Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (2024)

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (1)

With so many “better-for-you” goodies lining the snack aisle these days, knowing the difference between truly healthy eats and a bag of sour cream and onion chips ain’t easy. Next time you’ve got the munchies, look out for the following sneaky snacks; they’re not always as good-for-you as they seem! The more you know, right?

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Fruit Bars

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (2)

Essentially the healthy, adult version of Fruit By The Foot, right? Sure, bars made from 100 percent fruit are a better choice than the artificial, color-loaded fruit snacks of your younger years, but that doesn’t meant they’re not still sugar bombs.

Typically, all-fruit bars are high in sugar and low in fiber, says dietitian Whitney English, M.S., R.D.N., author of First Bites. Aka, not so satisfying.

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Bottled Smoothies

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (3)

No matter what color they are (lookin’ at you, deceitful Green Machine), bottled smoothies from the supermarket or corner bodega pretty much never offer the balance and nutrition of a DIY blend.

In addition to being high in sugar (that Green Machine smoothie you love packs a frightening 53 grams of sugar per bottle), store-bought smoothies are typically also too low in protein and fat to really be a balanced snack, English says.

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Granola Bars

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (4)

First of all, half of what we consider "granola bars" don’t even contain granola—but pack in more calories than a full meal.

“Many granola bars are no better than candy bars,” English says. "They can be very high in sugar and often leave you wanting more. If you’re going to eat them, that’s fine—but acknowledge them for what they are: a tasty treat, not a health food.”

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Vegan or Paleo Cookies

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (5)

I so badly want these to be good for me, but “just because something has a ‘healthy’ label on it doesn’t mean it’s actually healthy,” English says. “Vegan cookies are often high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, while paleo cookies may pack excessive amounts of saturated fat from eggs or butter.”

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Pita Chips

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (6)

Okay, whole-wheat pita chips aren't all that bad—especially if you pair them with a high-fiber, protein-rich food like hummus, English says. The white ones, though? Zero fiber means they do absolutely nothing to fill you up.

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Store-Bought Trail Mix

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (7)

That tub of trail mix that’s approximately 50-percent peanut butter cups and chocolate-covered almonds? Yeah, you already knew that one wasn’t so hot. Thing is, even your standard mix of peanuts, raisins, almonds, and M&Ms still racks up an alarming amount of sugar—and, according to English, is closer to candy than a nutritious snack.

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Salted or Flavored Nuts

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (8)

While we’re on the topic of nuts…beware the salted or flavored stuff. Sweet-seasoned nuts (oh hey, honey-roasted peanuts) can contain surprising amounts of sugar, while savory flavors are often heavy on the sodium, according to English.

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Chocolate- or Yogurt-Covered Nuts

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (9)

Candy-coated nuts seem like they’re practically health food (ya know, nuts have protein!)—but even if your almonds are coated in Greek yogurt or dark chocolate, they still likely pack added sugar. Yep, just another case of candy in disguise.

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Protein Bars

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (10)

Like many granola bars, lots of protein bars also go heavy on the sugar, hiding behind claims that they help you build muscle. If they don’t have a high sugar count, look out for artificial sweeteners.

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Gluten-Free Pretzels

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (11)

The fact that a pretzel doesn’t contain gluten doesn’t say much about what it does contain—which, typically, isn’t anything impressive. According to English, most gluten-free pretzels are “made from nutrient-poor, low-fiber starches like cassava flour, rice flour, or tapioca flour.”

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Fat-Free Cheese Sticks

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (12)

One of English’s must-haves for a healthy snack: fiber—and cheese sticks just don’t make the cut. Plus, she recommends sticking to plant-based snacks, anyway.

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Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (13)

Noticing the trend that literally everything in the snack aisle is loaded with added sugar? Granola is no exception, with some brands sneaking in 11-plus grams of the sweetness.

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Multi-Grain Chips

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (14)

Don’t let their earthy appearance fool you: “Multi-grain chips are often still mainly made of refined carbohydrates and lack fiber,” English says. “They don’t fill you up as much, so you may end up overeating.”

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Microwavable Popcorn

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (15)

Popcorn can be a totally healthy snack, but many microwavable bags still contain harmful trans fats, says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, dietitian and author of Read It Before You Eat It. If you see the words "hydrogenated" or "partially-hydrogenated" in the ingredients list, beware.

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Dried Fruit

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (16)

Another potentially A-okay pick, but the trouble with dried fruit is moderation. Because it’s not as satiating as fresh fruit, dried fruit is easy to overeat, English says.

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Store-Bought Juices

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (17)

The key difference between fruit and veggie juices and actual whole fruits and veggies? A little thing called fiber that you don’t want to miss out on, English says.

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Sugar-Free Candy

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (18)

“Just because sugar-free candy is lower in sugar than traditional candy doesn't mean it's a healthier option,” Caspero says. “Emerging evidence suggests certain artificial sweeteners can adversely affect gut health.” Resist the "guilt-free" appeal of candies made with alternative sweeteners and just enjoy the real thing when you feel like treating yo’self.

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Snack Mixes

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (19)

Even if you’re not going for cheddary, Chex-loaded mix, most packaged snack mixes are “too low in fiber for one serving to be satisfying,” Caspero says. Plus, lots pack excess sodium.

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Bottled Teas

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (20)

Added sugar strikes again! While unsweetened or lightly sweetened teas can healthily take the edge off, many sweetened teas might as well be soda, says Caspero.

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Corn Chips

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (21)

Everyone may be hating on gluten these days, but low-fiber, low-protein corn chips still don’t make for a satisfying snack. In fact, they’re a recipe for overeating, Caspero says.

Deceptive “Healthy” Snacks That Are Actually Sugar and Calorie Bombs (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.