The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

CLOSING TIME FOR WANT ADS Monday Through Friday 9 p.m. Saturday, 5 p.m. Vancouver, TAtlow 7141 N. Vancouver, YOrk 8626 New Westminster LAkeview 1-2661 The Vancouver Sun Vancouver's Leading Newspaper Published every weekday by Publishing Company, Limited, under agreement with Pacific Press Limited, Printers Owners Beatty St. Vancouver 3, B.C.

Donald Cromie Publisher L. Dampier, Assistant Publisher Koshevoy Managing Editor M. Lecky Advertising Director H. MacKay Associate Editor F. Gates Circuiation Manager J.

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Phone Wells H. Hadfield Box 932 Williams Lake Miss N. E. Box 784 Phone COMING EVENTS OLDTIME-FRIDAYS MODERN-SATURDAYS Dance at Danceland ROBSON AT HORNBY 49c BEFORE 9 PM EMBASSY BALLROOM 1024 Davie at Burrard. Modern dancing Fri.

Sat. Sun Classified Want Ad Section First by Far in Circulation and Classified Want Ads. More Readers, More Results! THE VANCOUVER SUN: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1958 BIRTHS 11 DEATHS 11 DEATHS KNOL Passed away at home, TREECE February 22, 1958, WHITLAW-To Allan and Anna Whitlaw, on February 24, 1958, at North Vancouver General Hospital, a daughter, Catherine Ann, 7 lbs. 4 a sister for Tony. E.

46th aged 65 years. Survived by, 2, daughters, Mrs. J. (Betty) Hyndman, Prince Rupert, and Mrs R. (Nancy) Kelly, South 2 grandchildren; 2 brothers, David Baird, Vancouver, and R.

Baird, Perth, Scotland; 1 sister, Mrs. Cliff McManus, Renfrew, Ont. Rev. G. Turpin, D.D., will conduct the funeral service in the Mt.

Pleasant Chapel, Kingsway at 11th on Thursday, February 27, at 1 p.m. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. DEATHS BAIRD February 23. 1958, Frances Spalding Baird, of 2709 BROWN-Passed away Feb. 24, 1958, Mabel Ann, widow of Walter Brown, 927 W.

Pender in her 78th year. Survived by a son, Robert Donald of Comox, B.C., also 4 grandchildren. Funeral service Tuesday at 11 a.m. in Simmons McBride Funeral Chapel, Broadway at Maple Rev. E.

Bratt officiating. Cremation. CROWLE On February 24, 1958, Margaret Letitia Crowle of 3211 Kitchener in her 81st year. Survived by 3 sons in Edmonton; 2 daughters, New York; 1 daughter, Mrs. Margaret Weeks, Vancouver; 11 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren.

Life member of Penticton Branch No. 40, Canadian Legion. Funeral service Thursday, February 27, at 3 p.m., from the Bell Funeral Home, 2746 E. Hastings, Rev. Robert Birch officiating.

Interment Forest Lawn. grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren. Funeral services in Kelowna. DONALDSON-Passed away Feb. DERRY-On February 22 in Kelowna General Hospital, William H.

Derry, age 83 years. Formerly of Prince Rupert. Survived by his widow in Kelowna; one son, Frank, of Montreal: 3 daughters, Mrs. W. Youden, Mrs.

A. Halleran and Mrs. F. Rush, all of Vancouver; 10 Vancouver; Mrs. R.

E. (Marian) Ikona, Burquitlam; 6 grandchildren. Funeral service Thursday, Februthy 27th, at 4:00 p.m. from Bell Funeral Home, 2746 E. Hastings, Rev.

N. Dermott McInnes officiating. Cremation. No flowers by request. FINLEY Passed away suddenly February 23, 1958, at his residence, Ivan 14142 Stuart Finley, 1 Park North Surrey, age years.

Survived by his wife, Jean; 2 daughters, Judy and Bonat home; his mother, Mrs. Susan Finley, Whalley; 1 sister, Mrs. Hilda Gibson, Hope, B.C. Funeral service Thursday, February at 1:30 p.m., in Surrey Funeral Home Chapel, 13288 Ferguson Whalley, Rev. W.

J. Selder officiating. Interment 1.0.0.F. Cemetery, Chilliwack. 23, 1958, Elizabeth Ann, widow of David Fox Donaldson, late of Gibsons, B.C.

Survived by 2 sisters, Miss Ina J. Forbes, Montreal and Mrs. Louisa Milne, Vancouver. The deceased was a member of Terminal Temple, No. 15, Pythian Sisters.

Funeral service' day at 1 p.m. in Simmons McBride Funeral Chapel, Broadway at Maple Rev. Major George Turpin, D.D., officiating. Cremation. DIX (CLARK) On February 24, 1958, Jemima Dix, widow of the late George Dix (formerly Mrs.

M. W. Clark of 3497 Triumph of 606 Cotton Wood New Westminster, in her 71st year. Survived by 3 sons, Tom in Burnaby, John, Vancouver, and Don, Burquitlam; 2. daughters, Mrs.

Dorothy FRIEL Passed away in hospital, Feb. 20, 1958, Mr. William Friel, 296 Keefer St. Funeral, Feb. 26, 9:30 a.m., in the Chapman Funeral Home 802 W.

Broadway at Willow, followed by cremation. Victoria Frustagli, beloved daughFRUSTA Feb. 25, 1958, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Frustagli, of 2294 Napier in her 16th year; also survived by 1 brother, John; 1 sister, Mrs.

Dora Ramogida; 1 aunt, Mrs. Mary Barbieri, all of Vancouver. Remains resting at the Bell Funeral Home, 2746 E. Hastings St. Funeral announcements later.

GALE Passed away Feb. 22, 1958, Francis Hathral Gale, of 3203 E. 25th in his 83rd year. Survived by his wife; 1 daughter, Mrs. Frances J.

Davis, Vancouver: 2 brothers, Harry Gale Burnaby and George Gale of New York. Deceased was a former employee of Woodward's stores furniture department. Funeral service Feb. 26 at 10:30 a.m. from the chapel of Harold Edwards 705 W.

Broadway, Rev. R. A. Redman officiating. Cremation.

