The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

roN SALT RHEUM FOR 30 YEARS rta tie Head free and Grwier faft of the Body Cured. i i lure yr rs jreaer oTmedSnei for th oo4 dlflknwt IS indleotaboxofCaticura. The first an- SSaS wisa great nl 4tt Sfffi oA andU atflfla atlftew ULn. a hm and n. 1 tire i eejil boxea and my din raootn Sd FcuiulAtt niyielt entirely cured.

Hoping that tills msjr be seen by some on afflicted a I Uveleen. If there Is any 1. riiy earnest wlshj I rivcrfiIlV recommend It to all penon ifd with lite diseases. Your truly B. WILSON LORD.

Arswan Xians. Bcpt- 1878. TheCuUcnra fip should tensed for cleaning tl diseased surfaces as moft soaps ire Injurious LEPROSY I Modern Miracle. Astonishing results from the ne of CUTICUBA. un.

WU fe POTTEK Gentlemen WehtTe of Leprosy la our poornouse wnlch Js being n4 by your OuUcura remedrea The county Slenjplore4 allpf our dottori ana rl sent to Iw Vork for a Mil to lit ayafl. Th afnt nimented wtng the Cjltltura and tnmMlattlY brgau RCttlDK better. lie n4 beencooflned to hi t41oitwoanj MK ball years. Had not tad his clothe. on ring tbts time.

Last week be Urwaxsl for the there WOI4 lUtttT iWljuart him. wo ThU hsiipened every r- We thlni It 1 wonderful cure Kt in not say he is cured but he Is in a fair far lo be cared to ay til least. Yours truly. DUNNING BROTHEES UruRsUu and Booltselkru. All n.

tich. Feb. 11. 1879. ff UcHn Uuoubig lirptlitnargtlKiroiigli- relUbl9 eUeinz a were uuknofntous wior in the receipt of thtsletter' WUnnly be- ifr thLi CUttCU will permanentlr euro this Tfry wrera case df Leprosy aa it bos done niaiy tjthei.

rrrpsred Weeks A Potter mlsta and DrUKl WMbthl' reet Boiton Mtii. cjid rmlo by 11 UniKKlstsaad Dealers. Price CrfriTKfBA small boles 60 rent. large boxes rnntatntnz two and on half times the quantity tmg11. II.

RrsoiVgNT II pet bottle. Cvri A cents per oate mall 30 cents Rheunisthin. Neuralgia Wcmk end flor tunjs EUCThC Coughs and Colds. Weak 51 kJ' Skniuii 1 I0 eU Uyp rU. Shooting riin tlIft1h th I and Beck Spasms or Ill wl Ncrvoun Mucul and Spinal Affec- Uon relieved and cured when every other ter lluiineiit.

loUou. an4 electrical appliances tail. FOR ALDERMAN AT LARUL We ire tnthnrtztxl 14 aupouoce the name of CHiKLEdHKJ lWiNM- CaiiJWate lorAidee- Bin it Urge. 435 ctl td FOR FIRST WARD. J.

A. ON Is a candidate for Council- nun Iron the PtnU Ward at the ensuing city election. OCt22-dld For Councilman from the First Ward JAP. BARNif it nov21 did FOR SKCOND WARD. FAIIDr.

conntltuiion Please announce the name oZJQJIN pERKFle jis ranaldatafor couneflmn fmrn tU Second Ward. at thern suing flection. 531 oct23-dt4 it. If. KNAPrMs candidate foruncfhnan ftora the Bfconi YarJ.

It the entalni election. STS novlA- lw FOIL THIRD WARD. Editor. OonitUntlnn-l'Imso announce the tinJcot TllUii. J.

BUUlUNiN as eaudidat4f lat UaanclUnan Jmm the Third Ward. at the' enuiinz lcoiour JTO t23 l4 I announce nipett I iUdldaIo for Council riun in the Thlnl Tird at the ensnlrtR election. October261S7 C. Q. ADAMSON.

oel.R-dW fOK FOURTH WARD. For Councilman from the Fourth Ward C. K. UAlDOX 40) octl dtd EDITORS CO KTITITIOX Please announce the camuol THOMAS EQYD is a candidate jar in Iron the FoUrt Ward In election. 43 UJ FOR XWNCILMAN-KIFTH WARD.

The Iriendi L. C. JONES gent Western and Atlantic Railroad announce mm e. a candidate lor Councilman from the Fifth Ward. MS oeti4--di4 teari rMltor At the solidUtoin of mauj' fnr di I hurt cDiivntt to submit WITI1I1e candidate Inr tllllllnian from the Fifth War4 II tie enuittg tlectixu.

it KEDppfri 173 novJ We are nuhoruM to RiIflOUfl the name of JAMrii V. VlllRCHIIL HS a catijildete for Coundlmaii from ha' Fifth Wjird at the ensuing election. Atlanta. XuvemU-r 1 7D. 571 nov21- It TOR ALIERMAN AT LAIItiE.

wit. KISCII. RieCtioll. Wednesday Eecem- bet 3d. 1S 7 nort9-d2t FOR OOlXrllMAN TlIinD WARD.

CRll1lX. Election Wednesday. Decem- bet Sd n. Uzny. ROSIDALIS A mug GRJUT SOUTHERN RKME- il for the cure of Scrorala Scxof ns Taint RheumatismWhlle SYe1 chlrji.

Nervous jDebUttr aafllslldtsea arulaf from aft Import toftdWoo I th Woodfr if The merits of thu valnsWs prepara UGII art so well known that a pdnp Dotleets but neciry to remind th readers of tills Journal of the neoMin nf always hartrn a bottls of ttua med Ldrie ny pj their stock of ff iiy no Ordfloatea can presented from luau leadiof PfivsicUns Min1terI mil beads offaaulea vughoat thu outh. Indonlnxta the hixhect term TbcKluld JUtractrf Dr. M. WtI. of Baltimon tavs U7IebeauedItncaN of 8cr to- 114 other diseases with much uak factlon' Up.

T. C. rasrbol Baltimore II Commends it to en persons sufferini wlthdlseased Blood. sarlnr IS 1111 lor ta any preparation he tie. evei Rev.

DbRey Ball of the Haiti A JaIerenoR SouUi says oe iixaehbaadttat by uut chHrtuUy rwausKda Uto tU ms biendi aad acqi HelMdea. Marines taire. TenntaaM tart it cured hlrnoi rhtamaUm when all us failed RosadaUa not a aecrtt quack prep raUoa Its tniredientsart published on ka ebotttojS HSJ outspaeaadmttwsi ttmooiala horn tvtry tat Ii end trua parsons known to i woman UWTO1L DIJIEa A MLRLB. Ann Atlanta cU dacwlj A wwwly DANIEL tf Atlanta Oa PRESCRIPTION FREE i DttUtt Xt ry aa4 ill PisarAtn flrgbt fey Stcff Habits aa tr A dnji ke. leredItati.

Addrei8. DR. JAOUE8 A CO. 130 Vert Kzta 6t OOOUIili oIo llof Mario cpohty hi made thirty-nine nT of wine thfewa woitb two dollars gallon A litti. rrfrftiprjuUfftlo some cotton was done.

Four white and wo colored lodges of CroodTwpUrs tare been Icstltuted in Cor ytn during the past week. The house of Mr A- Walton was destroyed fire the other day. together with four or fire bales Of cotton. The gin of Mr. Oscar Lee of day night.

together with five bales of cot The Oalnestrlle Eagle says work is pro- rapidly on the GalherrUIe and tvA eompleted up toVLa The force ii now engaged in making the linfjfdfuijf FJndJeV tot near LawrenwvilJe street That finished ranidij. The atone tfoverjf best roads in the state. Tbe Bainbridge Democrat says We like a genuine reformer one who nnder- iUrrds lh evil tbst he attempts to reform. Mr. the father of the usnrrbIfl1 one of die would-be reformers.

Re said and the legislature Indorsed him that no ote4iould. loan money lo this state over a irtahVper cent Of course now every dollar in the mate will be to loan at Mr. Awtreya figures perhaps. Why dldnl the famous Georgia legislature under the lead of Mr. Awtrey go farther and regulate the price of everything.

Many merchants to Georgia make fifty and even one hundred per cent. in the sale of their goods- Columbus Times About three months ego I little daughter of Mr. A. O. McCrary was taken suddenly 111 and continued to grow worse until she had lost nearly all her hash and the parents had almost despaired tbtfchild Jife.

JL few days ago Mr. MCCraryi OUgl1t the medical assistance of Dr. Stanford. lie gave the child medicine which caused the child to vomit and throw up a button. which all the time had been lodged lii her throat.

Mr. McCrary informs us that the child began to improve at once and will soon regain her entire strength. This will probably he a warning to others who read this noucethat they cannot be too careful bow they allow their children to have playthings which they can put in their mouths. THE CHATTANOOGA SENSATION. The Arrest or tbe Body How the Crime WM Perpetrated.

