. | Price, Edwd.; + 1855, aet 40. | Turner, Mary; (Millhall), + 1858, aet 13. On the North. |Arrowsmith, Stephen; + 1858, aet 74. | On the East.Lewis, George; + 1892, aet 50. | Dew, Tomkyns; + 1853.Price, Willm.; (Lanigon), + 1884, aet 51. | ------------- + 1891, aet 75.Roberts, Elizth.; + 1872, aet 38. | Dewing, Rosette; (The Stow), + 1869, aet 23.Turner, John Michael; Rock House, + | Monkhouse, John; 1866, aet 84. 1892, aet 52. The following interested letters on Ship-money may beappended. Domestic State Paper, temp. Charles I., Vol. 343, No.56, Jany. 9th, 1647-8. "The Council to Sir Robert Whitney, now Sheriff (of Hereford-shire), and Thomas Wigmore late Sheriff. "It appears to the Board that William Scudamore late Sheriff ofCo. H., who had the charge of the Ship-money writ of 1635, levied andpaid out of £4000, £3564 10s. 11 1/2d., and that the remainder payable
 COUNTY OF HEREFORD. 92by the County was only £175 9s. 0d., whereof Scudamore by order ofthe board, dated 28th April, 1636, gave a memorial together withthe Writ and instructions to Wigmore, the succeeding Sheriff, whohad likewise command from the Board for levying the said arrears andaccordingly levied divers parcels thereof, so that there is now inarrear only £84 3s. 5d. Forasmuch as Scudamore cannot possiblyknow what persons are behind in payment which can rest only in theknowledge of Wigmore, who ought long since to have paid in thearrears, the Lords require from him on pain of H. Majesty's displeasureand a severe proceeding to pay to Sir Wm. Russell so muchof the said arrears as is already collected and not paid in and tocollect the residue of the said arrears and pay the same to theTreasurer of the Navy by the first day of Easter Term next, or elseto attend H. Majesty and the Board at the second sittings of theCouncil in Easter term." D.S.P., Vol. 417, No. 44, 1639.Sir Robert Whitney, Sheriff of Herefordshire to Mr. Secy. Nicholas. Whitney, 6th April, 1639. "Your letter of 11th March has come to hand whereby I amrequired to hasten to the council board on account of my proceedingsin the business of shipping, which I had done long ago but that Idaily expected better performance from those who by the Lords'directions were to be employed therein than hitherto I can obtain.For by the Lords' letter received together with H. Majesty's WritI was required to return to the Lords, within one month after theassessments made by me a certificate not only of the several sums[of] assessment upon each parish in general, but likewise of theparticular payment which every Clergyman in each of them ischarged with. I cannot yet get the sums assessed in each parishdistributed among the particular inhabitants by the Chief Constablesto whose care I entrusted that service and without whom it wasimpossible I should do so of myself, they excusing themselves uponthe Petty Constables, and they upon the inhabitants who beingwarned neglected to assist them. So that notwithstanding myutmost endeavours to quicken them I have not received the assessmentsentire save only for four hundreds of eleven, which to havereturned to the Board alone without the rest, I feared wd havefurther displeased than satisfied the Lords. To some whom I findto be most blameworthy I have directed particular warrants requiring
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 93their present repair to me, with securities for their personalappearance before the Lords to answer their contempt and neglect,but none of them as yet have come. For the levying of theseassessments which I have received I have granted Warrants anddaily expect the return of them but have as yet not received onepenny of any Man which I entreat the Lords to impute not to anynegligence in me than whom there neither is nor shall there be anyman more zealously affected to the furtherance of H.M.'s Service,but to the impossibility that lies upon me to proceed in levyingthe money until they be assessed wherein the assistance of theInhabitants being by the Lord's directions to be taken for theavoiding of all inequalities the expectation thereof has occasionedme the necessity of this excuse and you the trouble to call upon mefor it. If it be the Lords' pleasure I should return these assessmentsalready received or to direct what further course I should takefor the distribution of the rest, I shall apply myself to observe theLords' orders." Vol. 427, No. 68, A.D. 1639. Whitney, Aug. 