GIBSON At the Vancouver General Hospital, February 24, 1958, John Gibson, age 74 years, of 3990 Napier North Burnaby. Survived by his loving wife Ellen; sons, Ian, Kenneth, Powell River, B.C.,' Garnet and Ronald, Surrey, B.C., Clifford, Duncan, B.C., Wilfred and Russell, Vancouver; 4 daughters, Mrs. H. I. Phipps, Prince Rupert, B.C.

Mrs. T. Rhodes and Mrs. K. Bexrud, Burnaby.

Mrs. A. Theobald, Germany; 17 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; 2 brothers and 5 sisters. Funeral service, Wednesday, February 26, at 3 p.m., in the Burnaby Funeral Directors' Chapel, 4276 E. Hastings North Burnaby, Rev.

L. Hipp. officiating. Interment, Forest Lawn Cemetery. GILMORE Passed away in hospital Feb.

23, 1958, Minnie Annie, age 82 years. Survived by sons, Robert Leslie of North Vancouver; Albert and Bernard in Vancouver: John in Kimberley, B.C.; 3 daughters, Mrs. Edna Eade of San Jose, Mrs. Marguerite Summerfield, Vancouver; Mrs. Minnie Garrett, North Vancouver; grandchildren.

Funeral service Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 3 p.m., in the Roselawn Chapel, Broadway at Commercial Drive, Rev. J. W. Ellis officiating.

Followed by cremation. No flowers please. GOVETT At Fernie. B.C., James Ivan Govett, of 2785 Colbourne South Burnaby, age 60 yrs. Survived by his loving wife, Tora 3 sons, George Moose Jaw: James W.

and Ervine 1 grandchild; 2 brothers, Floyd Florence and Earl; 1 Vancouver. sister, Mrs. Cliff, was a member of I.0.0.F. Kamloops. Funeral service will be the Mt.

Pleasant Chapel, Kingsway at 11th on Thursday, February 22, at 2 p.m., Rev. W. Horton officiating. Interment, Ocean View Burial Park. GRIFFIN On February 24, 1958, Margaret Garland Griffin, 886 Lagoon in her 78th year.

Widow of the late Martin Griffin, K.C. Survived by her son, Martin at home; 2 daughters, Mrs. Mary G. O'Connor, and Miss Anne S. Griffin, also 4 grandchildren, all residing in England.

Prayers Wednesday service following at Guardian the evening Angel Church, 1161 Broughton where Requiem Mass will be celebrated Thursday, February 27, at 10 a.m., Rt. Rev. Msgr. F. A.

Clinton celebrant. Interment Ocean View Burial Park. Remains resting at the Kearney Funeral Directors, Broadway Chapel, 1096 W. Broadway. INKSTER-Peter Russell Inkster, passed away in Nanaimo General Hospital, Saturday, Feb.

22, 1958, aged 78 years. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, Margaret; 3 sons, Russell and Peter, Nanaimo, B.C., and Thomas Milford, Mrs. Courtney, B.C.; a a ter. J. K.

Whyte, Vancouver, and 5 grandchildren; a brother, Gilbert, Ladysmith, B.C., sisters, Mrs. Grace Mather, New Zealand and Mrs. Robert Jameson, Shetland Islands. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 3 p.m., in St.

Andrew's United Church, Nanaimo, B.C. by Rev. Robert Moses assisted by Rev. William Van Druten. Burial will be in Cedar Valley Memorial Gardens.

D. J. Jenkins Ltd. has charge of arrangements. PHONE TONIGHT BEFORE 9 TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD IN TOMORROW'S VANCOUVER SUN COMING EVENTS Old-time dance every Thursday, Saturday.

Howden Ballroom. 1313 Granville Street. Arcadian Hall. 2214 Main Old-time dancing. Wed.

Sat. 2 CATERING Baker's can provide all food, equipment staff for your party, either at your location or in one of Frank Baker's 3 ideally located decorated halls. For information without obligation, please phone Baker's Catering Service, CE. 4221. Delicious Bar-B-Q chickens and home made salads for weddings, parties or any occasions.

Very reasonable prices. Hilda's Delicatessen, 3715 Main St. Ph. EM. 7434.

Gwynne's Reception Hall Full coverage on Weddings, Catering, Hall, Music Photographs. EM. 9622 Eves. FR. 7049 Hi-Fi Caterers -Weddings banquets.

FR. 6071. FR. 1293. HALLS FOR RENT Halls for rent.

Catering, banquets, wedding receptions. Lion's Gate Halls, 2611 W. 4th. CE. 8514.

Hall for banquets, lodges, wedding recp. catering. FR. 6395. The Arlington (2 halls), the Orchid for rent.

CH. 3688. CE. 2220. 8 BIRTHS BARKER -Linda would like to announce the arrival of a new sister, 6 lbs.

1 born February 19, 1958, at Burnaby General Hospital. Parents are Harry and Lillian Barker (nee Macaulay). BRISCOE Born to Mr. and Mrs. D.

A. (Peter) Briscoe, a son, Peter John Henry, at St. Paul's Hospital, on Feb. 22, 1958. A brother for Gilbert.

DAVIE-TO Mary, to Harry Davie on Feb. 1958, at Grace Hospital, a son, Stephen Robert. DAWKINS To Joyce and Clive Dawkins (nee Griffen), at Grace Hospital, on Feb. 23, 1958, a son, Kenneth Clive. All doing well.

GAUDRY To Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gaudry, at Vancouver General Hospital, on February 22, 1958, a son, David Roger, 8 lbs. 6 oZ. GOBLE To Edith and Norman Goble, at St.

Paul's Hospital on February 20, 1958, a son, Robert Wallace, 8 lbs. 8 oZ. HAWES To Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. (Bill) Hawes (nee June Wirth), 7603 Ryan Seattle, at Virginia Mason Hospital, Seattle, on February 20, 1958, a son, Terry Clive Wilriam, 6 lbs. 1 oz. HEYS To Jack and Donelda Heys (nee Osterman), at Burnaby General Hospital, on February 1958. a daughter, Laurel Elizabeth, 8 lbs.

13 oz. JACKSON To Mr. and Mrs. K. Lloyd Jackson (nee Mary Foxton), of 411 7th New Westminster, at Vancouver General Hospital, on Feb.