CiummxxiA November 29. Jackson the snatcher and his son did not submit tarney when Officer Hunnicutt lea Pol icemen Richardson and I called at his house near the null at live o'clock nday morning to make the arrest. Jackson's family con- oisling of the parents and seven children. wo wen antIjIve women were all up awl ressed Tbe entrance of' the police was reistud and when Officer liunnj- utt attempted to arrest old man Jackson one of his sons jerked a pistol from bureau hut he was promptly covered by Officer Hnnnieutt and forced to surrender. he women also gave some trouble.

but were finally subdued und Jackson and son were taken to jail. tTr the rjj Min opeJi of the sacks by detective WjJcox tbe-oodj" of white wo- narren tirely naked was discovered in a most terrible position. It was doubled up the knee resting- on each theT Sid the" elbows rawn forward and the arm clasped in front of the breast. The body was carried to J. kQgana urnjture slore where an inquest was held.

It wet' reajgnUed a the cuiuinj of Tennesseo KeitbJ who died of oohaumptiuJi lu the city ho pltaloo thanksgiving-day. At the time of the woman's leaih the body was carried to the cemetery but could not be interred because the sexton Newton Carroll was at that time otherwise engaged. Tne coffin was placed the tool house to be interred at Carroll's fer tie trial of Jtxikso wdsopj Deter- tls1eWi1ix repaired td the graveyard and ordered Carroll to dig up the coffin of Ten- nessee Keith. Carroll was much frightened at the demand but reluctantly complied. On opening the cotlln nothing but the clothes of the corpse were found and from their appearance the body had never been nterred.

but had been taken from the cot- in while in the tool house. Carroll was it once arrowed and search was made for lis as istaut3 Charles Carroll awl Holland butthey had tied. appear uj on investigation that Jack- son has been enrHge in this ghastly prac- tire for two or three years. lie shipments lave been made between October ana April and the dates upon the express books show that front. titteen to twenty shipments of these boxes have been wade annually.

Xeari all the boxes were consigned to parties in Cincinnati. Three however had been shipped to J. W. Williams Atlanta. On the boxes either lish or furs were marked to disarm suspicion.

It is estimated that about fifty bodies have been shipped In this manner by Jackson. Jackson is well- known in the city and well looked upon. lie has ever bernlond in his profession of religion and always among the- first at irch. lie stoutly proclaims his in no cenre nod says that it is the work of arj enemy to ruin him says that he thought tnei ox nV' fish. There is no ques- ttynjThowever of his guilt.

Many parties henEwijl fjiuke investigation concerning their ttcau relatives and friends in view the fart that so many bodies have been sto len. Newton Carroll the sexton has been in the employ of th city for three years. The manner in which he has accumulated property in that short time has often raised a question in the minds of some. but noth- like what has been develop Tber ts wmethingso boldso original In the manner in which John Keely carries uti his business that one is drawn towards it unconsciously. Yet it cannot fail to attract Attention at the hands of almost everybody for it hat giown to be decidedly one the largest in the south in a retail way.

ears ago wun very um- captalfidn the face of then overtow- Sigconipetiiito has steadily prosecu- his busfhfeyin a straightforward matt tor and wtthtn energy and Intelligent rarely equalled never excelled until now with ample means and with ii credit second to none in the country he stands at the lead and front of a business such as Atlanta may well be proud of. lie has gone to JrfcYwkigain Why has only been twcKtWQ kvset hi Ml been uch nuinltude thai finds ltlmself corn- tbfebattdbny more stock. Three tM ttlddKr of ptmb Well that is proof positive that lie i doing some business and we rejoice that i o. i effort combined with integrity and liberal lrtrri hort onehow Ter as after one peciaJ lot of goods about has been corresponding and which is of such magnitude as to rtqure personal attention there. Success to you friend auBe litb detEeat hew tote o.

Srt pondent is mlstsken there has been no WestigMlon of theus1xhI1SOlflceb1 He Tideu abletoaacerUln Tb correspondent ol 111 Kews setnu to msJidouify lidmed to mid Marshal Htxsimonl haroc in the soathatttern tyye terday tnomln etameiise ma np from the southwest being one of the liril to saner Throw It continued in a northeasterly direction letvioe UMdiyatCarebilL South fencg of Central part Is til blown down Theold uUviJlebis ball park is kiely riddled not theJeast portion of the fence hr left standing except half of the side. The roof ttc grand aland la aoi hed Into kindling wood and blown jr Tbe ground wd8treet3 strewn with broken boardi and tlnibere Cr Stuirt toblnsons bouse sliriuly damaged about third of the tin roof bijiaj blown nit. Jtf. uilibacits carpet tsubllthment on nlrd street was compl 1ely dtmolUhed. Th building was a Iran arid nothing is ow standing but the foundation.

below IsfTOOl. In th suburb known as Brown Stone roofs windows fences sod trees suffered What be Cbliartn Atlnnta Propose loDo. Perhaps there was never a man in Atlanta beloved by its children as was rnsrd elton Ills memory held as a treasure niong the little ones and the youth of At- nta ilisfuneral ww the most Dcoil of thekind ever seen in At- a There fa' now a motetent among the children which promises 0 result In the Wimnlifim0n nt mn ect which will be unique and remarkable. the public schools ciospd last Friday rerrtain shut until the 5th of January each pupil received an envelope with the cuiarlc that- at the opening day of next rm the recipient MUM return tbe envelope with any amount of money which as convenient to aid in building a monument to the ved and lamented Bernard Mallon. Every child can contrib- te whatever sum Is convenient.

We have been surprised to find the eagerness with ilch the children have seized this propo- tlon. They seem to be delighted with it id anxious to show their love tot a man whose gentle life won their young hearts. is safe to ay that every child In the schoola who can dp so will contribute to this noble object. It understood that Miss 4ara A. Haygood Is the author of this oveuieut and has taken a special itere it.

At any rate it has so gratified the popularfeeling that she will be thanked for suggestion. A great many people in Atlanta would be glad to contribute to the wuuwent but it has been well suggested that all contributions be made through the children. It is their urk and they are. taking an especial in- reat in it. Any one who desires to give ny amount whatever to the monument und ran do so through some child in the schoolo.

The sweetest tribute- ever paid to memory of Torn howl is the ruonu- ent in London which bears the simple but Oijuent inscription lie sang the song of The monument to Bernard all on erected by the small cothribuI the children ul Atlanta will be a rJ1ess noble tribute to the memory of a good and ae wait. It is estimated that at least 500 will be raised in the schools. If all the lends of Mr. Mallon who desire to ive to this" object will give through 16 children the amount will be nearly doubled. At any rate before one year we ay expect to see in Oakland cemetery over ie ashes of that good true man such a monument as Napoleon might envy for it.

ill speak of the love of thousands of young hearts. QUEEN MARIA CHRISTINA. be Marriage of the Austrian Archduch*ess to SLing Alfonso. MADRID November 29. The marriage of ing Alfonso to the Austrian Archduch*ess aria Christina will be solemnized this orenoou.

Tim morning the bands of the regimeut quartered in Madrid plated the reveille before the royal palace. and afterwards they marched through the principal streets. Much animation prevail The streets and balconies arethronged with peo- e. Many houses have been decorated nd triumphal arches have been erected at various points. The weather has improved.

LATKR The al wedding was solemn. ed this morning according to the pro- ramme in the Atoeha church. The king as owpanied by Archduke Renier to the church and was preceded by eleven carriages containing various members of the bpanish royal family. grandees of Spain and court dignt- aries. The bride was preceded by four carriages containing court dignitaries and ladies of honor.

The bride. was richly dressed and wore ft diadem of brilliants and ie insignia of the tyme Louise order itocha church was splendidly illuminated a decorated with rich silken draperies. he diplomatic body Spanish grandees and deputations from tb senate and chambers denuties occ*msied the nave of the church The bride appeared much moved- luring the ceremony. The nuptial bene- IiCiiOfl was given on behalf of the pope by Cardinal lntriarcbofthe the Indies who offl- ated at the ms Which was celebrated at- cr the marriage ceremony. EDISON'S EDICT.

Ills Christmas Present to the Dark- rn World. NEW YOnK November 2y. Thomas A. 2di Hi the inventor announced to-day lat he will attempt to illuminate on liristraas eve all the houses in Menlo ark N. J.

with Ills electric light which he claims to have erfected. His burners will fed attached to the chandeliers anti the wire be. run along the outside of the gas pi He says that the gas companies my reduce their rates and reduce them agatn and he will still be able to undersell jem. He says that he will issue a great uml er of invltationfar and wide to his hristmas eve exhibition. The Colored Boom.

A large number of colored citizens of At- anta rfSsetubled at the city hall Friday night the purpo of holding a political meeting to see which candidates were to be unporml in the coming municipal election the colored voters of the city. As the meeting was called by the colored people no white speakers took jart in it William tie calored. tailpj candi- fate at large for alderman and Mitchell CArgile. eowr3 m1idste for coupc It from he third ward of the cuy made speeches. Nearly sit of the ether candidates for election were present moving ahont among it 1 Aan rt VAfpQ The ne cruwu uu ii v' meeting resulted in guaranteeing to Finch iuul Csriile the.

support of the colored votem-aed tltiscity. A World One of the roost popular medicines now. before Die American people is Hop Bitters. Yon see It everywhere Tebple take it with rood effect. It builds them up.

