Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (2024)

Curious about the buzz surrounding the keto egg fast? This intriguing approach, often referred to simply as an "egg fast," is gaining popularity in the low-carb and keto community. Despite varying interpretations found online, the egg fast typically involves a short-term, focused diet primarily used to accelerate weight loss, often yielding results within just 5 days.

While the science behind the egg fast remains largely unexplored, many keto enthusiasts report significant success in overcoming weight loss plateaus with a 5-day egg fast. The anecdotal evidence from social media and forums is compelling, though a scientific understanding of its efficacy is still developing. As someone immersed in the keto lifestyle, I've gathered insights and observations about the egg fast that might shed some light on its effectiveness.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Egg Fast

The Egg Fast, a unique dietary approach within the keto community, involves a strict regimen of consuming primarily eggs, healthy fats, and full-fat cheese over a span of 3 to 5 days. The rules are straightforward: consume a minimum of 6 eggs daily, accompanied by 1 tablespoon of fat per egg, and limit cheese intake to the equivalent number of eggs consumed.

This egg-centric diet results in a macronutrient distribution that aligns with the keto philosophy—extremely low in carbs, high in fats, and moderate in protein. However, unlike typical keto diets, the Egg Fast has a notable absence of fiber sources like greens, seeds, and nuts. Due to this, I advocate for a short-term commitment to the Egg Fast. Supplementing with magnesium, potassium, and vitamins, along with consuming ample water (at least 10 cups daily), is advisable to balance the diet's restrictive nature. Remember, these are personal suggestions and not medical advice.

Exploration of Egg Fast Efficacy

But what makes the Egg Fast effective? Predominantly, it appears to facilitate significant water loss. Yet, beyond this immediate effect, many report sustained weight loss or maintenance post-fast. This could hint at underlying hormonal interactions affecting metabolism, a fascinating area ripe for scientific research. As the understanding of the Egg Fast evolves, so will our insights into its mechanisms and long-term impacts.

Related:5 Reasons Why Egg Fast Diet Is Popular and Successful

Anticipating Results from the Egg Fast

Embarking on the Egg Fast, a distinctive aspect of the keto regimen, isn't about calorie restriction but focuses on a specific nutritional profile: high in fats, low to moderate in proteins, and virtually zero carbohydrates. When adhered to for a continuous five-day period, participants typically report experiencing noticeable water loss, and in some cases, fat loss—especially when coupled with mindful eating and regular exercise.

The outcomes of the Egg Fast, however, can vary from person to person. Factors like starting weight, muscle mass, and exercise frequency play a significant role in determining individual results. It's important to set realistic expectations and understand that each body responds differently to this unique dietary approach.

Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (1)

Key Rules for a Successful Egg Fast

Embarking on the Egg Fast requires adhering to specific guidelines to effectively break through a weight loss plateau. Here's a comprehensive list of the rules that are generally recommended for those undertaking this unique dietary regime:

  1. Egg as Primary Nutrition: Eggs are the main source of fat and protein.
  2. Fat Accompaniment: Consume 1 tablespoon of healthy fat with each egg.
  3. Timely Egg Consumption: Eat your first egg within 30 minutes of waking up.
  4. Regular Eating Intervals: Meals should be spaced every 3 to 5 hours.
  5. Scheduled Eating: Stick to the eating schedule and consume at least one egg, even if not feeling hungry.
  6. Cheese Intake: You may have 1 ounce of full-fat cheese per egg consumed.
  7. Minimum Egg Requirement: Aim to eat at least 6 eggs each day.
  8. Pre-Bedtime Eating: Your last egg should be eaten at least 3 hours before going to bed.
  9. Diet Soda Allowance: Up to 3 cans of diet soda are permitted daily.
  10. Spices and Sauces: Spices and hot sauces can be used but in moderation. Ensure any sauces are low in carbs.
  11. Sweeteners: Low carb sweeteners are permissible.

I have no idea, who's come up with the rules. Moreover, every source has them listed a tiny bit differently, but the basics are staying the same. Anyways, they do make sense in a way if you consider the macronutrient outcome at the end of the day. Maybe you are dairy intolerant or hate cheese. Well, choose something else with similar nutritional value: high fat, protein, and almost no carbs. Or eat more eggs if that acceptable to you.

Health Considerations for the Egg Fast

When contemplating the Egg Fast, it's essential to evaluate its health implications. Primarily, it's designed as a short-term dietary strategy, typically not exceeding 5 days. For a healthy individual, this duration should pose no significant risk, provided there is sufficient energy intake to support daily activities.

Eggs, the cornerstone of this diet, are highly nutritious, offering a rich source of essential micronutrients. Thus, during the 5-day Egg Fast, nutrient deficiencies are unlikely to be a concern. However, the quality and freshness of the eggs used are crucial. Always ensure you're using fresh eggs to avoid any health risks associated with spoiled or contaminated eggs.