22, 1958, a daughter, Christine Deborah, weight 8 birthday present for Dad. MUSGRAVE To George and Doreen Musgrave, on Feb. 21, 1958, at Vancouver General Hospital, a son, 7 lbs. 15 a brother for Barbara and Karen. NICKLE-To Mr.

and Mrs. Gordon Nickle (nee Audrey Brown of Nanaimo), on Feb. 21, 1958, at St. Vincent's Hospital, a daughter, Carol Ruth, 6 lbs. 9 a sister for Craig.

4081 39521 STEWART To Mr. and Wiel Mrs. Gordon G. Stewart (nee 206W Georgeina McGillivray), at Mount St. Joseph's Hospital, Gordon February Glen, 12, 10 lbs.

a son, T. 1958, OWENS TO Mr. and Mrs. Stan Owens of 1355 South Holdom, North Burnaby, at Burnaby General Hospital on February 20th, 1958, a brother for Ronnie, Steven Michael, 7 lbs. oZS.

TURGEON To Dolores and Bernard Turgeon (nee Mokree), a son, Michael William Noel, 8 lbs. 5 Feb. 20, 1958 at. Mount St. Joseph's Hospital.

SUN CLASSIFIED AD INDEX ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ARE NUMBERED AND APPEAR IN NUMERICAL ORDER Classification, classification Classification No. No. No. Agencies Wanted 66 Puneral Directors 18 12 Painters Decorators and 84 Agreements .206 unera: Fur-bear. Notices Animals 125 Personal 31 Aircraft Sale for Furnaces 93 Pet Stock ..124 Antiques Apartm't Property 184 Furnished Rooms .145 Poultry Supplies 126 96 Furnished Houses .154 Photo Finishing .107 Automobiles Furnished Sultes ..150 Professional Cards .181 35 for Sale ..218 Furniture .157 95 Property for Island Sale .182 Auto Repairs Serv.

207 Halls for Rent 4 Property Exchange 187 Automobiles Garages for Rent Vancouver Auto Radiators ...207 Health Services 36 Radio Radios 100 99 Auto Wreck Acces. 207 Help Wanted, Women Men 40 50 Repairing 92 Bicycles, Motorcycles .108 Help Wanted, Ranches .191 Help Ranges Birds Births 8 Home Services 85 Rev. Houses Wtd. .165 and Goldfish 124 Men-Women 47 Refrigerators .112 Boats Marine Hotels and .140 Rooms and Board 147 Supplies ...133 Housekeeping Rms. SALE 146 Room and Board Books Locations 33 City HOUSES Homes FOR .170 Wanted Salesladies, Agents 149 Business 161 Building Material 88 Duplexes.

Rev. ..171 Salesmen, Agents 45 90 Business Opp. .200 Burnaby .172 Sawdust Business Personals 32 North Vancouver 173 Schools, Colleges 60 Business Services 85 West Vancouver .174 Sewing Machines .110 Building Lots .181 Richmond ..175 Sporting Goods ..106 Bullding Trades 76 New Westminst'r 176 Stamps and 33 Cameras .107 Coquitiam Dist. .177 Store Equipment .102 Canaries, Rabbits. .124 Surrey, Delta, Suites for Sale .152 Cards of Thanks 14 Valley ....178 Summer Resorts Catering 2 Houses Wtd.

to Buy 164 "Vacation Spots" 141 Cemeteries 20 In Memoriam 16 Swap .121 Clothing, Furs, Industrial Property 186 Teachers Wanted 64 Shoes .116 Information Wtd. 26 Television 99 Coal 91 Letters of Timber Coming Events Appreciation 15 Tires, Batterles, Commercial Lighting Plants ...131 etc. .207 Property 185 Lodge Notices 6 T'railers .211 Country Homes, Listings Wanted ..166 Trucks .103 .210 Acreage .190 Livestock .127 Typewriters 11 Lost 24 Unturn'd Houses. 155 Domestic Help Machinery .130 Unfurnished Suites 151 Wanted 53 Marriages 10 Vacuum Cleaners 111 Educational 60 Meats 113 Vegetables .113 Men Money to Loan .204 Wanted, Houses Employment Wanted, Mining Properties .196 Automobiles 214 Employment Wanted, Money Monumental for Mtges. .205 to Build ..180 Women 72 Works 19 Waterfrontage .188 Engagements 9 Moving Storage 160 Wanted, Misc.

.122 Farm Implements. 129 Music, Art Dancing 29 Wanted to Rent Florists 21 Musical Instruments 98 Wanted, Trucks .214 For Sale Misc. ..120 New Car Dealers .220 Washing Machines 115 Found 25 Nursing and Wood 89 Fruits 113 Rest Homes 38 Wrecking, Access. .207 Farms, Office Equipment. 102 Your Garden 75 116 IN MEMORIAM HUFF- -In memory of my husband Roy E.

Huff, who passed away February 25, 1955. No pen can write, no tongue can tell, dear husband, My sad and bitter loss, But God alone has helped so well To bear my heavy cross. -His loving wife Myra. NASH-In loving memory of a dear husband and daddy, Russell Victor, who passed away February 25, 1957. -Sadly missed, always remembered by his loving wife Freda and daughter Karen.

NASH- -In loving memory of our dear father, Russel Victor, who passed away February 25, 1957. Une year has passed since that sad day, When one we loved was called away. -Remembered by daughter Louise, Hayden and grandsons. ORTON In loving our beloved dad and granddad, George W. Orton, who passed away February 25, 1952.

Never will the one we loved, From memory pass away. -Ever remembered by Eveline, Tom, Bobbie, Ricky, Don, Doris and Ross. SHANTZ- In loving memory of a beloved wife and mother, Ada Maude, who passed away February 25, 1946. The depth of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well; And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. -Ever remembered by her loving husband, children and grandchildren.

STILES In loving memory of a dear wife, Mary Eleanor Stiles, who passed away February 25, 1957. In memory's garden We meet everyday. -Always remembered and sadly missed by husband Richard (Dick). WHITE- Cherished memories of my dear wife, Annie Christina White, who passed away February 25, 1946. He loving face I hope to see again, Though the days have passed away; Sleep on, dear wife, and take your rest, They miss you most who loved vou best.