It is not as ileasan to he taste as svae her Bitters as tisliota whisky drink. It more like the old fashioned boneset tea that done a world of good. If you don't feel just try Hop- BUUrs unda fe wa. item of news njjght da toe mnch ioj astice. A hating delivered lDftl bftb express tsin a.

deed body. ajl knoledse of Mr. tynJactlOl in which is J. blJ and not with poWi hUus Atlanti' Osu Nor nb 29 FwAWerman EHRMANN. GQvAJQfK90Si i saward jrHH6bBEnrLix AtlaatteBonds stock taxrktl continues sctlfe adbushjesBlneacS department Is btlnk.

We quote follows We oTOt long dates short dates sre lower. zxtmAN- ns. Atlanta CJty HM5iMfli 2 Lt1snlaUtyLfl0fl1 GaAfQld UOIUl Atlanta Ms JJ2am vctyssw 7o 73 ir 6em B. B. of Macon ftty 5 do Bd feiia9iia it 28ia 8TVCI8-- Sooth By Telegraph.

NE YOBK. November 29. Noon Stocks ItSV. QorenunentidaU. Bute BonOj quiet NEW YORK.

November a Evening. Money 57. Exchange K. OoTemmentt irregu- nww flrem l02- lourand tuUper cents ij loot peteenU ifex. ete BondfdtiL Stocks doted depressed and Irregular.

i Centrali WestpnPa baUnces 10497667 LONDON. November 29-20 p. Con 9813-16 Erie 46 PARIS. November p.m. Kentei TIXX COTToN JIAWLZT.

OONOTTTUTION ornci Atlanta. November 291879. To-d ythe New York cotton market closed tm and a shade higher for all the future months and being toe last of the week and month transactions were li ht and rales as reported amoun to only 91000 bales. November has been an active month in the cotton market and prices throughout the entire time have been well gas- tamed. Receipt.

have been wonderfully heavy and considerably ahead of the corresponding month last year. During the past week the market has bien steadily gaining ground and prices have advanced very materially. Spots compared with one week ego hare advanced fuly fc and the market closed firm at 12 c. Whether the present high price oi cotton will be sustained throughout the coming month remains to be seen but the majority of persons are of tte optn. ion that unless a combination is formed to prevent the marttt must see lower prices but still no very low prices may be expected during the potion season.

Net receipts for to-day amount to it 409 bales. Liverpool closed steady wlih sales of 8000 bales. of which eno were American. ys at tli exchange was dull to-day li the attendance was large. During the early part of the week heavy Iranseettons took place but later on a perceptible falling off was reported.

The local spot market closed firm at yesterdays prices. Receipts for the work shows a loss as compared with last week though December's receipts will probably Increase as we draw near the holidays. ThQ following art our prices for day Good mtddtingv raid- dllngs 1l34i1lc low mldillngs ll gllKe good ordinary lOJ c. Tbe allowing is our statement of receipts and shipments for to-day REcZIFIS By wagon 2 Air Line Railroad 171 Georgia Raflroati. Mi.

75 Central Railroad 47 Western and Atlantic R4t1r0841. West Point Railroad. Total 6 Receipts previously. 62573 Total. GJ27 StockSeptl 249 Orend total s4W SHIPMENTS.

Shipments to-day 491 Shipments previously 62063 Stock oah nd- 10932 The following is our comparative statement RECEIPTS. Receipts to-day 64 Receipts same day last year 660 Showing an increase of. 4 Receipts since September 11879. 6S237 Receipts same time 1878. 49959 Showing an Increase of.

13i78 SHIPMENTS. Shipments since September 11S79. 52554 Shipments for same time lust year 42922 Showing an increase of. 9632 The following is the comparative table of net receipts at all Untied States ports Net' receipts at all the ports to-day 29409 Same-day list year 27395 Showing an increase of 2809 Net receipts sinus September 1 1879 J81790 Same time last year. Ml7l7648 Showing sit increase of 463142 By jrt pt LIVERPOOL orember quiet and unchangedr and export 1000 JoelptslASMi American l2Nd totnmee ohened veheapMWJpJanda tow use November delivery 6 December apdlan January andPebruaryacuvwriI and March delivery 27 Starch sad April de- iverf I3f SsysndJune eHvery svx June andJnly Delivery 71- new crop shipped Qcto- her and Sovemb taQ.

MrWsr lands lowmVddllnjelao Jaaiary aadT sbrwy. and May delivery 23 bates clause ae Jinaary and February iWiteqtf W-H futures closed steady. 4 UJi sales net eeSpts 2 37 gross W7 consult- dated net wcelptt exports to GteatlSrftaln 29 5 franc to eontlB t4. 9i QALVETOX Korembw 59. flint mid- angs 11H tow Mdttug I13fc ll net reodfita WtU Ni a pu Mek SMip Great Bdtain4.

i iwbe UK fi receipt i ra mra mIddIlflpl2 low TT UHtMt rwiptt 64i bales mat salts oj OYYICL Atlanta. Ziovember 291378. IIP iTfTTTlT Ill I 5 5 II 111 I III jmimmi mimfjiit lfl gggtt I' I Flour and BALTIMORE Noyentber Hour steady oward street and western superfine t4753S95U tra 5W 3S625 family- 75 i 7J5 City Mills pernne S6.00@$5 0 extra 575 aji50 family 70031785 Rio brands 7 Patapsco fsmuy 1800. Wheat southern huulier and firm western higher dull and easier at close south. redll40h49ambeitX503tl.CO No.

1 Mc- laad no offering No 2 western winter red siwt and November SMG December l4 47K January tLfiO aiLSl Corn southern ady western lower dull and neglected at tie close southern wnitef 38 yellow Oats earter southern western white 46g 7 western mixed 45 PennsylvanIa 46 47. NRW YORK November 29 southern teady common to fait extra tS00fft.30 good to oice extra- ItR7S7Yr Wheat opened dull dweak closed a shade firmer and moderately active ungraded winter red 8l3Gfl464 No. 3 l.37JL88 No 2 dott476ll48. Cord bout ic lower with a. very moderate trade un- Tided Gotfjdl.

Oats a shade stronger. with a fair business No. 313 Hops steady- yearlings 79 CHICAGO November 29 Flour nominally un- uiged. Wheat active- item and higher No. 2 red winter 1.

5 3L26 So. 2 Chicago spring L2I cash lSi1.22 December No. 3 do. t09 rejected 92 4. Corn strong and higher 80 Sjy cash and December 3 January.

Oats trooj and higher 31 cash 3 bid cember. Jfiw ORLEANS Koveniter Flour nrm" pernne L. double extra I5653i9 treble extra t6.25t80 high grades 5J 0 3 7.1- Corn toilet and weak. yellow 52 white 59. Oats uiet at at.

Corn meal dull at aiif5 Hay Glut prime V7O0l95 choice ro952Loo. ran firm held at bi. CINCINNATI November Flour Is firm family fancy 700. Wheat easier No. 2 red winter SL2Sfl80.

Corn crib and rm new old 4748. Oats In good de- and and a shade higher No 2 mixed 35 No. 2 whlLolt LOUISVILLE November29-Flonrquiet extra 253460 family I525J5.50 A No. I 169595 25. choice C0725.

Wheat firm red amber and white l2iitii Corn firm new white 45 mixed 41. Oats steady white mixed 37. ST. LOUIS November Flour easier. Wheat wer No.

2 red fall L2Qti5LloY cash 129 L2 December. Corn lower cash December. Xata higher 32 cash. Provisions. NEW ORLEANS November Pork flrm 1 I ifcttr Zjrni-TCarce a firm tierce kegs nlk meats firmer shoulders loose Yt packed i clear ribs 6 dear tides i Bacon firm.

shoulders 4 clear ribs 8 dear sides Sugar-cured hamswtaree and firm canvassed new S1L. BALTIMORE November 20 20 firm ess pork i2co. Bulk meat loose shoulders yFA clear rib side. 6V parked shoulders 4 ear rib sides BaOun. shoulders i clear sides- 8 i hams i0lL Lard renued In erees CINCINNATI November 29 Pork stronger at 1250.

Lard excited and higher steam 71o5371 ulk meats nominal half-cured shoulders 4 ear ribs 6956 Bacon nominal clear ribs 7 recn meats strong shoulders 4 tides 6 hams NEW YORKNoyember 29 Pork higher strong and fairly active mess spot J1LT5. Middles quiet and strong long clear 6 short clears long and short clear 6 Lard again higher and fairly active prima steam spot and to arrive 76095 SrTLOUIS erember Pork higher at 1200 Lard higher at 7. Bulk meaU higher box lots of shoulders 420 clear ribs 62 clear sides 665 ooee lots held at 20o below these figures. Bacon nominal. LOUISVILLE November 29 Pork nominal.

Lard firm choice leaf in tierces SkessSH. Bulk meats firm shoulders clear ribs 6 ear sides 6 Bacon nsmlnal. Sugar-cured hams CHICAGO November 29 Pork strong and Irher at fI2JOeaah. Lard strong and higher 4 cash. Bulk meats moderately active and higher shoulders 410 abort ribs 618 short clear I DR.

Xever fails restores I minutes and a Sbctedi four hours without UIA tueoTluterul medicine. It never falls. Clnyilarj of tae aboye preparations with cerUflcatei ol Cuba teat free Address 8. Il. UPHAM.