19th. Sir Robert Whitney to Secretary Nicholas. "By a letter from the Council, my personal attendance on theBoard is required on ye first of September to give an account of myproceedings in the business of H. Majesty's Ship-money this year.It falls out to be at that time wherein I hope to prevail more for mygood success in that employment than hitherto I have been able todo notwithstanding all my utmost endeavours to that purpose; andif my attendance on the Board for the present might be excused Idoubt not but to farther H.M.'s Service more by my presence herenow than otherwise I can expect. With much ado, I have at lastgot in almost all the assessments and procured some part of themoney to be levied which I will pay in as soon as I possibly can. Idaily expect more and fear that my absence would cool theirdiligence who are not willingly employed this way, and if they be notfollowed close now they are in action will quickly fall off into theformer neglect. What impossibilities have been lain upon me ofanswering the Lords' expectations, and my own desires for the goodsuccess of the service I have lately represented to the Earl ofBridgwater who was by the Lords directed to require an accountthereof from me, and I hope I shall make good use of his Lordship's
94 COUNTY OF HEREFORD.effectual earnestness with me to quicken others whom of necessityI must employ, so that if I be not now withdrawn from theprosecution of the course that I am in I trust I shall be able inMichaelmas term to give the Lords good satisfaction of my diligentendeavour to promote H.M. service in this particular to the utmostof my power. I have sent you enclosed an account of the generalcharge as it is distributed amongst the particular parishes, towns,and villages, and desire, if it may be, to obtain a release from this sosudden attendance; otherwise though it be to the further delay ofthe service, which in my absence will be at a stand, I must and willobey their Lordships' call. Be pleased to let me understand by theBearer whether I may expect the favour or no." Certificate annexed of parochial proportion of contribution. D.S.P., Vol. 428, No. 18, 3d. September, 1639. The Council to Sir Robert Whitney. "We have seen yor. letter of xixth August addressed toMr. Nicholas and have by H. Majesty's command in whose presencethe same was read to the Board to let you know that he expectedbetter effects of yor. endeavours in a service of this importance andhowsoever he is generously pleased at your request and upon thereasons you have alleged to spare yor. attendance here in person forthe present, yet his command is that you fail not by the first day ofnext term to levy and pay in all the ship-money payable by theWrit of 1638 whereof if you should fail you must expect no furtherfavour, this being a service not to be so trifled with and neglected ash*therto it has been by you more than by any other Sheriff in thewhole Kingdom." D.S.P., Vol. 429, No. 29, Whitney, September, 1639. Sir Robert Whitney to Mr. Secretary Nicholas. "By a letter of the Council of the 3rd inst. I am required uponthe 1st day of next term to pay in the whole of this year's Ship-Money charged upon this county. But that which I have receivedalready which is between £400 and £500, and the rest or as muchthereof as possibly I can by any means procure being forced toemploy numerous servants continually in distraining for almostall that I receive. I will not fail to pay it at the beginning ofNovember intending in the meantime to use all the care anddiligence that may be to perform this same to the full being loath toleave my arrears until another year if by any possible means I may
 PARISH OF WHITNEY. 95prevent it. I acknowledge with all thankfulness yor. favour inpresenting my necessary excuses to the Lords and hope if I mayobtain the like this once I shall not be forced any more to betroublesome to you." N.B.--Sir R. W. paid £610 on 10 December, 1639. -----ARMS.--Dew; a fesse dancettée sa. betw. three chaplets ppr. Blissett; Paly of six or and az. On a chief arg. a fesse dancettée gul. Clanbowe; (or Clanvow) Hergest; Paly of six or and az. on a fesse gul. three martlets arg. Vaughan; Hergest; Sa, three boys' heads couped at the shoulders and wreathed about the neck with a snake ppr. Or, (as Guillim gives it,) a chevr. arg. betw. three children's heads crined or.

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