-Always remembered by her loving nusband. loving memory of our dear parents, Edna Mae, February 25, 1957 and Ernest, February 18, 1953. And while they lie in peaceful sleep Their memory we shall always keep. -Ever remembered by son Ernest, Peggy and children. WOODS--In loving memory of our mother, Edna Mae, who passed away February 25, 1957.

While you, dear mother, rest and sleep, Your loving memory we'll always keep. -Remembered by her son Maurice and family. WOODS In loving memory of my mother, Edna Woods, who passed away February 25, 1957. Memory keeps you ever near us Though you died one year ago. -Ever remembered by her son, David and family.

18 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Harron Bros Ltd Chas. E. Atchison, Pres. Chapel of Chimes 55 E. 10th Ave.

EM. 8877 S. Earl Atchison, Mgr. Royal Oak Chapel Kingsway at Royal Oak, Burnaby Harold C. Atchison, HE.

1-5577 BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST FUNERAL SERVICE SIMMONS McBRIDE LTD. Director of Funeral Service Broadway at Maple St. BA. 4151 Ed. A.

Simmons Frank E. McBride Alf Francis Jack Nett Don Layton Doug. McDonald Rowden Aldred Duncan Ireland Bruce Doherty Service" CANADA'STINEST THE MOUNT PLEASANT CHAPEL Vancouver's most beautiful and modern funeral home. MOUN I PLEASANT UNDERTAKING CO. Kingsway at 11th.

EM. 2161-2162. THE T. EDWARDS CO. Memorial Chapel Granville at 10th Ave.

Phone CHerry 3181. 1349 Commercial Dr. HA. GRANDVIEW FUNERAL HOME. H.

O. Brown, Mgr. HOLLYBURN FUNERAL HOME A. D. Walsh 1807 Mar.

W. Van. WA. 2-1221 HAROLD EDWARDS LTD. 705 W.

Bdwy at Heather. EM. 7711 CHAPMAN FUNERAL HOME 802 W. Bdway. at Willow.

EX. 2141 GLENHAVEN MEMORIAL CHAP'L 1235 East Hastings HA. 6940 24 LOST Feb. 14, 10:35 a.m., cross between miniature Collie and Pom. puppy, 12 weeks, fluffy, curled tail.

Srapshot posted in King's Meat Market, Joyce Rd. way. Chiid's pet, badly needed. Will prosecute anyone harboring. 5829 Kerr DE.

3217L. Reward. Please. Doberman Pincher, cocoa brown color, male. Anyone found harboring same will be prosecuted.

HE. 3-4942. REWARD for recovery of rain clothes, leather apron blue sweater, lost vicinity Alexander Powell St. HA. 2185L.

Reward: '49 dark blue Mercury sedan, license No. 158-495. MA. 1408. 8 mos.

old male collie, brown with white ruff on left side front, South Burnaby. LA. 2-1503. Registered golden retriever, female, 7 mo. old, vicinity Kings and Lonsdale.

Reward. YO. 9848. Red co*cker, graying, from 13th Birch. Tag No.

3661. CE. 4946. CLOSING TIME for WANT ADS Monday through Friday (New Copy Corrections Cancellations) 9 p.m. Saturday, 5 p.m.

Just phone TA. 7141 and a Courteous Want Ad Taker Will Help You 24 LOST Black, half angora male cat, Feb. 24, 1958, William Knol, of 1720 Venables in his 68th year. Survived by his loving wife, 2 sons, Gerritt and Jack, Burnaby. B.C.; 2 daughters, Mrs.

Margaret Avramovic and Mrs. Bruno Strandt, Vancouver; grandchildren; great-grandchildren; 1 brother in Vancouver. Funeral service Thursday, Feb. 27 at 1 p.m. from the Grandview Funeral Chapel, Commercial Drive at Kitchener Rev.

E. J. Krisch officiating. Interment Valley View Cemetery, Surrey, B.C. LAURITSEN Passed away in hospital February 21, 1958, Josephine Amalie of 1843 Napier St.

in her 82nd year. Survived by 6 sons, Arthur, Alfred, Alex and Lloyd, Powell River; Ture and Osborne, Vancouver; 3 daughters, Mrs. Nellie Lindahl and Mrs. Hardis Lawrie, Vancouver, Mrs. Eleanora Sorensen, Buck Ridge, B.C.: 2 brothers in Norway, one brother in Vancouver, 17 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren.

Funeral service Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 3 p.m. from the Grandview Funeral Chapel, Commercial Drive at Kitchener Rev. A. B.

H. Hagen officiating. Fund Cremation. Donations to Cancer in lieu of flowers. LONG On February 28, 1958, Robert Alfred Long, aged 53 years, late of 40 West 38th Ave.

Survived by his Irene; 1 son, Richard, of Richmond, B.C.: his father, James Long, of England; 1 sister, Mrs. W. G. Cooke, Vancouver; 1 brother, C. J.

Long, of Edmonton; also 3 grandchildren. Deceased was a Past Master of Trinity Lodge No. 98, A.F. A.M.; past president of the B.C. Lawn Bowling Association; a charter member of Trinity O.E.S.

No. 74, and a member of the Mount Pleasant Kiwanis. Funeral Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Hamilton Mortuary, Fraser St.

at 38th Canon A. J. Vale, D.D., officiating, followed by cremation. Winnipeg papers please copy. LONGDEN Passed away in Burnaby Feb.

23, 1958, Edith Lillian Longden in her 78th year, beloved widow of the late Leonard Longden, of 4207 Kingsway, Burnaby. Survived by 2 sons, Harold in England; Leonard, Victoria, B.C.: 1 daughter, Mrs. J. Cliff, Vancouver; 8 grandchildren; 2 sisters Wednesday, in England. Feb.

26, 1:00 p.m. Funeral service from Chapel, Kingsway at Royal Oak the Royal 'Oak Funeral Burnaby, Rev. H. McSherry officiating. Interment Ocean View Memorial Park.