Braidentonrn. WanftteCounty Florida Sold by all Druggists eta nntIS-dITsun iSkfl wkly cow. Proclamation by the Governor. STATE 0" OEOROIA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ATLANTA QA. November 5879.

WHKRLAS. BY AUTHORITY OF AN ACT approved October it 1879. The Citizens' Bunk of Georgia lie. been appointed State De- tository Ills Ordered That the Tax Collectors of tie counties Fulton Vobti DeKlb Newton Morgan Uwinnett Milton. Rockdale Clayton Douglas unpbell.

tow. Cherokee PIrkens and Dade ie and they are hereby instructed to pay into said Depository all moneys collected by them on account of State taxes except such as may be rannnitted direct to the State Tieasuiy. ALFRED U. COLQUITT By the Qovernort Governor. J.

Wi KurEea x. Department 35 d6t kTLANTAcGtToN FACTORY Notice rplHSCOMFASY PROPOSE TO ORGANIZE 1. a torte swurtetis run tmse MUI usy ana Bight from and after January firet or sooner 11 ooiible. We hall require about two hundred dditioaal active and healthy women and girls. We Terr much wrefer to learn native help.

to pro- carlaifeipen from other pUcev The Mill win run on and lte the loch Instant until 15 uciock at night to give persona Uo desire to earn the business oil opportunity to do to. Applicants csoiobuia fall lutormxtion by IT nz at my office twe tha hours of 12 and 1 oek a a 4 ft K. US nor dtf trot wet rl upemiutdesit QEOBOHGEOLOOIOAL MlNINGCHEMiCALBUREAU IT. JSROWK BLOCK Wall Strccl. AUanla.

6e ret IMGrOaGEUTTLE. Ph. D. wer jf State Geologist. and EOIX iia PZLLINATIONt31AF8 IT JJcpOrtfti Umins Exploitatloa Plans Lid- maim and Adrice Chemical Invest gatSoni Analyses.

Assays and msatluu. TechnoWickl Plans rawtna and Ygcmate. to Fnrnanes. Mmi Chemical Worka. etc.

lbs 711 Term of thu School will cnrammrt on Monday. Jtettember 1st with a fall corpse competent teacherv Xcaic sad French reed vt tnedal itantion. The Xuztc Department under the dizt0m of Professor John mrber VMsata of ta Royal thaserTIiCtT Of Music Munich Bavaria sad formerly ol the Aurata Female a. For Gtrcvlan apply to the PrIncipal Xn. JW ZLLLALD lii reseitlres lIrest Alizata.

i ja. JERSEY. BULL LF. Y2E MONTHS OLD XESSTY BULL OP ped ree te Piles JfcS o'clock twill tell on tfe premises 10 tht tOtneat Udder4 acres ot land on which is Mat to th iMahfcfinu ekte aid kalf talaifwt and' tent notebifttfiea firob ttwd his honor. George HIflJeV Jttdn of the so- erfoT court AUtatt circuit vlUb Walden listToadar to- Jinuasy.

IBftwltlila the legal hoars of fawi anaBC3e floor we bidder tin loOowtnc described propcrtr Lot is between Decatuiand GUrner streets. and exteodlag bsckvco feet and having thereon ro na-fraia dwelling and room kltch iu and known as house No. 21 bounded on the northeast by Mahoney's proper. andon the soulheart by property of If rtLul tJi tame being part ot land lot No. 52 la the Utk district of muon county.

told for par- lItlon. Tftmsctan. NOAH FOWLXB MOSES IIF 3. WILLIS B. S03daoT3) dec7 II jaul Commlsgtooen CJWADAIK JaBctioacer.

Suburban Farm. WILL SELL AT THE CITY BALL OX Tilt I Mthe first Tuesdaytsalc dajof Deeembcrnex. twenty-four acfnolknd south side Flat Shoal road two mimes southeast from ItiantaYand In full view of the city. room house nice cottage outbuildings choice acre orchard and vineyard and never falling spring about 10 ceres in woods. balance enclosed.

Also two acre lots enclosed. fronting road as per put. Titles perfect. Tertss esali. Mr.

Massey who rcdd on the premise will show the property. i nu nice puce ana wui DC foio. Go out and look at it and be at Uw sale. 0. ADAIR.

414 Povlt-dlt nov13 29 30. dec 2. G. W. ADAIB WILL SKLfi tJPOX THE PREMISES.

OX Tuesday 9th of December at 2 o'clock In the ternoon 5 Yaeaii1 Lots per plst and postersOne corner lotwlth room Brick Store and room residence connected occupied by 11. Werner. one of the best bu si- ess stead in the city. Rents at 50 per month. hese lots arebounded by.

Peters. Humphries ilc- anlei and Kuhn streets and divided by Beemran man and Gemuaden streets. Situated on tin West End Street Car Li and the great cotton wagon thoroughfare that leads to all the productive cotton growing counties west and on the Chattahoo- chceRiyer. This site has beenadmired and In' nired afterfor years but never offered before. will doubtless attract the attention of man capitalists and manv who want eligible buildun ots on a main street Titles indisputable.

Sola with th privilege of lot adjoining. aodenez- cc dlngty liberal terms one-fourth cash balance ne two and three years time with 7 percent Interest Free to sale on cars. Everybody. invited to be present end a good old time is er peeled. ADAIR Auctioneer No.

4 Wall s-reet 498 nom novis 23 3V iec7 9 O. IT. HAYDEN PROPERTY IN FIRST WARD. WILL SELL UPON TUB PREMISES ON Thursday. the 4th day of December next at 2 clock ID the- afternoon fortyelglfl vacant lots" and one' lot with four.

room holme as per pled nd posters showing a subdivision-of that beautifully situated and commandunur bounded Isv. Parson. High WnellBsily Fair and Vine streets and divided by Walnut street. This block has been much Inquired after bntr never offered before. Parties wanunK a nice lot pp an elevated site where the air is pure and water good said pool should getailat go to the ground select a lot attend the sate and buy it where the titles are unquestionable and the terms accommodating.

Each lot will be sold with the privilege of the lot adjoining. Terms third cash balance one nd two years at-8 per cent Interest. O. W. ADAIR.

No. 4 Wall street 216 nov9-dit novO IS 23 SO duel G. W. TTTILL SELL A BARGAIN IN A BEAuTIFUL Residence lot 100x200. with a nice two.

room house that can be utilized In new improvements. Fine shade trees and choice shrub- ery fronts north on Peters street between Washingtop and Loyd streeu one block south of tybau. Call at once 419d novlC2330 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE In the Town of Tunnel Hill. milE HOUSE CONTAINING SIX ROOMS AND theilot one acre known the Wellborn ace. Titles good and terms easy.

Address W. T. ROBINSON 478 novlB d3t sun Rome Ga. r. Auctioneer Central Residence Lot.

WILL SELL UPON TILE PREMISES ON Tuesday the 16th December. at 3 o'clock in he afternoon for A nonresident. a large lotfront- nr north oafeteis street two doors west of For- gythf street- with' a- two-story room residence with halls closets etc. besides kitchen. servants' room and sod room.

This property It in the cen tar of the business part of Atlanta. Water and as mains and street car lines all running in front TWs will present a fine opportunity for some person to secure a home with good titles lose in and at lowest CASH valuation. 791 nov3odec714l6 U. W. ADAIR.

The Fitzgerald Property ADVERTISED AND POSTED FOR SALE last Tuesday afternoon the 23th Instant was not sold on account of the Illness of Colonel Adair. It will sold on sale day next Tuesday vetting at 3 o'clock without postponing ax leretolora posted. Capitalists should bear this important sale in mind. O. W.

ADAIR. 7110 novlft LETTEBUBT. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE Post office at Atlanta. county of Fulton. tale of Georgia November SO 1879.

Persons calling for any of said letters will please say ad vertlsed" and name the date. A Antry. I' 1 Jones Mrs' Auer Jennings Zodack Allen U-King Henry Anderson MA Key Ilenry Baby Chas King. Cite. Eolelnrighten Bertha IV Morgan Sallow Annie Mn Law Co Banzlnaky.

Msbael Lamar. DuDe erry Clara Mist Long Sallie Miss Boon Dan Loving. 8 ieth Emma Miss. TADgford Banish Butler Long Jno Butler BTUrs Lat fordJao Beavers. Root Little.

its Beley James HcLain no taker SaDie Mrs McKlnney Altine Suite Tom Gapt Miller A a Co Bird Henrietta Manjham. Mose oyd. no Mehamic E. Iliad 1 A UarphyG BolaWm McDsnlelPB Brawn Meg Emma Mln Uaenm. Lam Murray EL Rusule.

Lotti Mrs MeCtitley. ink Mrs Mason BoeeU Claytoa Miney Morgan Sam tt i Cannier 1 Crump JH Clark. WF Bane II If Durham Buckley it Co DilUrs. Alex DriverMA Doaclas asie i ckieWA Deireste Wm ltdeu. KiUi Orange Daniel.

MattteM Ii. Minerva Marlon. Kst McDonald Thou MclnUre. Jan Murray James Meugree. lark Xagle.