While the Egg Fast can be an interesting dietary experiment, it is advisable to practice it infrequently—perhaps once every six months. The long-term health benefits of this approach remain unclear, and it's more of a short-term solution rather than a sustainable lifestyle choice.

Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (2)

My Personal 5-Day Egg Fast Experiment

Back in 2016, I embarked on a personal challenge to explore the Egg Fast for myself. This experiment was born out of my fascination with food challenges and a desire to address some physical changes. After noticing some unwanted puffiness following a shift in my workout routine, and indulging a bit too much in keto treats, I was curious to see how my body would respond to the Egg Fast.

I've decided to try the Egg Fast myself. One of the reasons being that I like little food challenges. 😉 The other reason is that I've noticed my body puffing up since I started lifting heavier again. I know it's what usually happens at first when one changes their workout routine but still gets on my nerves.Plus, I've been consuming too much keto treats lately. Additionally, I think I've even been going way over my ideal daily calorie intake(though I still have no idea what myideal is, honestly),and I think that doesn't helpgetting rid of puffiness. Long story short, I wanted to lose a couple of pounds of the excess water and see how my body responds to the egg fast.

I've decided to go on a 5-day Egg Fast (instead of just 3), but with one of the above rules broken (or ignored).I love working out in a fasted state in the mornings, so during the fast I will just consumegreen tea with a little bit of coconut oil and guarana every morning. It's not bulletproof green tea, but it's been my morning pre-workout routine for quite a while now, and I like it, so I'll stick to it.

What I find quite interesting,is the rule about consuming diet soda. Ok, diet sodas, they're low carb, sugar-free, and all that.But, if I were formingthe rules, I would limit allthe artificial sweetener and/or sugar alcohols (even erythritol) consumption to one snack per day at the most. That is because, for a lotof us, they cause fake hunger or even cravings. I don't drink diet soda often myself, but I guess they have the same effect (or not?) as sugar-free sweets.My explanation is that the brain gets the sweet taste but not the serotoninrelease after theintake, that is why it just wants more. But I won't turn all scientific justnow. Still, need to start writing the science section of this blog.

So, on to my 5 days on theEgg Fast. I'll bewriting about my well-being, losing pounds (or not), workouts,and especially the meals, plus the amountof eggs/fat/cheese consumed. Most of the recipes are taken from other blogs, and I'll direct you to them as I go.

I won't plan ahead too much. I'll take my time to choose and try out as many egg fast recipes as possible. It's going to be a week of working from home, and this allows me to get familiar with some of the meals I could make in advance on extra busy weeks.

If you wish, you can use this diary as a source for your Egg Fast meal plan. Or take it just as an interesting read from a fit person who's using the fast as an experiment rather than a way to lose a significant amount of weight. Of course, if you're on your own fat loss journey, my diary can still come in handy in practice. Hopefully!

Read about myDay 1. Or jump to Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, or Day 5. Note:You can find out about the overall egg-fast outcome at the end of my Day 5 post. Enjoy!

Does this sound boring? Not if you consider rewarding yourself with an egg fast friendly dessert.

Does it sound unhealthy? I guess it could be if you tried to attempt it cold turkey, not being keto-adapted first, if you have any medical issues (consult your doctor first!) or if you restrict the calorie intake too drastically.

It helps to know that eggs are very nutritious, they come with extremely healthy micronutrients, but it is also very handy to get some insight into what happens with the eggs as they age!


Egg Fast Custard Tart

Egg Fast Custard Tart is for anyone who likes eggs and desserts!


Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (3)

Egg Fast Pancakes

Egg fast pancakes are a great choice when keeping away from dairy. Egg-fasting or not, these are delicious and satiating!


Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (4)

Egg Fast Pie

One slice comes out to be approximately 181 Calories, Fat: 14.5 g (of which Saturated: 8.3 g, MUFA's: 3.4 g), Total Carbs: 3.9 g, Fiber: 1.5 g, Net Carbs: 2.4 g, Protein: 7.5 g


Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (5)

Keto Cloud Cake

Half of the cake comes out to be 326 Calories, Fat: 30.8 g (of which Saturated: 19.6 g, MUFA's: 4.8 g), Total Carbs: 2.2 g, Fiber: 0 g, Net Carbs: 2.2 g, Protein: 8.2 g


Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (6)

Egg Fast Mascarpone Roll

While egg fasting, I came up with this egg fast mascarpone roll recipe. I warn you that this is a delicious egg fast treat.


Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (7)


Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes (2024)


Egg Fast - Rules, Benefits, Risks, Meal Plan and Recipes? ›

During an egg fast, the person eats only eggs, cheese, and healthy fats. An egg fast usually only lasts a few days.