MAIN-Passed away Feb. 24, 1958, John Main, of 3011 W. 14th in his 81st year. Survived by 3 sons, John, Alex and David, ail of Vancouver; 1 daughter. Mrs.

S. Leonard, Vancouver; 5 grandchildren. Funeral service Wednesday at 3 o'clock in Simmons McBride Funeral Chapel, Broadway at Maple Rev. Angus Jack officiating. Interment Forest Lawn Memorial Park.

McLOSKY Passed away in Vancouver, Feb. 14, 2710 1958, Mrs. Mary McLosky of W. USA. 5th Ave.

Survived by a niece in Funeral, Feb. 26, at 10:30 a.m., in the Chapman Funeral Home 802 W. Broadway at Survived by his wife, Margaret; 4 daughters, Margaret Smith, Murray, all Jean Murray and Mrs. N. of Vancouver, M.

Stenhouse, Deadwood, 6 grandchildren. Funeral service, Feb. 26, at 3 p.m., in the Chapel of Chimes, Harron Bros. 10th Ave. Rev.

W. J. Ern Baxter Interment, Field of Honor, Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Regina papers please copy. MURRAY- Suddenly John at Quesnel, William B.C., February 21st, Murray, of 2045 Barclay aged 51 years.

Survived by his William loving wife, Phoebe; his father, Murray, Vancouver; 1 sister, Mrs. M. Grist, Vancouver; 6 brothers, Joe, James and Vin, Vancouver; Dan, Parksville, V.I.; Thomas, Coquitiam, and Jack, Calgary. Rev. J.

G. Ferry will conduct the funeral service in the Mount Pleasant Chapel, Kingsway at 11th on Thursday, February 27, at 3 p.m. Interment Ocean View Burial Park. REID- -Passed away suddenly late of 7576 Selkirk age 78 February 23, 1958, Samuel Reid, years. Survived by his loving wife; 4 sons, Samuel, Robert, Wylie and Douglas, of Vancouver; Thomas of Kamloops; 7 grandchildren; brother, William Sned- Reid, Washington; sisters, Mrs.

J. don and Mrs. M. McNaughton, Vancouver. Funeral service Feb.

26 at 1:30 p.m. in Nunn Thomson's Chapel, 10th Ave. and Rev. J. C.

Cronin officiating. Cremation. No flowers request. ROMANIUK- In hospital, February 22, 1958, William Romaniuk, 522 Richards aged 67 years. Survived by his loving wife Katherine and a daughter, Miss Jeanette, at home; 2 sons, Michael and William, Vancouver; 3 brothers, Stephe, Edmonton, John and Michael, Vancouver.

Pre-deceased by Joe, 1955. Also 1 sister, Mrs. at T. Slavik, Vancouver. Prayers the Kearney Funeral Directors, Broadway Chapel, Tuesday, 8 p.m.

Requiem Mass, St. Mary's Ukranian Catholic Church, Pender Princess, February 26, at 10 Willow, followed by cremation. February 23, 1958, Ernest Langworthy Mitchell, late of 750 East 33rd aged 82 years. Survived by home; his loving daughters, wife; 1 son, Eric, 2 Mrs. Gladys Mittleton, Vancouver, Mrs.

Olive Shaw, New Westminster; 3. grandchildren; 1 great grandchild; 1 Mrs. B. ter Weeden, in Australia; 1 sister and 1 West Vancouver; 1 sisbrother in England. Funeral service will be held in the Mt.

Pleasant Chapel, Kingsway at 11th on Wednesday, February Newton of- 26, at 1 p.m., Mr. George ficiating. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. MOLCHANSKY Passed away in hospital February 1958, Rev. Konstantine Molchansky, late of 1086 West 10th Ave.

Survived by his wife and 3 daughters in Russia; and a cousin, Mrs. S. Kirsta, of Vancouver. Prayers p.m. in the Chapman Funeral Tuesday, February 25 at Home 802 W.

Broadway at Willow, with funeral services Wednesday, February 26, 9:30 a.m. from St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, corner of 13th Ave. and Prince Alberta St. Interment Forest Lawn Memorial Park.

MURRAY- -Feb. 23, 1958, Charles Murray of 4208 W. 14th in his 78th year. Late member of Canadian Legion, West Pt. Grey Branch No.

142. Served in World War I with No. 209 Battalion. Burial Park. SPENCE Feb.

23, 1958, William Johnston Spence, of 1252 W. Georgia aged 71 years. Survived by 2 sisters, Mrs. Janet B. Clements and Mrs.

Thomas Charters, Vancouver; also 2 brothers in Scotland; nieces and nephews. Rev. G. Turpin, D.D., will conduct the funeral service in the Mt. Pleasant Chapel, Kingsway 11th on Wednesday, Feb.

26. at 3 p.m. Interment Field of Honor, Mountain View Cemetery. STEELE On Feb. 24, 1958, Kathleen Mildred Steele, aged 34 years, late of 550 E.

56th Ave. Survived by her husband, Thomas; 4 sons, Robert, Wayne, Leigh and Daryl, at home: her mother, Mrs. Elsie Hogt, Nanaimo; 3 sisters, Mrs. Mary Allgrett, Mrs. Barbara Scott, North Vancouver; Mrs.

Joan Menzies, of Nanaimo: 1 brother, Geoffrey Hogt, of Trenton, Ontario. Funeral Wednesday. Feb. 26, at 4 p.m. in the Chapel of Hamilton Mortuary, B.

Fraser St. at 38th Rev. G. Archer officiating, followed by cremation. dona- In lieu of flowers, please Canadian send tions to the Cancer Institute.

STRYG-Passed away February 22nd, 1958, Ann Marie, of 916 Cardero, in her 66th year. Survived by son, in Toronto. Funeral Wednesday. February 26th at p.m. from the Chapel of Harold Edwards 705 W.

Broadway. Rev. George H. Brewerton, officiating. Interment Mountain View Cemetery.

Alice Mabel Treece, aged 59 years, late charter member and past matron of Debuc Chapter No. 86, O.E.S. Beloved wife of Les Treece, 1675 Philip North Vancouver. Also survived by one and grandson Timothy, Ladner, daughter, Mrs. B.