Lucy Kiss P-famaliUA Parker Amos PuIelu Nosh Pinkie Wm PennWra PlttmanrVannab Mba Anna Miss EPhTIIIO M137 Floyd8Mrs Willie Jr Abraham OoodbuAG GsinesMi Grar Co GreenZmaa Guises. TUalS Hiss OtayJT 6rUu. lasH GrayJ Galaghar. 1 Gny Lime Mr Bfeka Mom Mies Hsnter A Warren UotetHaHadVfei Unsham Vary Sidler Charlie Barman George Register Henry Bwes JB ltoeWJ fiana wLeon litmon A StriBcerAddi botaate KMrs SImmons Jane Mist SladetBanlord Batman. los Sotaai Jamb Smith Wm Hodges.

lUryBJtrs SmilIle Amtlla Harris. Anna Uto- Ttoatey Clara A AA- TjM. i--i eorntsts an Iroaiag TaWa aad aOrt Board. 9und combined so arraaiedsj torn Use most conYvSent macine tot this bnbms lit A snows hirtnt provtd ittelT ach under cray test wbetber bante of Uw AKratgrfanw litissuecee. Mry ta a famllr as a cuok tor wwlnf machine.

ta tbe dtyoalybyeaaTaswn. Order boia lh coontry prompUy attended w. fc" Awarded Tint Pr mUB if Us Geerg1 suUl RtsUe ln. PRICE THKEE DOLUBSr COTOTIRIGKTS FOR THE STATE WUB II PHtKKIX Jt We offivnawest lanroTemcnts in ZGlsL' rttber Tm-artists or fbsme 0. Portable or tliwary.


SesttwPiicii. Xar3. ceo snrn au riui wrCsUj wls Louisiana Dttery This Institution was regularly Incorporated by theLetislatureof the State for Educational and CoarttabtoMupoies UU6X forth term Tv ityBT Tlt-tn which fontoact the tnvlohla ol thaState is pledte4 with a Capital of 11095095 to which it has since added a a fnnil VV1 ft lt dvttn AH Koaber Drawing wfll take place monthly TT EVER SCALKS OR P03TrONES. Loot ii thetollowinfDistflbWton GRAND TEOMEXADE co*kCERS1 during which will take place the GRAND MONTHLY AW viii Extrordbary- Seml.Annul- DrTrirej At New Orleans TMMtajr mb lh 1870 Under th personal sa pert Won- 4 management ot Gen. UT HEAUREIUUDof Louisiana5 and GenJLBAL A.

EAULV of Ylrjrlnla. CAPITAL 00000. V9Totl TiebetB nr Ten Dollars HJtlrn 5. Pulse 3 Temttis LIST OF PRIZES. I CAPITAL PRIZN OK 00000.

100OnO 1 GRAND PRIZE Of oO000. 50000 1 GRAND PRIZE OP S0000 20000 2 LARGE PRIZES Or 10000 80000 4 LARGE PRIZES OK 5000. 20531 20 RIZIB OF 1000. 3OL SO 6 WM. 24000 100 30km.

30000 295 200 40000 600 100 60531 10010 10 100000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Pthesof im 120000 100 110. 10013 30) 73. 1. 7500 11279 Prizes amounting to.

1522500 Gen. 3. T. BEAUREGARD- of La. Commie- Gen.

JUBAL A. EARLY oIVa. slonen. Application for rates to clubs should only be wide to the office of the Company in New Orleans Write for circulars or send orders to n. A.

DAVPHirr New Orleans La. or Same Person at No. 319 Broadway. New York or P. 0.

Box No. 1R1 Atlanta Ga. 833 novll-dAwkySw Havana Royal Lottery. A. CARD.

THE THE UNDERSIGNED JL respectfully beg leave to call the attention of their customers and the public In general to the next Grand Extraordinary Drawing to take place onth 23dday of December 1879. The number of Tickets being limited to only 1800011 The Capital Prize la 500000 Dollars and there will be besides OVKR A MILLION DOLLARS distributed in smaller PRIZES We have been established in the city of New Orleans since 1 43 notwithstanding parties not knowing our firm can apply to any Bank or firm here for reference. Send for plan and-address EXACTLY as follows BORNI04ROTREB. Tobacconist. New Orleans Louisiana.

rour Prices on Tickets will be the very low 8378 IS TEE ONLY WATEE-CCnE South JL where normal seencies alone are scientifically applied by regularly qualified Hygienic Phy l- of both sexes. Not a particle of drug meal- tine or poisons of any kind given lathe treat' meat of toe side. And th recoveries axe more rapid and permanent thin under any other process of treatment known. Such diseases cc for which the Rot Springs Arkansas has been so peculiarly noted to cute are here treated with greater success than ever at the Springs. Uterine Diseases and Displacements and all Chronic Diseases a Specialty.

Treatment especial boon for invalid ladles. Address enclosing ttunn to either rJT O. ROBERTSON. Or Mrs. U.

D. 174 sepia diy red trl sun Atlanta. Ga. OBAY3 SPECIFIC MBDIVINX TRADE MARK The Great TRADE MAR Remedy An nnfaJllpg cure for Seminal Weasness matorrhea urn- potency and alt Diseases thatlol-- low as a sequence of Self- HUM TA1I18. Abu as loss AFTER TUtU.

of Memory. Universal Lassitude Pain in the Back. Dimness of Vision Premature Old Age and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Brave Tnli particulars In our pamphlet which we desire to send freeby mall to every one The Spedne. Medicine is sold by all druggists at 51 per package or six packages far 0 or will be sent free by mull on receipt of the money by addressingTHE GRAY WIDICtNE 0 No. 10 Mechanics' BU DETROIT Slicn.

KffVoM In Atlanta and everjl re 5 and I0c COUNTERS npo THE TRADE THE LIVE BUSINESS men of the day are. starting these counters We are the Xrfglntnr and Readquarter5l We have the only two Excjcsmvg and ten Jobbing Houses la the United atcs. eud lot CaU 200 4 203 Randolph Street CHICAGO se 4k 88 it IIOWTOJI 510' sepSS d3m sun wed Sri 7" HAVE PURCnAgED TUE TN- IMS1 in the stock of DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS etc. from Momrs. funnels ft Reynolds In the late firm of tou Samuel.

Reynolds and succeed theta a buiwa at th same place o2 Marietta St. Sorcross BuIlding. Dr. 15. Pemberton.

Thus Pullnm. and cites U. Greene have formed a partnenhip trader the firm name and style of I PULLUX i CO. to transact the WhaIseale and Retail Drag The SetaU and Prescription Department will under the saanagem ntof ourMr. Chat H.

Greens. ACCCBACTi PURITY EXCELLENCE willb our Motto and Aim in this Department. The Wholesale Department will be under the tnanagement ot our Dr. Pembertoo. BEST GOODS at lowest prices win control all our Dana.

edoaa. PHYSICIANS' SUPPLIES A EFJ- CIALTY. We solicit yoor patrons and pledge tooKonrb-ateBbmtoplease. rEMBERTo rULLUM CO. Atlanta Os.

Nortmber 18th 2878. 504 dim wed til sun JOHN FLAN NER YCO OpnunissionMerchanth y- VL Si 5 i J- 4 Xs. No. JOOLY-g BLOCK LTgrWT- A GENTS for JEWELS M1LL YAENS aa4 DOX 8TICSeic4 i- BAGGING and TIES fORSALT AT LOWEST MAR11 RATES. 7 FL0Ml2 ATTINTION Gnrrar' TO BC8I5BB iavoran TO VK- tin BOH cataaat medlett BUB ha.

Useasc and oar ete have priwaUensnd totiert ttat MlLTOii CANDIU rtAXDLEtt ATUOM8V. OpposIte Ualott Car Ehedj on Wall Set. twvea ElnbaU and tarkhnt B. ESTES sffs OaaBrviiil tisosoms. Practice ia the Courts 01 the Western arcuit in th Suprema Court of Oeoigia and elsewhere whan apecUlly retained.

ttO dtf A. AT R. KKC CAT CAY' it ABBOTT. Lu ATTORNEYS AD WVSOAAJB 7i Whitehall street-Rooms Nc 17 and 1 ssseptdim jr rUTi A iitt rw Hliana TTitiYEa HARRIS iljL ATTOaSKYAT tAVfi'- Otra No. 40 Bsoan Draw KOJJE.

GA. Refer by permission to Anderson blat it Co. Sal Broadway. N. r.

R. Lawton7Bnker Ms' eon Hon. Jo I. flrnwis lion Oeo. Hlllyer Atlanta.

Oa. rrvs Co. Jwnp Glover Co. jPCTORJTK ATLAW Practices la the Coatts ol Uia OcmuJsee Circuit and elsewhere by special contract. Collections promptly attended to.

i 000 iiojT dlfca ir A. JIAYUOOO MO aug iT dlr i' i-ATTORNEY At LAW. Collatiouu promptly attended to. OQ him Broad and JacksonMtreets opposite Mitchell Uoue Sn aprS7 dinu 8. JUVIM V- is ft ATTOBJEY cOUNOSLORATLAW Will practice la Wilkes and other counties the Northern Circuit and is the Supreme Court of Georgia.

