Vermont Public Records Search (2024)

Exceptions to open records include records designated confidential by law, records relating to open investigations, tax returns, medical records, personal and private records, test questions & scoring keys, trade secrets, student records, appraisal methods, library patron data, information revealing archeological sites and underwater historic properties, and records the disclosure of which would threaten the safety of persons or the security of public property.

Statewide Vermont databases appear below. To reach the resources maintained by a city or county, use the side navigation.

  • Court System - The Vermont court system has a Supreme Court, Superior Courts, and a Judicial Bureau. The Supreme Court hears all appeals cases from lower courts, as there is no intermediate appellate court in Vermont. The Superior Court system has a Civil, Criminal, Family, and Probate Division in each of the 14 Vermont Counties. Next is the Vermont Judicial Bureau, which is under the auspices of the Supreme Court and handles civil violations and municipal complaints. There is also a statewide Environmental Division which hears environmental law cases. For more information, go to our Vermont Court Records page.
  • Criminal Records - The Superior Courts in Vermont have jurisdiction over all criminal cases. Vermont does not make Superior Court criminal case records available online, but you can check criminal calendars for upcoming court dates of active criminal cases. For access to these databases, to Vermont U.S. District Court criminal records, and for details on ordering official background searches from the Vermont Criminal Information Center, visit our Vermont Criminal Records page.
  • Vital Records - For certified copies of birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates, write to the Vermont Department of Health, Vital Records Section, P.O. Box 70, 108 Cherry Street, Burlington, VT 05402, (802) 863-7275. Go to our Vital Records page for births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. There we have historical birth indexes, Goshen birth records, the SSDI Death Index; historical statewide death & probate record databases; death & cemetery records from available cities & counties, historical statewide marriages, marriage databases from Goshen, and information for ordering divorce certificates.

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Pay Site

Search Systems Premium combined database of bankruptcies, judgments, and tax liens. Search nationwide or Vermont statewide. $5 per search, no registration fee.

Search public records in Vermont cities and towns.

Company Search

Vermont Secretary of State corporations, LLCs, LLPs, partnerships, trade names, name reservations. You can search by business name, registered agent, or Principal.

County Records

Search public records free in Vermont counties.

Court Records

Vermont State civil and criminal court records, view opinions, calendars, court fines, criminal histories, and United States District Court of Vermont civil, criminal, and bankruptcy filings.

Criminal Histories Information

Find information here from the Vermont Criminal Information Center on how to order criminal record checks in Vermont. Information on how to access records is offered at no charge, but Vermont charges a fee for each search.

Criminal Records Pay Site

Criminals don't stop at state borders. Why should you? Search our nationwide criminal database of over 450 million arrest and conviction records for only $14.95.


Search for inmates/offenders in Vermont by name. Information provided includes name, date of birth, site of incarceration, caseworker, and caseworker email address.

Official Website of the State of Vermont

Visit this official site and portal to the State of Vermont to find more about government agencies, departments, services, and programs.

Property Records

Property records. assessments, Grand Lists, transfers, parcel records, tax records, and parcel map records from available online Vermont cities and towns.

State Government Directory

State of Vermont online directory of agencies, departments, employees, conference rooms, toll-free numbers, TTY/TDD numbers, Representatives, Senators, and Legislative figures.

Unclaimed Property

Vermont Office of the State Treasury unclaimed property search.

Uniform Commercial Code

Vermont Secretary of State, Corporations Division UCC debtor database by name or file number. Document copies are available online for free in TIFF format.

Public Records

Births and Christenings 1765-1908

Vermont christening and birth records filed between 1765 and 1908.

Crash Reports

Vermont Crash reports. Search free, pay for your report.

Deaths & Marriages 1826-1882

Browse Vermont deaths and marriages published in the Vermont Chronicle between 1826 and 1882.

Drinking Water & Groundwater

Vermont Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Division databases, including drinking water systems, wastewater permits and reports, well completion reports, well locator map, water quality testing reports, and more.

Driver Records Information

Information from the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles on how to obtain Driver Records.

Educational Reports

Vermont Agency of Education interactive school district assessment reports.

Employee Directory

Vermont State Employee email & phone register, searchable by name and city.

GIS Maps

Vermont GIS (Geographical Information System) interactive geographic and social maps.

Jobs & Employees

Job seekers may register with the state workforce system to search for available jobs. Employers may use the service to search submitted resumes to fill job openings.


Click on "Bill Research" to search the Vermont Legislative Bill Tracking system for current and past legislation by sponsor or keyword. Also available are texts of Bills, roll call votes, committee research, and legislative reports.


Search the Vermont Legislative Directory for State Senators, members of the House of Representatives, biographies, email addresses, and committees.

Licenses | Business, Professional, Medical

Use the menu in the left-hand column or click here to use directory of searchable Vermont medical, professional, and business licenses. Find accountants, attorneys, physicians, insurance companies, and tattoo artists.


Vermont Secretary of State records of registered lobbyists searchable by name.

Lobbyists | Employers

Vermont Secretary of State database of Lobbyist employers, searchable by employer name.

Lobbyists | Reported Gifts

Vermont Secretary of State database of legislators and administrative officials who have received reported gifts from lobbyists.

Payment Reports | Towns

Vermont Department of Finance and Management search for Town, Clerk, and School District reports of local invoices, payments, and amounts.

Police Reports Pay Site

Order a Vermont Department of Public Safety police report or public record online. Results are mailed.

Registered Sex Offenders

Search the State of Vermont Department of Public Safety Crime Information Center service for Vermont registered sex offenders.


Browse this Vermont Legislature site for Vermont statutes by title and chapter number.

Tax Refunds & Filing Status

Department of Taxes database for finding the status of tax filings and tax refunds. Search by refund type, SSN, and zip code.

Vermont is located in the New England region of the United States. The Capital is Montpelier and the largest city is Burlington.The Official Web Site is located at the 33rd most populous state in the United States.The 2014 population estimate is 626,562 and the 2010 census population was 625,745.The land area is 9,216.66 square miles and there are 67.9 persons per square mile.

95.2% of the population is White, 1.2% is Black or African American, 1.7% is Hispanic or Latino, 1.4% is Asian, 0.4% is American Indian or Alaska Native,0% is Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.8% are two or more races. 91.4% are a high school graduate or higher,and 34.8% have a Bachelor degree or higher.

The median home value is $216,800.There are on average 2.34 persons per household, the per capita income is $29,167,the median household income is $54,267,and 11.8% of the persons in Vermontare considered below poverty level.

Premium Databases

  • Vermont Criminal Records

    Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.

Vermont Public Records Search (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.