(Murry) Ivens B.C.; her mother, Mrs. A. Foley, Cotham, 2 brothers, Fred Willway, Cotham, and Dora Willway, Los Angeles; Mrs. Philip, Los Angeles; 5 sisters, Miss E. Almassey, Penticton; Mrs.

A. Coldwell, Cotham, E. Taylor, Dysart, and Mrs. J. Mercer, Calgary.

Funeral service Tuesday, February 25th, at 2 p.m., from St. Richard's Church, 15th St. and Philip North Vancouver. Interment Capliano View Cemetery. In lieu of flowers please send donations to B.C.

Cancer Society. North Vancouver Funeral Chapel Directing. VENIER- away suddenly, Feb. 22, 1958, Ermida, beloved wife of Ezio Venier, of Cranbrook, B.C., in her 37th year. Also survived by 1 son, Harvey; 1 daughter, Vivian, both at home: her mother, Mrs.

G. Venier, Cranbrook; 2 brothers, Angelo, Cranbrook. B.C.: Remigio, Toronto; 2 sisters, Mrs. L. Talotti, Crow's Nest, B.C.; Mrs.

A. Berdusco, Sparwood, B.C. Remains will be forwarded to Cranbrook. B.C., where funeral service and interment will take place. Simmons McBride, Broadway at Maple funeral directors in charge.

WASMANSDORFF Helen, passed away in hospital, Feb. 24, 1958, late of 1316 Connaught Dr. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. A. C.

DesBrisay; a granddaughter, Mrs. C. N. Van Houten, of Port Credit, Ontario; also 4 greatgrandchildren; a brother, Charles F. Schaber of Mount Clair, New Jersey.

A private service, Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 1 p.m. No flowers by request. WILLIAMSON Passed away February 24, 1958, Catherine Flora, widow of the late Robert George Williamson, of 2586 Waterloo St. Survived by her loving family, Mrs.

Harry Brinkhurst, Mrs. Walter McGown, Mrs. Frank Burrill, Mrs. Reg. Paxton, Mrs.

Doug Putnam, Lillian, also Loretta, Robert and Barry, 16 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren, 4 sisters and 2 brothers. Funeral arrangements to be announced later by Simmons McBride, funeral directors. WILSON Passed away into the presence of her Lord, Feb. 23, 1958, Mary Miller Wilson, of 2466 West 18th aged 67 years. Survived by her loving husband, William; sons, Kenneth, Halifax, and Jack, of Churchill, 1 daughter, Mrs.

D. (Ruth) Ward: 7 grandchildren; 1 brother, John Fleming, New Westminster; 1 sister, Mrs. Martha Beasley, Vancouver. Mr. John Wilson and associates will conduct the funeral service in the Granville Chapel, 43rd Granville on Wednesday, February 26, at 2 p.m.

InGideon Bibles may be placed as a terment Ocean I View Burial Park. continuing memorial. Mount Pleasant Co. directors. 12 FUNERAL NOTICES LONG--The officers and members of Trinity Chapter No.

74, O.E.S., are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Robert Alfred Long, Wednesday, February 26, at 2 p.m., in Chapel of Hamilton Mortuary, Fraser St. at 38th Ave. Signed -Mrs. Phyllis Hobbs, W.M. Mrs.

Ethel E. Martin, Secy. Members of Trinity Lodge No. 98, A.F.&A.M. are requested to attend the funeral of late Worshipful Brother Robert Long, Wednesday, 5390 at 2 Fraser p.m.

Hamilton -Signed: J. Kenmuir, W.M.; W. W. Martin, Sec. 14 CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank our many.

friends, neighbors and relatives for their many expressions of kindness and sympathy in the sudden passing of our dear husband and father, Hans Wikene, and for the many beautiful floral offerings. Special thanks to Rev. W. Stibbons for his consoling words. -The Family.

I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my many friends and relatives for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and loss of my loving husband. Special thanks to Dr. E. K. Hough and the nurses of the Royal Columbian Hospital; also to Rev.

W. Evan Fullerton. -Mrs. Bessie Macgregor. We wish to thank our friends, neighbors and relatives for their kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during our recent loss of a dear father and grandfather, Charles Ridd.

Also special thanks to Rev. T. D. Barnett for his consoling words. -The Family, We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who so kindly assisted and for the words of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings extended at the death of our beloved brother, John Stewart Martin.

-Mr. C. H. Martin, Mr. D.

A. Martin, Mr. J. M. Martin, Mr H.

E. Martin. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many kind friends, neighbors, relatives, and to the Blessed Sacrament fathers for their kind pressions of sympathy and for the beautiful floral offerings, extended to us at the death of our beloved husband and father. -Mrs. Charles Laberge and family.

16 IN MEMORIAM BICKERTON In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Edgar, who passed away Feb. 25, 1950. We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year; In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. -Ever remembered by his wife and family. HESSE- In loving memory of Patrick Joseph, who passed away suddenly February 25, 1957.

As we loved you, so we miss you; In our memory, you are near. Loved, remembered, longed for always, Bringing many a silent tear. -Ever remembered by his loving wife Eleanor and children. strayed from 5134 Killarney. HE.

1-9586. From vicinity of Heather and 30th. Nutered male white cat. DI. 6345.

Child's glasses in brown case, Thursday, between Larch Bienheim on Broadway. BA. 8352. Budgie, blue with yellow head, on Monday morning, vicinity 1200 block 11th Ave. West.

CE. 1982. Black leather wallet, vicinity Cambie Theatre, 600 bik. West Broadway. FR.

3550. Pair of boy's glasses, in case, un Grouse Sat. D. Houde, WI. 3415.

Reward. Black part Persian (5 mos.) kitten, vic. Bute Pendrell. MU. 3-5040, eves.

TA. 5504. Budgie, green yellow, from 1574 W. 66th. "Joey." KE.

4665Y. Brown change purse, containing Bills gold pin. CE. 2138. Small black parasol, tan edge, keepsake.

Reward. HE. 1-8269. White. rabbit, vic.

6th Lonsdale. YO. 2627. Black part-persian male cat, Kits. district.

Reward. BA. 6731. Mother-of-pearl compact, Friday, Eaton's. Keepsake.

HA. 0234L. Black female Labrador, family pet. CH. 5585.