WOol ctiona UlthfaUr attended to. 806 iteel41878 SPOOL COTTON ESTABLISHED IStti ONT GEORGE AICLARK 400 BROADWAY NEW tOBKt The distinctive fcature of ttlsspool oottoo are. that It is made from the very finest- SEA ISLAND COTTON. It Is finished soft at the cotton itont wnicnss is mnalellhasno waxing or irttdcll jttnUh to deceive the eyes it Is the smoothest and most elastte sewing thread In the jnarkettlor. machine sewing It ias no equal it Is wound on very produced In pool cottony beta dyed by a system patented by ourselves.

Ihe colors are ved by the NEW ANILINE PRocrS- rendering them sofTerfect and brilliant that dress makers everywhere use them instead of sewing The Black most perfect Puts We invite comparison and respectfully ask Ia Ue to give It a talr trial and convince themselves of ttraperiorityOTeralloUiert. To be had at wholesale at MOORE. llansII A 2r KISEK 4 C08 M. C. And it retail al ft Popular lllSTEtK1 Goods House of Cincinnati Packing Co.

PACKEMN Or QUIEX EXTBL SHOULDERS MD.3BEAE- FAST BACON-Cincinnati Olilp THEjEQulTHBLE LIFE ft TT 1 tit IUKBYBBYDE 1330. W. rjipreddent OEOT O. WHITE. n1 Southern Manager.

CASH ISSETS he Old the made bse iiijl UkI after three we their da e. 3. Tb trsiei esiel Ijr 4 clear Tlali a ty rf teet tf after dine ura cj tnr lamed by' wkieh baa ta aa sUlks whiefc Sb. Kb snr ra MBO slew bwatsiwi ZqiaH a fl rt LARS1EB raflu' AT Ay TIPrrc I t1yEruption11kh1flW 1rr1IUO eTmIfleflII1J OBkIfl Md ptIeaIdwbbVS lily Ih OU RMNN mo wopclcz 7 eriotipet2 br Vf flOT 0 pirflI. a VOUT1I 3oO4 fttrt.

bidL flndi 1w Wr I J14 rest th urSAce ttbW ikiii Wp1ng th et' we2t1 1Ib liwft ICh dU7 bre4. LktiITh kin II irmla uDAbUI 0 mnrtt4 fTWthL biJi CO the ptfEa of Ca d1e1 Lund nd Itching 114 ltTltithg Uu- TrTnOVI thvn. lesT1 thtboTts cL btmY. iui4 xei Irum dcad axikIei tiersflJ 4 ctemfl do tIe te41 2izieditl In mnjunetkn qIos ines FOR3O l''t 6rrnterPrt erl. WfEII POTTU 1 weu I tt ueftt 1th iIt Rhtun fot yrr 0113.ndg1a 1U7liS4d fsei4 ezIsn4ln erther4r0t my body ihavti flnflI 1 fqrthUoo4 ol dIre indi aii4 Lrgd rud irtani.

LU of whith did Do and It tii he cciii tnuW k11tiOflifl nlrlelllhrthlcofe rik 4scaL4 1 gut a bZ 1 olicur jlicol 0IId kok4he Iiid1ILiIiZ6 CWfl. 1havs w1 eiLL bOZ 1 1114 1 uii4er 7 me one ii Mre en. II wWi3 A1 fl Iw4 bC 9. aU ga p. torn CUT CURL.

WOhTe stveotLeprOyin uurpuorboueswbicbhbdng cured UUC' en4Msent eW YO Ivlt Tbe bEII 11 hli bed br tw and ebdl1. notbad dn t1U tyben lked nineof Tb day. ii a Wtdo 1 IObecnre4toMythleL YOUTtfl2iT AiLegafl tLWL 11 1b1e Lid tuinown to in oftiflt letter Ye drxniy Ijee cAl aon by CbeInIIJtS prughtD. fld fftr eit Drugtiti and 111 ttTftTA rnie CtASAPe1it1 bbyniai1 zake. UL COLLINS' We Ours TktC old PLASt Beck aid Bow- Dypia the ini an 4 usj4unww A8NOViCEflNTh.

Wear. tanpounce cERLId flRM4NLnd1dte octi9 3 iit WeM-JAP BAk noy2l-4td lO san01dste for ti18 0Tfl hec it Wai 37 nOVI td nt1tlltk1l1 Ikeso nucoLTtlUS r130 70 Rnount JOrf4UOCU Wall lctotr83 1079. ilb FuurthWard-C octl8-dtd PIee.e 1tmufl J. acaid1dabeie at lit enin- log 434 oct1911 of 1 JON At so1lc1tatonn4 w' 1rIriid. II11te11 FUthWU3 REDP tlI IttIi I I.

ii I7. nov2l-dtd 710 bli. 7iS noy29-d2t OVTHZ GRAT8OUTRERN dfoz unit. rii hug Gout in olbnDtQR MUdtia es ng tP2XS ofthsblooU fll i al31bi11Tr noUc in Liii e10901 famil3' ctie. be 01 familIes Tbe Fluid xtract 0 otOcr Push ol 1111 tto Re more M.

E. 7 blitxiendiaadscq A kfl am I U. fldadd x' bim ol rbeea aoti uestqeck EI1h4 Cc im1twS oo14 gus timonitfromeu Slaijin Oh. tooth frs sTeq I child itht Fllafly Ui byrepuia. WbO1M11 OL daarqlw P1 flA1F iuuIric i ot ely Xesey.

e4 es ml the DRJAQUERCO l3OWest t1Vte- A'- to pLihe UiK ttna i jc1 buj. ciciDftbe ferry dithoda Mr8 Mark powder oi qfjhe Ideit dt1I erIethetOUtyr Ii iiL' I i 11 MtIIOILl Bell. Mrioaaunty1 tnadetbynnmbs1aofwnatblenon oitb twodoflangillozi A balei In thePaL4flstofa tb otbe1 diy. Verylitil. daniige Foir b1t.

two Go1Tcmparikucbeci1rattu1d in5 d. ye of tnunty byttra Tue oMr 8' iIt tqn The i geeiI i tl gtd1lfttn baYinp1eted 4 twrncevifle street 1b4dr dtyich tb7W1L1CIoog vpy WQbdes1JbeQf The tAiu iI MrAwtey fatherof iil perhaps. I theprice ie ColumbosTirnes takenauddenlylil oMciiU1JiG. MeCrai- the I herttiroat. MeCrarylnforrus 29 llunnicutt1 aC9iipiteJy PolicirienRicliardson Fitera1i two wereatt Thecntranca thapolice eutt sonsjrkeda a The women-also soil Vioii rj11ingop aid c4 th IoWtd drawn ogaifuciijture trejyiiere It as enuifl eitIwho taUrnl1UouIn1hsCitJtQbPtttOU death.

In 1eiuj- Aftet Jaetq reluctantly Ii at his asiistaiits appears upon li emigeged bare Ortoberand eltherfishorftlrsweremarked the been loud 111 inno tn tia1eeer. herq wilt psske deatlrtetlves ol st the ins as 1ierted. Jeha Keelj' Thai whtchiobn Keelycarries failto of arethiLway innlmtg souse ten years coniptfti4n be 4 never until frontof lprond Yrkgntn' hrhssoniy W8OZe saJesbae of pelletbaUd buy morestock- trioe th teptrnbePl Is is so for it deerreu to it. Mr. Kis st ibis ttdnew York wiU be tetthot bower he Is going which he eeIyI 8Ll Aeat 4iie.

ol lSsdc kM tWlflid fzoa Atlallia. there ii ba I and will make a report. ubelleve. soecrdiUs lbs I bacts of lbs ae. Pefoes be tthl cosaple his jwor fonespondent I lEe e1denUy burelerence4o tie Lu tIgstkncamito sanc Jtelt.

iome2ayi omwbat csnL1yaPOt able toueatIn. Nwejem3tot 1a1ciougyjachEedtq xd fre THWARRIIOWIIIDS. I.c- Dade. tiNovember2O.AfearfnI tar a4 hjIijed thern orffof thrfty7eaterdaj bIac cIod i i vs th Tw ban1JoobfsiiLscli ftnear4the dty. DirectIywdtItige of rilehepa 10111 lit up by ared electric 1lgiL 4bec1uM424I.

Wh9witaW4It tJah4eokt4 WL4441nto' nd Md 4k iack Le wfriclg4IrI tIiot4btso. Ttutsnck the thy at the far erutotFourth tzeet Ptbinsoga bpuse Tbeu 11 the city it Can hill. Iiuisviie bati the least irieft atandingexeepi est thegzandstaodis ed andblowu away. amid streams amastrewmm 1) lfobinaotlmqtl sIIglldnagdabuI a Third completely- now The loss Is 70A ibeuburb knownas gemleral ly. 4 0 floe IIdueI neveranlenin so liernard aa tante.

wasthe the kind lL4114. to pntgfan ject clos to th rcujar term therecipient was loyed tile which and It do willcotmtributeto his Laura Atny shewlilbe the work orelakimg au terest whodesires any everpaid the mentor ment eloquent the Malice of t' trite i 1 nds give the may the it. will The The 1ing Maria fArenoou. Thismorning pie. min4 The ized gratunie was ac the tarie orde and Spatiishgrandees the of elated Icr 0 med Thomas Ediii that ParN withsIselectric11gbtwhich perfected.

je piles. may themim. number lnta f- by O8 jneii tieoo1orei1 COU the fep uie au. ni ood. th beforethe Foplelakeitwith goodeulect itbuildsthem Itisnotas pleasant the aosme oilserBitters I inot a i boneettethat has tig11 try Hop ews.

vaTheesapeare4in I yupap ptjheth Inst. ag if un- 1u blo sneninch. injustice. gsomireportelI fatessetn1batelty box said ItdeObtaInSl-e44lrectedto me which tkeIpress lif. fouhdthcontaln a bUS Ipeastode4w jndnot jtbei1sfl 1nthIaeerto publish- this IoAtlantioa.

bet PEOI. TICKET. cLIsByzEwNN Ci 1RJJBA1 4 I Xi 1-- 1JvOTD------------- ihWati.LXOOZZflILD.- tVtrUA iIUII No. Iryor rpe. iDUU PDuLImijgy ovau 1P kind.