What can I eat while on egg fast? ›

During an egg fast, the person eats only eggs, cheese, and healthy fats. An egg fast usually only lasts a few days.

What are the disadvantages of the egg fast diet? ›

Following any low-carbohydrate diet can result in some unsavory side effects, including constipation, fatigue, bad breath and headache. And those who are eating several eggs every day may ingest more than the recommended amount of saturated fat, which may have a negative effect on heart health.

What cheese is good for egg fast? ›

Full-fat cheese — Stick to cheeses with less than 1 g of net carbs per ounce. This includes cheddar, parmesan, swiss, feta, mozzarella, brie, Monterrey jack, cream cheese, mascarpone, and blue cheese. Only eat one ounce per egg.

Can you have mayonnaise on egg fast? ›

Hard-boiled eggs are sliced thin and tossed with plenty of mayonnaise (one tablespoon per egg, to be exact)! The result is a creamy, delicious cold salad that is perfect for an egg fast diet.

How much weight will I lose if I only eat eggs for a month? ›

While you cannot lose weight simply by eating eggs, they're a great protein source in any diet. Eggs are an excellent food at any time of the day. They have health and nutrition benefits for everyone, but they especially help people trying to lose weight. Eggs are a protein food.

How many boiled eggs should I eat a day to lose weight? ›

Include 2-3 eggs in your diet on a daily basis. You can either eat one egg per meal or divide the eggs in a balanced ratio between your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Avoid eating three eggs in one go. Along with boiled eggs you can include green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, fish and even pulses in your daily diet.

How many pounds can you lose on egg fast? ›

That said, most people claim they lose 5–10 pounds (1.4–2.7 kg) in 3–5 days. An egg fast can help you lose weight by restricting calories and promoting ketosis — a metabolic state in which your body uses ketones as a source of fuel.

Can I eat bananas in an egg diet? ›

Yes, you can definitely eat bananas and a boiled egg together. Both are nutritious foods and can be part of a balanced meal or snack. Bananas provide carbohydrates, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals, while boiled eggs are a good source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals like vitamin D and selenium.

Will scrambled eggs break a fast? ›

No matter whether you enjoy them scrambled, boiled, or even cooked in an omelet, eggs can be a fantastic food to choose when breaking a fast. They are packed with high-quality protein, are relatively easy to tolerate, and are a nutritional powerhouse.

How do you eat butter on an egg fast? ›

Consume one tablespoon of butter or healthy fat and one ounce of full-fat cheese per egg. Eat one whole egg within 30 minutes of waking up. Eat an egg-based meal every three to five hours. Don't eat three hours before bedtime.

Can you eat spinach on egg fast? ›

There are many different variations on the egg diet, but they generally last for 2 weeks. For breakfast, you are advised to eat 2 eggs with a serving of low-carb vegetables (like spinach or tomato) and a serving of low-carb fruit (like strawberries or pear).

What fats can you have on an egg fast? ›

For every egg eaten, a tablespoon of fat must be consumed with it. The fats on the fast can be anything from butter to cheese, though it's recommended to choose healthy fats like olive oil. The daily total on the fast is at least six eggs and six tablespoons of fat.

What is the Jimmy Moore egg diet? ›

The egg fast really is as simple as Jimmy Moore says: Each day, you enjoy six to eight eggs, six to eight servings of fat, up to 4 oz. of cheese, and some zero-carb drinks and extras.

What are the side effects of the egg diet? ›

Side Effects of Eating Mostly Boiled Eggs

Go too low and you may be at risk of constipation. The risk of constipation is especially high if you eat only eggs, as eggs have 0 grams of fiber. Beyond its critical role in digestion, fiber may also help decrease the inflammation associated with chronic disease.

Can I eat chicken on egg fast? ›

If you choose this two-week version of the egg diet program, you'll consume three meals daily. Snacks and drinks with calories are not allowed. Each day, eat one meal with eggs. The remaining meals can be built around other sources of lean protein, such as chicken or fish.

How to not gain weight after egg fast? ›

Transitioning off the egg diet without gaining weight can be done by gradually introducing new foods back into your diet and making sure to maintain a calorie deficit. Here are a few steps that can help: 1. Start by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Can I eat cottage cheese on egg fast? ›

Note: Cottage cheese — a favorite among many dieters — is not recommended for a keto egg fast. It's relatively low in fat but high in protein and carbs.

Can you have stevia on egg fast? ›

For each egg you eat, you can add up to 28g/1oz of cheese. Stop eating three hours before bedtime (we broke that rule once!). You can have keto friendly sweeteners (we used erythritol/stevia blended sweeteners, and sugar-free syrups).

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