Black male cat, Westlynn, North Vancouver. YO. 3316. 14 mo. old black Lab.

with green collar. FR. 2937. 25 FOUND Female co*cker cross pup black. Female Labrador black.

Female terrier cross pup blond. Male Lab. cross, very dark brown curly. Female co*cker cross, red white. Female collie cross, white red.

Female border collie, black, white tan. Male wire haired terrier eross, white tan. Contact Vanc. S.P.C.A, Animal Shelter, EX. 2948.

Call DI. 3812 after 5 weekends. Found, a girl's small size bike, vic. 4200 bik. on Grandview Douglas Hwy.

DE. 1675L. Found. Male bull dog, tan and white, vic. Rumble St.

Buller, S. Burnaby. HE. 3-4726. Sum of money, North Burnaby area.

GL. 0604. 24-inch pipe wrench, downtown area. CR. 8-1021 after 6 p.m.

26 INFORMATION WANTED $50 reward offered for accurate information regarding the whereabouts of 1957 Dodge Suburban, beige and brown 1957 Ontario licence number 46635X. Wire or phone collect, G. P. Smadu, Liberty 91373. 272 Ottawa N.

Hamilton. Would the truck driver or anyone else who saw accident in 100 block Robson on Feb. 20th at 8:55 a.m., please phone Mr. Macdonald, MA. 1257 or DE.

5088L. $10 reward for information leading to an Eastman Kodak camera, 6-16, canvas case, short strap. Anyone knowing of this camera, please contact Box 820, Sun. Anyone knowing whereabouts of Verna Blanche Wolanski contact Box 2607, Sun. Very urgent.

Reward. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Jeanne Juliette Odila Mayer please contact Box 1913, Sun. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Gordon Smith, 2 E. 8th please contact Box 1915, Sun. 29 MUSIC ART DANCING Present This Ad 6 PRIVATE LESSONS FOR ONLY $9.50 Take advantage of this week's introductory offer.

Phone or come in today Trial Lesson. FERGUSON'S 712 Robson St. 6939 DIOR STUDIO OF DANCING It will cost you $1 lesson in the dances of your choice Join in our weekly activities. 2431 Granville BA. 1941 Free musical instrument while your child is learning.

Kelly's School of Music PA. 7511. Let me teach you any dance you wish for only $9.50. Joan. BA.

3078. 2 p.m.-10 p.m. Piano, guitar, accordion, violin lessons; 2 locations. Barney's, MU. 3-3420, HA.

5057Y. Piano teaching. Edna Gregory, A.L.C.M. 5961 Ontario. FR.

7706. Guitar lessons, instrument provided. MU. 3-8978. Popular classical piano theory.

S. Gilbert, 1921 E. 33rd. D1. 9874.

Pat's Orchestra. Modern old time. TA. 0793, HA. 4985L after 5.

I can teach you to dance in 3 or 4 lessons; private instr. PA. 7403. Exp. 3-pc.

orchestra open for weddings, dances. HA. 6111Y. HA. 8164 Play popular piano; 20 lessons.

Ted Williams. BA. 4440. Accordion lessons in your home -wherever you live. HA.

3013. 31 PERSONAL Germar lady, widow, 48 years old, with 15 year old son, would like to meet German speaking gentleman, 48-54 years old, with own home, Vancouver or New Westminster district. Object matrimony. Box 371, Sun. Young American business man, mid 30's, vacationing here soon, interested meeting young lady for Have companionship, car shows, outings, mat- etc.

home. Object rimony. Box 423, Sun. Widow, 35, with girl and own home, wishes to meet man with children. Interested in philosophy, to make home.

Object matrimony. Box 401, Sun. Lonely Scot would like to meet kindly lady pensioner. Object matrimony. Box 818, Sun.

Retired lady wishes to meet same, companionship, cards, outings. Box 772, Sun. Dear, please believe me, didn't get any letter, very disappointed. Still all my love. 32 BUSINESS PERSONALS Jansen's Custom Tailors are making ladies' or men's suits to order.

Any kind of alt. We are changing dble-breasted suits into $12. 1061 Granville. TA. 6018 All types of accounting, payrolls, business letters, typing other clerical duties offered to smaller businesses for nominal fee.

MA. 2969, after 6 p.m. MADAME SADIA Cards, coffee, crystal, cards sand divining, palmistry. CH. 7531.

Toupees, Hair Goods Men's toupees a specialty. Mitchell, 712 Robson. TA. 4845 Cash for Diamonds Goldbloom Son 207 W. Hastings Room 701 Have you the latest birth control information? Its free.

Write Imperial Imports (Western), Dept. 8, P.O. Box 227, Vancouver. B.C. Pensioners urgently require clothing of all kinds, furniture, etc.

PA. 9938 or FR. 1211. Hair Goods Toupees-Ladies' Wigs Hanson Co. Suite 4, 709 Dunsmuir.

MA. 8034. For your Personal Hygiene needs. London Drug, 800 Main, PA. 3847.

Open Lonely? Ladies m'dnght every night. until 12 or men, many with means: lists addresses. $1 Americas. P.O. Box 488F, Vanc.

Madame Fontaine of Edmonton gives professional readings at 433 East 25th Avenue. Birth Control. Free authentic information list P.O. of Box supplies. Modern.

Dept. 188, Vane. Insomnia? Can't sleep? Take a bath with Black Forest Pine Needle Oil. At all drug dept. stores Let Us Find Your Partner International Marriage Bureau Rm.

113, 615 W. Pender. MU. 3-7261 Single gloves and earrings collected. Interested in finding mates.

HA. 6150Y. Slip covers, drapes, upholstery. 3-day service. FR.

8414 DO YOUR OWN DRESSMAKING? A Twin Form is success. BA. 3804 32 BUSINESS PERSONALS STILL IN DEBT? you are in debt find your payments are too high please we will arrange a loan make arrangements to reall your payments into satisfactory monthly amount, invite out of town inquirand all matters are treated strictly confidential. (Licensed Bonded) Prudential Credit Company E. Hastings St.