Faiesdj9e lnmtogiefl diana etjouda. will bj Builne soilolteit thfact1otj gimamaed 5Jj sesh A WAITED. ieIi7dtf bv ffue7' 0i5 5fIv4 F1NANEANUCOMEC BoIDRTociLa rboN 07710g. The 1ud ad icTe and bus1ne in each Is quote affj eIling pr Gee 4s. ioe AGsaiaWrralmio O8Orgt 1Q7IOg Atlantatity to.

scaie Geomgla Os. 71 goiJlMus 4gia Jli Augesta ttty 7a 15liX 88. Cfxnh1d 8. en 3 WeternLLof Mau30c1ty-7om73 Ala. 18 mtge31O1f2 cbIumbss Qtye3 WsslemLLot AlaOii kS GLLleci4im endoriedbyO tral IL R.

7sIo7 10s cema noiu t. i.n..i-- LoitkWPltk eealbpereetit- 15 mortgige11O lneomebondsJo631ot Atlsntata. 41111' Ge0rtL2LM4 85 We. Rfl.1d21t3 CentreIR L. 7 74 4t1sntaBtztR 100 LWlERJtGflt2 NEWYORL Stocks weak.

Money 67. Zxc1i1nge-long1 sham 8tateBondquIet Ng 2 Isrv-Bfw a 1os 1osrpege l3) Bond. duti. N. Y.

naiiry chicago a 41' PTPerreILIGI3 fAke ftocZsljnI41 mino rs5 Wcatan Ua1amlo NttabezgLioo 5- CoIn4ll0491ia7 Ge26rG2 1813 Dm ooNiTUTIoN 29 137) To-day the day light Ulc. thenmrktt butetill nt itI409 2slness lie al- dugh Th mid ilungu lIgllc llc. Tbeollowlnglaour Bywagon----- 272 AkLtneRallroad---------- Ri1IOad 56 6l4 Reeelptsprevlonsly------ Total----Stock Sept. 1--------------------------------------- total------------ to-day--------------year------ 187963237 1 52554 tom-same 42922 to-day-------- 4c9 same slay 1879 11748 1 i Ill i D- I li i 0 i t- i i I I i i- tci 1 Ei i 80 i I I I e1raph. iooa CoLioii middling uplands IddlingOrtatn7 ales eoo bttiossvecubhon exposttt1X2 batlpts lUU mid- dhn clause NovemberUdDeCebe deliTeey i336622 Decemberspd lanuifl' dellveeT 32 and February OCUYS7 X5 411 May sat Jnuedchvemy antiulydelirery 7 32 per rp towmlddllngdaUSI121Y and deJiyery I 802tApdl LIvzRroiloTrmb 952:30.

Amrrtesa uplands low mlddl1ag I FekmiaJ74-e1iTett6 w-rou 1d gtip4and.2 sitddlhnXOrleans s7tbs1e. 2807 gr SAWA 9280 tOe95toss OALVPTONNOTtmI dllngs-1l aiddilusa aOOdesdJaY1 nL betes gues- ie3. d11nD 123 ire' xtp. atek 52958 wg xp- tgnatBrttia d1Isgs flXwm1iflP 1l3 otdiT l1is as eeP is beles gree. LT3 ales 373 s95kZIU- U5ekoet10 95011- Ot- 1 wotbldtnry Ooli' aamyU 31 aeireP 8ckIUBi1 UPUto9517tZ i9IIL2 2CS5e.

I.U- i gAvueaH 1qvbe 1 ttos' iedei 4tiyh1swsistiInp i4 nW OILIANa9isiaber 29. quit mid deady middling Il low sul5dIb ii3 vcoli lC b1 Thiedn 7 France cnsqiwlie 1914. VOZIL Xoyeeb qaltt. aM WI30IddI95pIl34 low m9ddlInp1i3 od ULICr7 it ass reodp 7523 ke vs. mieu MZPllls 3oTet2L-4u qelet lower ki aen mig2iIun lI ed Tut.

lfilPtl95tiI1U uIIDiackOi7. I PAUGCRTAXOhiILIIt atmajii aid- dilegs 31k low middlinge Ilt good Udinary Le2 1141 bal ahlpments- mica lowmlJd11nuIl UIG nOddina 1I net 314 8330 atcmrk CJ3 eIp95 to tonuneat 70. rovIio QaAIxITc. r- 1 OMP8TITUTION iI tu I ui i I 1 imj 11 i 0 of I ft- 4 i LII- a I 0 11 i IH :1 tU os-es- i mgg-g flJtf 1 1I-1 i II- k1--i--I i- I Is'- audf1aJo. Reward extra 575g5D S75S725 euperdne 73p36ao 17 easierat em red 1144L45 mbes L50t5I60 rylazid S4G4 1L43 8lt0SLs13.

steady wh1te567i8 464J17 14g45 46t7. choice andweakfcloed winterred do. iIig t8 2 about34ciower verymoderate No34fy4. 7t 18. Flour sl250t126 5109 Sw3 z9 a3bid December.

NW TembET superfine Sidt1L75 85 5A9i 5O7l2. quiet mealdull quIet Bran buldatea firm mandandashadehlgher No2xnuxeii lower IL29 llSl3o 353363 DecemberOatsbigher 1ttse- Levd-eeareeead Bulk 4y 6j 43 SX e95Sl lOll. Bulkmeats 63 clear 6 54 rib b3 rc ued tierces 7 dork Bulk 4' clear 7Y Green 43 7957 Pork 64 6 shortelear tcii ST. LOUISNovember Lazdlitgberit7Bulkmeatsblgher loose at80o Pork 8 keas 8 elear Pork hlgherat strongand 7- 615. I I 1 I i fl LI LI IRto a 114 ReUevedln 14 III yeureedbcted CHILLSFFEVERT ourni tb use si luterual tbeaoyg eentfree flALBr5identowii glTIIfRLAS ye ed is7 appoiflxedstate 1 of be trnwnIttoldliectto soatoresury 8sm e.

0 aigbtfroan sfterJannary rst. posbbla. a Watery curing cipeTis tie after cho learn raic obtain tag tsetws oclockandtas4 Gz9octockl mu. OEO. IIAPUS.

21 nov9-dd lxi MINING CHEMICAL BUREAU WaU8trttl Gerte A. 8RATTW. IL GOGE LIITLZ MJnlag ngiOsICF rumniultiag Chemist. OLOICAL ISD tpons 1iooz wte. A TLATA LALZ IITITVTZ.

tI SDtSlON 07 1) AXD 1380. of meestre is vndthe the I Aug a. 1. 73' 1:3 G95rglL' l2suI1d I BULLCALF. A L31nesissrpedtgmUklr 13.

Vftf gmttle eM ilymensi and in OnC ObdiIiOl2. lasts 1 his s. DairY- of Jetsey lb. 4t Totxng Lochlmar. for futher euIaii of Psv801nqelre of tI 01 Tb.

t2saisCuiidOitins. GOODLICff iVTL I Henderi Prop rty Tw A 1WEW42 Ow jtoigniy AflERNOON. iefltuR Is 134 1 wIlt the IoIbbtubeibidderCacgsot iendon a U41-bII1 dwallthg of I r95tsz FistId. wish less pism azid uesW Louse. TWI psopetty is kse4 that miss ci gnspusd just beytmod the four emwers at We.t-Ead.-ead liati Lee and twaaem sCM stpflW1e bepii4is Wt' IIU ae4 Weslesn rail.

aslipiser lot a jcla ebto Ud tie pnrcht wib pi ef the ies ms4nTp tht netmers no dIi' ta MId pedeetly al neesseiL Tet Mllcashltalaziee tLb pee cedeD FIU1ItI JIOc21y wI1 laUb Yest Nudsuertesret I edock hee rl4et rh LLIOWLr CopI3q ne II1 Dy VI1IrCgI RDLTiI1D BT JJ PeXIOIcOUflAUnI etrcuitwlII the fret Tnafay 5l4 withIn bouriofalib4kjw1e reurmaeoocr coCDycd FaIsoI1SOLUgI toi IfgiIPIt the city of AUnis fienthag 80 feel en- the souta- eg aide of tleThoun attest between Decatur sad hera :80 a rofmamc kitchen ty andontheouthesatbypropcflyofMrs Lola rtQ1 i Tms can. MOtigrlWL 1. ADAILAuetiaeee dayofDceembcner acres 01 land sowawtfroma fa1lIn reslilee onthe leprop1ty. dTftwlbthanle O. ADAIU.Auelleneer- GEMUNDEN PROPERTY I t1POTIIE afternoon 57 posters.

One room room bus flee. These RumphriesMc- Danlelaud anddlv4ded Lie th oboe RIyer. been admired inbred It ract many andmny lots fbi the and on cx- terms-one-fourth one per cent 0. reet. tSSnorlS-ditmiovlS2SSstec79 ADAIBAuctioneer WILLSELL 1.

In--------- lot sid shoelim of beautifnIlysituated an Fafrand eireetind btittnever wsntmga wheretea1r tiureend watergood balaneeone and GW ADAIR vy bery Calhatonce. G1YAPAIR. 419 nov6 25 30 HOUSEAND SALE I the1 lot place. novl6-d3t 43 WAflAIqAucttoucer I the lug ortl syfsetw1th Thisproperty thecen' of gas lines-all Tb1swl1l CAB POSTPONED SALE A DVKRTIIED t1. be hervtotoropoetcd.

0 LETTER LILT. 1ST Ji iostoiflceat thedaic. A A BailowAnnteMra LawLCo Berry BoomiIan BathLinmaian. Long. El Mrs LangfordJuio fl Boyd lIrownWP aMiE3 1 ClaytonMlnne7 ezomun scie sup cLiguinTj noises.

Cram. Trod ML coIqulIt. ff5 rnmpJ It IV Mfls0n Mssbborn Saab. Agnes 80 Driver I A Bongtasiude Pam 91 A tickle A saris. Orange leon Wes Battle 31 P111mm Vannab Rosklns 3ra1155 Floyd.

Mrs FloydAJ 1tIgtnterRetlrTO 1elJLSVC Rawesifl FIInJsPA FUU. Leon Slngictoa Mm 100dm. A I 80 GrayCl bumeeNMr Grveo. Emma SpaldlDX Mci She Chthtzine vpsngleA surtiuiiuIt I fitalllngsZC Katie Miss Sladef. Sanford GreyLtmneMri Settle Ii U-Hicks ReSet 3IaIIndMb.

IlyrmeliLA SU3elzL' Miss HammonA A Todd. Robe Uulmesalhe sb UuMhlaioe Thieru Meitsia Hamab Ecdcn Toseoce lJmi Ll Urnan Joe Tb. Loa Howell Gee 7 ma eel MoInes f1II I Tthbs. Masy JknhowjW I WISfiemi. ar Iriwamdttb WeodjBHpe1L lIedaoLissiSJIT eWbbaeheetc 53 3111sf WaI4ies Ma Mrs JnheBeisMci UIIkIaIJC JoeCM WbleJeasIsMIse Jones WeIsJR JlckRtBry WbISMa JohnsuaHeoy WadRart JmJc- bNJ.

NLfl P. 5' iNWIEICE- Thkusvesboociao1aa I I1TI MfIB xtoir I iiir- 0 ovcnka ii- I to. ATXNTW FZLIIIB 1V. 7 ci 1a1 Pain PkLICETIIXE COUTi RIGKTSFORThE PU1I TOE SALE BT'- i d9m 7- ItANINO MILL. ATLANta GA.

4rulBTirrc eed 0ev neest Ptad ary. WHEA We have tite lmesx OALbA RUSt PSOOF UULDN wrn-r. R. Also acsr oov wsux ohnsoii Co 1XFLSML bARLusJ5L37 ltaKIsTXa sTItrATIANTA OSt1 hit W11O8DIStrlbUttd. LonnaSto Lotthy Oompaiiy the Legimlature of as.

Charitable purpese. is lkG fe She tr ci TweaIiflwe Years Si nissct lalthotth Slatelsitiedgeilwltha I t-OflmiIl II. whiebwlIl Deeciab. itCh Underthe erinna5 enpervleIotv UTBEIUJIEIIARD Of Tlekets are I tls3LJIl0O95 IORANDPRIZSOS' so0e0. 95CO0.

1 I 29001 800 40000 10 oo 20000 0 11 279 J522H0 rateatoclubs ebouldooly I A NewOrleans orfamoPeruon No1M 39 rho I. on 1h 23si day icember1879. TleketsbehngUxnlted toonlyll000Ii 500 000 theiewlfl bebeddes OVktA Otloms 1343 and addree. BJRhIO I1ROTILR. WOurJrlcei wthie vgrylowe oviS-dito ATLA1TA Ucalift Institute.

IT1KISISTIIEONLY :1. regnlaSyquillfled Phyl. the- hs5been treatedwlth attlie jy 174sep141dIwedMslUl AtIaitISd TRADE-MARK English unfaflIgcure per- Diseasesthatfol- quenceolSelf TAIIUAbuse seLos. ojvision 014Age andmanj W7iIII Inonrpaunphlet. whlchwedeatreto seudtrceby WThe orsixpaekagee S5orwtllbeentfreebymall addeeselug iSlE 80.

Itlsk. Soli where lv all utrurciots 4 netS dAwe dayar oulytwo theUnlted Sates. 1lIIeUdIOr logue and artlrulsrsU TIs3X. 19B 200ZO2flandOlph SlOaeplSd3m NOtiie to- fle P1ibU TTz met it In the No. ML rtnemebtpunder rU9.

be mnagementot PUR1TF Mottosad iI1 yoerpatroxtsge sndpledge to nseourbstedbm to tdesse. NoyemberlSth 5I55sU555iU5UiIi5SiHiU5UUS5SI idza rwxm. max a. soassox. FLANNERY5CO.

CottonPactors AND mLTaBzOCK O' Lj sadDOXTIBeic. etc. FOR SALB GTVE ALL BU80N LIBERAL YAi MADE OS COMBIOX. BEhrfeu11 Ifsiitl i1WeaNsawusssss TBSBL3ING cARrriTIiT i1Y1TiT 0I lisa eIpeItmenlwith reseMissloig hr Int re. ailed Ia Ike JelcUhiii of ac of tes 2.

seek lwwUlgseL and o-io1 etbthc es ieeaed bi10 pesiasaiZi se caae4 we th ft 4 Ltwvasss-- WK 1OMON 0AflLETHO80ON. ATTOEZ4ETS ALAW 3 BsowiBuicg DuLhed be imbsJ 73 noy25-dii a IR.RbTZ.s CLAitDt tawNor a ATIORhLTS AT LAW Pruetfoeta ireultl6. UomgIs heespecia1lyretaIned 955et4f. AfrRNET LAW. sep95 etam NavoreowGzomlA.

e. a. aaxi v. aeens iIetAY COUNSELORS 7 Xci. 13.

AILASTA Osoiau. S. JvImtLsst ILLYFJL at- AT LAW Lawton Beaker Mi- Ga. HonJoi AUantaOaRerryuCo CsmupGlovrr tio l7Mp295-4em ALVI2I 5151011GM. AT LAW Manmog Uaoaoia.

theconitsoitha thunnlgeqcieuIl 2P to V' ATTSY AT LAW Art.urrA- Ososoma. 79 54 WhItehall street. 15. ncLmiiisuJ Titottasritie GIORGIA. Office Jackaizi streets I ATTORNY WAsstxo-oic Grosoma.

I 1512 fra A. LABL SOLE AGENT featurreof this spool llisfinithedsoftutmiesxltlonmm-0m tode. In market for. machthesewthgttIiuno ltlswoundon SVILITJ SPOOLS. Is he JET- BLACK I beIng he dyed thstdress silks.

A Gold Medal was iwarded this spool cotton at 1878 for gmeaI strength" sad genecit excellence being the highest award given for spool cotton. ladles toglyeltalalrtrii1 IIi superiority over ill othert. eat FxIsEitacO.ts.-- at the AUSTELL. MNGUM 2f6 oetll-dlm a i 1 a TIlE PORKARD 07 TIlE WT BRAND OF SUGAR- CURED BAMB AND BREAK- 511 G3Ifl THE EqUITABLE B. 120 EBOAD WAYEW YOlK nzxam.

nyiir ALPiANDR. President. 070. I Gaol 36OOOOOO. CAHURPLVS 7000000.

LFhrugliset Vatted Mates Oh. and Xew Pe11el alIk ci EaItabI. Lit. Aseursags cIty arc iaesuLealble dad. Theeagrart eelsely sad Iezprreed weatalutag call seb prwisl as a.

aruewar7 Eprstett the Ilklbolderw i 3 Each rdlaary Pc1Ie3 eseM Saw adaaltaerreaderycle sep Auir1aasiesy isSanfeig. 4 fran Mi dcl. 4. Tb. TulIa lwIae Jud Felt er' au this cWf esed hsebeeclsueeeeSaldpeeatla Saw- Ib lass.

la ys sei peu4 Ii baa biec eiteceNijr pr Imal by Ld8c baei es sdIrs dike eaatry Urn. dared rescUe ucpreeedctedla aaI i LISa Ascraae avra aseaal buM. s. ZqaUcbi. Ju Assaraas stsy ha.

paste5gks bi WAM MAT qTMEetPa 180 XJITNE1M. ThLMduIapss4itbcgec lMMva. r1bIs seet1istsi Mpi. a4bsrsas mc t.1e..l.4. a q'.

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.