PA. 5581-5582 Open 9 to 9 or if N.A. FR. 3830 Highest Prices Paid We Buy or Loan Money men's good used clothing, munds, watches, cameras, radios, tools, rifles, TV's, baggage, golf clubs and all valuables. Our buyer will call at your home.

Open 6 days a week. San Francisco Tailors Ltd. PAWNBROKERS JEWELERS 52 West Hastings Est. 1908 PAcific 4955 block east of Woodward's NEED MONEY We Loan or Buy Canada's Largest Pawnbrokers 60 Years in Business All European Languages Spoken Drive In Privacy at Rear of Store BC COLLATERAL LOAN BROKERS LTD E. Hastings St.

PA. 3557. WATCH CLEANING! Feb. special! $5 cleans, oils regulates -fast accurate service. ROGERS JEWELLERS 317 W.

Hastings MU. 3-5238 Bldgs. raised, moved, levelled underpinned. Gen. alter.

repairs. Insured City country, EM. 6374. Box 630, Sun. Allan MacDougall Fine Tailoring 1441 W.

Broadway BA. 5512 Try "Frig" Cold Water Soap for Woolens. It's tops. Sold at stores. Rent a gown.

Selection. Hoops Fur Stoles, KE. 2293, BR. 7-6748. and Astrologer 777 Burrard, Studio 58.

PA. 1105. Eczema itch, piles. Try Teenjore. 444 Main St.

All drug dept. stores. Wedding invitations printed 1 day. E. Church, 1052 W.

Pnder. MA. 0641 Belle Mode Furs, restyling $15 up, remodels. 1025 Robson. TA.

1611. Alcoholics Anonymous P.O. Box 464, or phone MA. 5623. design'g.

alter't'ns. 1636 Charles. HA. 8205M. Dressmaking alterations, children's clothes; reasonable.

DI. 5874. Rugs, chesterfields, cleaned home. Intercity Cleaners, DE. 5167.

Mme. Francis, clairvoyant, readings by appt. Hrs. 10-9. EM.

9831. Fry's Formal Rentals Florist Tux gowns. EX. 3714. FR.

7150. Birth Control Clinic (Est. 1932) Mrs. Duncan, 3250 Fraser. DI.

0411 33 STAMPS, COINS, BOOKS Rack copies of Playboy, Gent, Nugget, Screen Photography, etc. Fraser's Book Bin, 6184 Fraser. 35 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FOR CAREER-MINDED MEN John W. A. Fleury Assoc.

Ltd. Executive Placement Division 475 Howe St. MU. 3-6596 Detective Agency, 95 Kingsway All types of investigations. Foreign languages spoken.

Experienced personnel. Days DI. 5224. Eves. FR.

1107 Income tax returns, personal, and small businesses, rentals, fishermen, reasonable. 8510 days. PA. 7220 eves. Charles E.

Louie Notary Public, Realtor Ins. 525 Main TA. 1036, TA. 9821 Archie F. Proctor, Notary Public, Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgages 5795 Victoria Drive.

FR. Income tax completed at your home, $2. HA. 1818Y. Bailiffs Detectives MA.

6896 All types drafting, specialty house plans, reas. rates. BA. 9367. Private Detectives MA.

6896 Accounting, bookkeeping come tax returns. WI. 3388. Notary Public, E. N.

Copping 143 Lonsdale YO. Private detectives. HE. 3-2025. Fetherstonhaugn Patent torneys.

789 W. Fender. MA. 4845. 36 HEALTH SERVICES Well-tried Chinese herbal remedies for all internal skin eases.

See Y. P. Wong, Herbalist, 411 Columbia, B.C. Superfluous Hair Removed Easily. Miss Knox, 510 opp.

Eaton's Office. Est. 1924. Phone MA. M.

Flink, RM, masseuse. Nelson, Ste. 10. (10 a.m.-8 Miss Tallion, R.M., benefie sage. Hrs.

11.6. 915 Robson, Ste. 38 NURSING REST HOMES Give your mother the love, devotion she gave you, tail her, now she needs The Kirkpatrick, a home for aged, the feeble, is highly recommended by the whole medical ternity. Consult your doctor. licensed since 1920.

DE. 0447. Vacancy in comfortable home. 1 private 1 semi-private room. Good care, Reasonable WI.

6623. Private semi-private rooms Shaughnessy dist. with the of service. 24 reasonable. CH.

6351. Heather rest home for ladies, pleasant room, tray service. 2772. Large private well with TV. etc.

Tray service elderly person. $150 mo. CE. Excellent board and kindly for elderly convalescent. in attendance.

CE. 6294. Room board for elderly in New West. licensed rest tray service, $80. LA.

6-7768. Comfortable rest home the Considerate care. Dunbar, BA. 9696. Board room for ladies, service.

CE. 3233. Corona Convalescent Home nic, aged, 24-hr. care. BA.

6214. Vacancy for elderly lady. GL. 0565M. Block, 10 a.m.

to 2 p.m. Brand new "pay-during-service" magazine offer. First time ever offered in Canada. 3 orders per day earns $140 per week commissions. Same day verification.

Room 215, 543 Granville. Old established firm has opening for man able to meet the public. No selling or collecting. Must be free to travel. Permanenet satisfactory.

2nd Floor, 1114 W. Broadway. Office machine mechanic for large office equipment company, Handling all makes of typewriters, adding calculating, machines. Top salary fringe benefits to qualified man. Box 2599, Sun.

Night fry cook, must be fully experienced capable of taking complete charge of kitchen. Apply In writing, giving full particulars to P.O. Box 36, Victoria, CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN Experienced in all local codes. References required. Highest wages.

Box 2027, Sun. Dance instructors needed. Experlence unnecessary. For appointment, PA. 7713.

Delinar Studios of Dancing. Manager-bookkeeper for kitchen cupboard factory, to handle accounting purchasing. Phone Newton 293L1. Man for small jobs on house garden. Box 848, Sun.

40 HELP WANTED, MEN BIBLICAL PRESS Require the services of 2 aggressive salesmen on commission. Apply in person, 219 Vancouver at. PA. 1918 in- 5130 At- dis-' 8914 840 p.m.) mas8. care don't.

you. the fraGov. rest rates. in best DI. furn.

for 3742. care Nurse folks home, "near 1710 tray chro-.

The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.